Python Resources

Python是一种语法简洁优美的,面向对象的,内置高级数据结构,支持模块 和包,支持多种平台,可扩展的解释型通用编程语言。


蟒蛇的宝洞 - chinese python wiki 全面的python中文学习资料
啄木鸟 Pythonic 开源社区 主张协作与共享的python空间


学习python(第二版) 是非常好的初学资料,目前只有英文版。
简明 Python 教程 — 无论您刚接触电脑还是一个有经验的程序员,本书都将有助您学习使用Python语言。
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

Scientific computing :

Numerical Python Homepage - NumPy, Numeric and Numarray
SciPy - Scientific Tools for Python
Matplotlib - matplotlib is a python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms. matplotlib can be used in python scripts, the python and ipython shell (ala matlab or mathematica), web application servers, and six graphical user interface toolkits.
IPython - An enhanced Interactive Python shell
More - about python and scientific computing

posted on 2006-04-05 19:39  hunter_gio  阅读(333)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
