
今天在看Programming C#4.0突然发现了一个典故,挺有意思,发上来分享一下:

C-family languages tend to number things from zero, and C# follows suit. This may seem a little idiosyncratic, but it makes sense to the computer. You can think of it as saying how far into the array you want to look. If you want to look at the thing right at the start of the array, you don’t need to go any distance at all, so an offset of zero gets you the first item.  If  you’re  British,  you’ll  recognize  this  logic  from  floor numbering the first floor in a building in Great Britain is not the one at street level; you have to go up one flight of stairs to get to the first floor.


posted on 2012-02-23 09:11  胡茂晓  阅读(581)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
