摘要:Scramble StringGiven a strings1, we may represent it as a binary tree by partitioning it to two non-empty substrings recursively.Below is one possible...
摘要:Binary Tree Preorder TraversalGiven a binary tree, return thepreordertraversal of its nodes' values.For example:Given binary tree{1,#,2,3}, 1 \ ...
摘要:Binary Tree Inorder TraversalGiven a binary tree, return theinordertraversal of its nodes' values.For example:Given binary tree{1,#,2,3}, 1 \ ...
摘要:Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IIISay you have an array for which theithelement is the price of a given stock on dayi.Design an algorithm to find the...
摘要:Unique Binary Search TreesGivenn, how many structurally uniqueBST's(binary search trees) that store values 1...n?For example,Givenn= 3, there are a to...
摘要:Interleaving StringGivens1,s2,s3, find whethers3is formed by the interleaving ofs1ands2.For example,Given:s1="aabcc",s2="dbbca",Whens3="aadbbcbcac", r...
摘要:Minimum Window SubstringGiven a string S and a string T, find the minimum window in S which will contain all the characters in T in complexity O(n).Fo...
摘要:Sort ColorsGiven an array withnobjects colored red, white or blue, sort them so that objects of the same color are adjacent, with the colors in the or...
摘要:Binary Tree Maximum Path SumGiven a binary tree, find the maximum path sum.The path may start and end at any node in the tree.For example:Given the be...
摘要:Maximum SubarrayFind the contiguous subarray within an array (containing at least one number) which has the largest sum.For example, given the array[−...
摘要:First Missing PositiveGiven an unsorted integer array, find the first missing positive integer.For example,Given[1,2,0]return3,and[3,4,-1,1]return2.Yo...
摘要:Sudoku SolverWrite a program to solve a Sudoku puzzle by filling the empty cells.Empty cells are indicated by the character'.'.You may assume that the...
摘要:Valid SudokuDetermine if a Sudoku is valid, according to:Sudoku Puzzles - The Rules.The Sudoku board could be partially filled, where empty cells are ...
摘要:Jump GameGiven an array of non-negative integers, you are initially positioned at the first index of the array.Each element in the array represents yo...
摘要:Sqrt(x)Implementint sqrt(int x).Compute and return the square root ofx.【注意】:1.本题int类型可能会溢出,因此不能用乘法运算,应尽量用除法。2. 绝大多数数字都不是可开方的,该如何得到比较近的结果呢?算法思路:思路1:顺序遍...
摘要:Palindrome Partitioning IIGiven a strings, partitionssuch that every substring of the partition is a palindrome.Return the minimum cuts needed for a p...
摘要:Word BreakGiven a stringsand a dictionary of wordsdict, determine ifscan be segmented into a space-separated sequence of one or more dictionary words....
摘要:Decode WaysA message containing letters fromA-Zis being encoded to numbers using the following mapping:'A' -> 1'B' -> 2...'Z' -> 26Given an encoded me...
摘要:Distinct SubsequencesGiven a stringSand a stringT, count the number of distinct subsequences ofTinS.A subsequence of a string is a new string which is...
摘要:Edit DistanceGiven two wordsword1andword2, find the minimum number of steps required to convertword1toword2. (each operation is counted as 1 step.)You...