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DotNetToolPak v 1.01

A new release of the DotNetToolPak is available for download.

Included (with permission) are the following tools:

  • Denis Bauer's ASP.NET Version Switcher
  • Brian Scott's Cropper
  • NDoc
  • NUnit
  • Roy Osherove's Regulator
  • Lutz Roeder's .NET Reflector (sort of, included is a shortcut and a tool to download it)

    For this release there are no Visual Studio Add-ins.

    Some have requested RSS readers, I don't think those tools really belong in this install package. And anything created by Microsoft, I'll let Microsoft distribute.


    posted on Saturday, September 25, 2004 7:56 PM

  • posted on 2004-10-18 10:00  浙林龙哥  阅读(586)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报