今天仔细看了Pycon2006的内容,发现了一些好的资料,就DL了下来。其中,有一篇Paper是介绍如果使用敏捷的开发和测试方法进行Python开发。其中,包括的内容是我到目前为止看到的最全面的Agile Toolkits介绍:
1. Source control management ( subversion) and issue tracking/project management ( Trac)
2. TDD/unit testing ( py.test, doctest, nose, TestOOB)
3. unit tests as documentation ( doctest and epydoc)
4. code coverage (the coverage module)
5. source code analysis ( pylint, pyflakes, pychecker)
6. acceptance/functional testing ( PyFit/FitNesse, TextTest)
7. performance testing ( FunkLoad, twill)
8. Web application testing with Selenium and twill
9. Scripting Selenium tests using a Twisted-based server
10. Python package management ( distutils, setuptools, Cheesecake index)
11. Continuous integration and 'smoke test' ( buildbot )
posted on 2007-07-26 11:23 hunter_gio 阅读(563) 评论(1) 编辑 收藏 举报