
1. 概述


2. 两条线段交点求解过程

给定两条线段\(\overline{P_1 P_2}\)\(\overline{P_3 P_4}\),端点表示为\(P_1(x_1,y_1)\)\(P_2(x_2,y_2)\)\(P_3(x_3,y_3)\)\(P_4(x_4,y_4)\),两条线段对应的向量表示为\(\overrightarrow{P_1 P_2}\)\(\overrightarrow{P_3 P_4}\)。假设两条线段的交点为\(P_0(x_0,y_0)\),且\(t=\frac{|\overline{P_1 P_0}|}{|\overline{P_1 P_2}|}\)\(s=\frac{|\overline{P_3 P_0}|}{|\overline{P_3 P_4}|}\),那么 \(P_0\) 可以表示为:

\[\begin{cases} P_0=P_1 + t * \overrightarrow{P_1 P_2} , 0\leq t \leq 1 \\ P_0=P_3 + s * \overrightarrow{P_3 P_4} , 0\leq s \leq 1 \end{cases} \]


\[\begin{cases} x_1 + t * (x_2 - x_1) = x_3 + s * (x_4 - x_3) \\ y_1 + t * (y_2 - y_1) = y_3 + s * (y_4 - y_3) \end{cases} \]


\[\begin{aligned} t = \frac{ (x_3 - x_1)(y_4 - y_3) - (y_3 - y_1)(x_4 - x_3) }{ (x_2 - x_1)(y_4 - y_3) - (y_2 - y_1)(x_4 - x_3) } \\ s = \frac{ (x_3 - x_1)(y_2 - y_1) - (y_3 - y_1)(x_2 - x_1) }{ (x_2 - x_1)(y_4 - y_3) - (y_2 - y_1)(x_4 - x_3)} \end{aligned} \]


\[\begin{aligned} t = \frac{ \overrightarrow{P_3 P_1} * \overrightarrow{P_4 P_3} } { \overrightarrow{P_2 P_1} * \overrightarrow{P_4 P_3} } \\ s = \frac{ \overrightarrow{P_3 P_1} * \overrightarrow{P_2 P_1} }{ \overrightarrow{P_2 P_1} * \overrightarrow{P_4 P_3} } \end{aligned} \]

如果\(\overrightarrow{P_2 P_1} * \overrightarrow{P_4 P_3} = 0\),表示两条线段平行,如果端点在另一条线段上,则该端点为交点,否则不是。如果\(t\)\(s\)有一个没有落在区间\([0,1]\)内,则两条线段不相交。那么交点\(P_0\)的坐标为:

\[\begin{cases} x_0 = x_1 + t*(x_2 - x_1) \\ y_0 = y_1 + t*(y_2 - y_1) \end{cases} \]

\[\begin{cases} x_0 = x_3 + s*(x_4 - x_3) \\ y_0 = y_3 + s*(y_4 - y_3) \end{cases} \]



  1. How to check if two given line segments intersect?

  2. Find the Intersection Point of Two Line Segments

  3. Intersections of Lines In Three-Space  - Jon Garvin

posted @ 2023-06-19 22:23  Huntto  阅读(1314)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报