[ python ] 作业:选课系统
功能代码实现源地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lianzhilei/p/5832691.html 如有侵权,立即删除
本文主要是分析 选课系统 实现思路及上面代码的实现过程,感谢python前辈分享出源码。
角色:学校、学员、课程、讲师 要求: 1. 创建北京、上海 2 所学校 2. 创建linux , python , go 3个课程 , linux\py 在北京开, go 在上海开 3. 课程包含,周期,价格,通过学校创建课程 4. 通过学校创建班级, 班级关联课程、讲师 5. 创建学员时,选择学校,关联班级 6. 创建讲师角色时要关联学校, 7. 提供两个角色接口 8. 学员视图, 可以注册, 交学费, 选择班级, 9. 讲师视图, 讲师可管理自己的班级, 上课时选择班级, 查看班级学员列表 , 修改所管理的学员的成绩 10. 管理视图,创建讲师, 创建班级,创建课程 11. 上面的操作产生的数据都通过pickle序列化保存到文件里
学校类、课程类、讲师类、学生类 class School: pass class Course: pass class Teacher: pass class Student: pass
1. 创建北京、上海 2 所学校
通过实例化可以创建这两所学校 sh = School(xxx) bj = School(xxx)
2. 创建linux , python , go 3个课程 , linux\py 在北京开, go 在上海开
三个课程,我们可以通过实例化课程类实现 linux = Course(xxx) python = Course(xxx) go = Course(xxx)
linux\py 在北京开, go 在上海开 这就说明 School 类下有course这个属性,因此 School 修改为:
class School: def __init__(name, addr, course): self.name = name # 学校名 self.addr = addr # 学校地址 self.course = course # 学校里的课程 class Course: def __init__(name, price, time): self.name = name self.price = price self.time = time course = Course(name, price, time) # 实例化课程类 school = School('上海', '上海市', course) # 类的组合
3. 课程包含,周期,价格,通过学校创建课程
到第三点要求的时候,上面的代码得改写了,如下: class School: def __init__(name, addr, course): self.name = name # 学校名 self.addr = addr # 学校地址 def create_course(self): # 通过学校创建课程 pass class Course: def __init__(name, price, time): self.name = name self.price = price self.time = time
4. 通过学校创建班级, 班级关联课程、讲师
到第四点又多了一个班级的类,这个类里包含哪些属性呢? 班级名、班级上课的讲师、班级要上的课程、班级里的学生 class School: def __init__(name, addr, course): self.name = name # 学校名 self.addr = addr # 学校地址 def create_course(self): # 通过学校创建课程 pass class Course: def __init__(name, price, time): self.name = name self.price = price self.time = time class Grade: def __init__(name, teacher, course, student): self.name = name self.teacher = teacher self.course = course self.student = student
源码地址:功能代码实现源地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/lianzhilei/p/5832691.html 如有侵权,立即删除
{school:{course:{'teacher': teacher, 'grade': grade}}}
main_db = {school:{course:{'teacher': teacher, 'grade': grade}}} school = School('上海') 上海学院下面的课程信息: course = main_db[school] 上海学院python课程下面的老师和班级信息: python = Course('python') info = main_db[school][python]
作业要求是通过 pickle 序列化到本地文件
main_list = ['学校中心', '讲师中心', '学生中心', '退出']
import pickle def options(li): for i, k in enumerate(li): print(i+1, k) choice = input('>>>').strip() return choice def start(): while True: choice = options(main_list) if not choice: continue if choice == '1': print('\033[33;1m【学校中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '2': print('\033[33;1m【讲师中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '3': print('\033[33;1m【学生中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '4': print('退出') break if __name__ == '__main__': main_list = ['学校中心', '讲师中心', '学生中心', '退出'] start()
根据流程图, 第二步我们需要选择学校名,而我们并没有任何数据信息,这里就需要先初始化学校信息:
import os, pickle BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) __db_main = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'main_dict') # 学校内容文件 __db_teacher = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'teacher_dict') # 讲师课程内容文件 class School(object): '''学校类''' def __init__(self, name, addr): self.name = name self.addr = addr def options(li): '''序号和标题循环打印,返回选择序号''' for i, k in enumerate(li): print(i + 1, k) choice = input('>>>').strip() return choice def start(): '''开始程序,根据选择的序号进入不同的视图''' while True: choice = options(main_list) if not choice: continue if choice == '1': print('\033[33;1m【学校中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '2': print('\033[33;1m【讲师中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '3': print('\033[33;1m【学生中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '4': print('退出') break def file_oper(file, mode, *args): '''根据文件的读或者写,做不同的操作,读返回文件内容信息''' if mode == 'wb': data = args[0] with open(file, mode) as f: pickle.dump(data, f) elif mode == 'rb': with open(file, mode) as f: data = pickle.load(f) return data def init_database(): '''初始化学校信息''' sh = School('上海', '上海市') bj = School('北京', '北京市') if not os.path.exists(__db_main): data = {sh: {}, bj: {}} file_oper(__db_main, 'wb', data) if not os.path.exists(__db_teacher): data = {} file_oper(__db_teacher, 'wb', data) if __name__ == '__main__': init_database() main_list = ['学校中心', '讲师中心', '学生中心', '退出'] start()
__db_main = {sh: {}, bj: {}} __db_teacher = {}
import os, pickle BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) __db_main = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'main_dict') # 学校内容文件 __db_teacher = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'teacher_dict') # 讲师课程内容文件 class School(object): '''学校类''' def __init__(self, name, addr): self.name = name self.addr = addr def cat_school(self): print('\033[32;1m学校【%s】\t地址【%s】\033[0m' % (self.name, self.addr)) def options(li): '''序号和标题循环打印,返回选择序号''' for i, k in enumerate(li): print(i + 1, k) choice = input('>>>').strip() return choice def information(db, mode): dict_info = {} if db: for key in db: if mode == 'main': key.cat_school() if not isinstance(key, str): dict_info[key.name] = key return dict_info def school_center(): Flag = True while Flag: main_db = file_oper(__db_main, 'rb') res_school = information(main_db, 'main') school_name = input('\033[34;1m选择学校名:\033[0m') def start(): '''开始程序,根据选择的序号进入不同的视图''' while True: choice = options(main_list) if not choice: continue if choice == '1': print('\033[33;1m【学校中心】\033[0m') school_center() elif choice == '2': print('\033[33;1m【讲师中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '3': print('\033[33;1m【学生中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '4': print('退出') break def file_oper(file, mode, *args): '''根据文件的读或者写,做不同的操作,读返回文件内容信息''' if mode == 'wb': data = args[0] with open(file, mode) as f: pickle.dump(data, f) elif mode == 'rb': with open(file, mode) as f: data = pickle.load(f) return data def init_database(): '''初始化学校信息''' sh = School('上海', '上海市') bj = School('北京', '北京市') if not os.path.exists(__db_main): data = {sh: {}, bj: {}} file_oper(__db_main, 'wb', data) if not os.path.exists(__db_teacher): data = {} file_oper(__db_teacher, 'wb', data) if __name__ == '__main__': init_database() main_list = ['学校中心', '讲师中心', '学生中心', '退出'] start()
上面的代码中,School 类中增加了一个cat_school 查看学校属性的方法,最主要的是增加了一个 information 函数,这个函数一定要理解:
sh = School('上海', '上海市') bj = School('北京', '北京市')
main_db = {sh: {}, bj: {}}
sh、bj 都是School实例化后的对象,这里就需要通过 information 来做转换
def information(db, mode): dict_info = {} if db: for key in db: if mode == 'main': key.cat_school() if not isinstance(key, str): dict_info[key.name] = key return dict_info
information(main_db, 'main')
1. 首先 key 就是school对象,通过对象.方法查看school类的方法cat_school()
2. if not isinstance(key, str): 当 key 不是字符串类型,这里 key 是实例化后的类型,并不是字符串类型,因此返回的是 {'北京':bj, '上海':sh}
通过上面的步骤,我们已经可以进行选择学校,来到了学校内部,可以 ['创建课程', '招聘讲师', '创建班级']
import os, pickle BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) __db_main = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'main_dict') # 学校内容文件 __db_teacher = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'teacher_dict') # 讲师课程内容文件 class School(object): '''学校类''' def __init__(self, name, addr): self.name = name self.addr = addr def cat_school(self): print('\033[32;1m学校【%s】\t地址【%s】\033[0m' % (self.name, self.addr)) def options(li): '''序号和标题循环打印,返回选择序号''' for i, k in enumerate(li): print(i + 1, k) choice = input('>>>').strip() return choice def information(db, mode): dict_info = {} if db: for key in db: if mode == 'main': key.cat_school() if not isinstance(key, str): dict_info[key.name] = key return dict_info def school_center(): Flag = True while Flag: main_db = file_oper(__db_main, 'rb') res_school = information(main_db, 'main') school_name = input('\033[34;1m选择学校名:\033[0m') if school_name in res_school: school = res_school[school_name] # 通过学校名获取到了该学校名的类 while Flag: choice = options(school_list) # 循环打印学校中心下的功能点 if choice == '1': # 创建课程 pass elif choice == '2': # 招聘讲师 pass elif choice == '3': # 创建班级 pass elif choice == '4': # 返回 Flag = False # 退出到主界面 else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') def start(): '''开始程序,根据选择的序号进入不同的视图''' while True: choice = options(main_list) if not choice: continue if choice == '1': print('\033[33;1m【学校中心】\033[0m') school_center() elif choice == '2': print('\033[33;1m【讲师中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '3': print('\033[33;1m【学生中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '4': print('退出') break def file_oper(file, mode, *args): '''根据文件的读或者写,做不同的操作,读返回文件内容信息''' if mode == 'wb': data = args[0] with open(file, mode) as f: pickle.dump(data, f) elif mode == 'rb': with open(file, mode) as f: data = pickle.load(f) return data def init_database(): '''初始化学校信息''' sh = School('上海', '上海市') bj = School('北京', '北京市') if not os.path.exists(__db_main): data = {sh: {}, bj: {}} file_oper(__db_main, 'wb', data) if not os.path.exists(__db_teacher): data = {} file_oper(__db_teacher, 'wb', data) if __name__ == '__main__': init_database() main_list = ['学校中心', '讲师中心', '学生中心', '退出'] school_list = ['创建课程', '招聘讲师', '创建班级', '返回'] start()
1. 通过用户选择的学校名获取到了带学校名属性的类;
2. 使用Flag = True 循环,当要退出时候,直接可以退出到主界面,这里可以揣摩下,这种用法以后肯定会遇到。
import os, pickle BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) __db_main = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'main_dict') # 学校内容文件 __db_teacher = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'teacher_dict') # 讲师课程内容文件 class School(object): '''学校类''' def __init__(self, name, addr): self.name = name self.addr = addr def cat_school(self): print('\033[32;1m学校【%s】\t地址【%s】\033[0m' % (self.name, self.addr)) def create_course(self, main_db, course, main_file): main_db[self][course] = {} file_oper(main_file, 'wb', main_db) class Course(object): def __init__(self, name, price, time): self.name = name self.price = price self.time = time def cat_course(self): print('\033[32;1m课程【%s】\t价格【%s元】\t周期【%s个月】\033[0m' % (self.name, self.price, self.time)) def options(li): '''序号和标题循环打印,返回选择序号''' for i, k in enumerate(li): print(i + 1, k) choice = input('>>>').strip() return choice def information(db, mode): dict_info = {} if db: for key in db: if mode == 'main': key.cat_school() elif mode == 'course': key.cat_course() if not isinstance(key, str): dict_info[key.name] = key return dict_info def school_center(): Flag = True while Flag: main_db = file_oper(__db_main, 'rb') res_school = information(main_db, 'main') school_name = input('\033[34;1m选择学校名:\033[0m') if school_name in res_school: school = res_school[school_name] while Flag: choice = options(school_list) if choice == '1': # 创建课程 while True: print('\033[33;1m目前学校【%s】已经存在的课程信息:\033[0m' % school_name) res_course = information(main_db[school], 'course') print(type(res_course)) if not res_course: print('\033[31;1m目前没有任何课程信息.\033[0m') if_cont = input('\033[34;1m是否创建课程[y/b]:').strip() if if_cont == 'y': course_name = input('\033[34;1m输入课程名:').strip() if course_name not in res_course: course_price = input('\033[34;1m输入课程价格:').strip() course_time = input('\033[34;1m输入课程周期:').strip() course = Course(course_name, course_price, course_time) school.create_course(main_db, course, __db_main) else: print('\033[31;1m该课程名已存在.\033[0m') elif if_cont == 'b': break elif choice == '2': # 招聘讲师 pass elif choice == '3': # 创建班级 pass elif choice == '4': # 返回 Flag = False else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') def start(): '''开始程序,根据选择的序号进入不同的视图''' while True: choice = options(main_list) if not choice: continue if choice == '1': print('\033[33;1m【学校中心】\033[0m') school_center() elif choice == '2': print('\033[33;1m【讲师中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '3': print('\033[33;1m【学生中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '4': print('退出') break def file_oper(file, mode, *args): '''根据文件的读或者写,做不同的操作,读返回文件内容信息''' if mode == 'wb': data = args[0] with open(file, mode) as f: pickle.dump(data, f) elif mode == 'rb': with open(file, mode) as f: data = pickle.load(f) return data def init_database(): '''初始化学校信息''' sh = School('上海', '上海市') bj = School('北京', '北京市') if not os.path.exists(__db_main): data = {sh: {}, bj: {}} file_oper(__db_main, 'wb', data) if not os.path.exists(__db_teacher): data = {} file_oper(__db_teacher, 'wb', data) if __name__ == '__main__': init_database() main_list = ['学校中心', '讲师中心', '学生中心', '退出'] school_list = ['创建课程', '招聘讲师', '创建班级', '返回'] start()
1. 首先创建课程类和查看课程的方法;
2. 通过information函数执行查看课程的方法并返回{'课程名': 课程类},当没有课程的时候,一定要返回字典类型,因为后面需要做课程名是否存在的判断;
3. 在school类中添加新增课程的方法,因为通过要求得知,课程是通过学校创建的
4. 首先展示已经存在的课程信息,并得到{'课程名': 课程类},再次通过用户输入得到课程信息,通过用户输入信息实例化课程类,最后将实例化对象写入学校类的方法中
main_db = {school:{course:{'讲师名': 讲师类, '班级名': 班级类}}}
当用户输入讲师名的时候,需要判断该讲师是否已经存在,因此我们需要得到 {'讲师名': 讲师类}
s1 = set() # 这里需要定义一个set类型,因为无论数据存不存在,后续都需要进行判断 for key in main_db[school][course]: main_db[school][course][key].cat_teacher() # 这样就能执行查看讲师的方法 s1.add(key) return s1
1. 创建讲师类和查看讲师的方法;
2. 通过information函数执行查看讲师的方法并返回,当没有讲师的时候,一定要返回set()类型,因为后面需要做讲师名是否存在的判断;
3. 在school类中添加招聘讲师的方法;
import os, pickle BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) __db_main = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'main_dict') # 学校内容文件 __db_teacher = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'teacher_dict') # 讲师课程内容文件 class School(object): '''学校类''' def __init__(self, name, addr): self.name = name self.addr = addr def cat_school(self): print('\033[32;1m学校【%s】\t地址【%s】\033[0m' % (self.name, self.addr)) def create_course(self, main_db, course, main_file): main_db[self][course] = {} file_oper(main_file, 'wb', main_db) def hire_teacher(self, main_db, course, teacher, main_file): main_db[self][course] = {'teacher': teacher} file_oper(main_file, 'wb', main_db) class Course(object): def __init__(self, name, price, time): self.name = name self.price = price self.time = time def cat_course(self): print('\033[32;1m课程【%s】\t价格【%s元】\t周期【%s个月】\033[0m' % (self.name, self.price, self.time)) class Teacher(object): def __init__(self, name, age, school, course): self.name = name self.age = age self.school = school self.course = course def cat_teacher(self): print('\033[32;1m课程【%s】\t讲师【%s】\033[0m' % (self.course, self.name)) def options(li): '''序号和标题循环打印,返回选择序号''' for i, k in enumerate(li): print(i + 1, k) choice = input('>>>').strip() return choice def information(db, mode): set_info = set() dict_info = {} if db: for key in db: if mode == 'main': key.cat_school() elif mode == 'course': key.cat_course() elif mode == 'teacher': db[key].cat_teacher() set_info.add(key) if not isinstance(key, str): dict_info[key.name] = key return dict_info, set_info def school_center(): Flag = True while Flag: main_db = file_oper(__db_main, 'rb') res_school = information(main_db, 'main')[0] school_name = input('\033[34;1m选择学校名:\033[0m') if school_name in res_school: school = res_school[school_name] while Flag: choice = options(school_list) if choice == '1': # 创建课程 while True: print('\033[33;1m目前学校【%s】已经存在的课程信息:\033[0m' % school_name) res_course = information(main_db[school], 'course')[0] print(type(res_course)) if not res_course: print('\033[31;1m目前没有任何课程信息.\033[0m') if_cont = input('\033[34;1m是否创建课程[y/b]:\033[0m').strip() if if_cont == 'y': course_name = input('\033[34;1m输入课程名:').strip() if course_name not in res_course: course_price = input('\033[34;1m输入课程价格:').strip() course_time = input('\033[34;1m输入课程周期:').strip() course = Course(course_name, course_price, course_time) school.create_course(main_db, course, __db_main) else: print('\033[31;1m该课程名已存在.\033[0m') elif if_cont == 'b': break else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') elif choice == '2': # 招聘讲师 while True: print('\033[33;1m目前学校【%s】已经存在的讲师信息:\033[0m' % school_name) res_course = information(main_db[school], 'None')[0] if res_course: for i in res_course: k = res_course[i] res_teacher = information(main_db[school][k], 'teacher')[1] if not res_teacher: print('\033[31;1m课程【%s】\t讲师【None】\033[0m' % k.name) if_cont = input('\033[34;1m是否招聘讲师[y/b]:\033[0m').strip() if if_cont == 'y': teacher_name = input('\033[34;1m输入讲师名:').strip() teacher_age = input('\033[34;1m输入讲师年龄:').strip() course_name = input('\033[34;1m输入课程名:').strip() if course_name in res_course: course = res_course[course_name] if teacher_name not in res_teacher: teacher = Teacher(teacher_name, teacher_age, school_name, course_name) school.hire_teacher(main_db, course, teacher, __db_main) else: print('\033[31;1m该讲师名已存在.\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1m该课程名不存在.\033[0m') elif if_cont == 'b': break else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') elif choice == '3': # 创建班级 pass elif choice == '4': # 返回 Flag = False else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') def start(): '''开始程序,根据选择的序号进入不同的视图''' while True: choice = options(main_list) if not choice: continue if choice == '1': print('\033[33;1m【学校中心】\033[0m') school_center() elif choice == '2': print('\033[33;1m【讲师中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '3': print('\033[33;1m【学生中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '4': print('退出') break def file_oper(file, mode, *args): '''根据文件的读或者写,做不同的操作,读返回文件内容信息''' if mode == 'wb': data = args[0] with open(file, mode) as f: pickle.dump(data, f) elif mode == 'rb': with open(file, mode) as f: data = pickle.load(f) return data def init_database(): '''初始化学校信息''' sh = School('上海', '上海市') bj = School('北京', '北京市') if not os.path.exists(__db_main): data = {sh: {}, bj: {}} file_oper(__db_main, 'wb', data) if not os.path.exists(__db_teacher): data = {} file_oper(__db_teacher, 'wb', data) if __name__ == '__main__': init_database() main_list = ['学校中心', '讲师中心', '学生中心', '退出'] school_list = ['创建课程', '招聘讲师', '创建班级', '返回'] start()
1. 创建班级类和查看班级的方法;
2. 通过information函数执行查看班级的方法并返回,当没有班级的时候,一定要返回set()类型,因为后面需要做班级名是否存在的判断;
3. 在school类中添加班级的方法;
import os, pickle BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) __db_main = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'main_dict') # 学校内容文件 __db_teacher = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'teacher_dict') # 讲师课程内容文件 class School(object): '''学校类''' def __init__(self, name, addr): self.name = name self.addr = addr def cat_school(self): print('\033[32;1m学校【%s】\t地址【%s】\033[0m' % (self.name, self.addr)) def create_course(self, main_db, course, main_file): main_db[self][course] = {} file_oper(main_file, 'wb', main_db) def hire_teacher(self, main_db, course, teacher, main_file): main_db[self][course] = {'teacher': teacher} file_oper(main_file, 'wb', main_db) def create_grade(self, main_db, teacher_db, course, grade, teacher, main_file, teacher_file): main_db[self][course]['grade'] = grade file_oper(main_file, 'wb', main_db) teacher_db[teacher] = {'grade': grade} file_oper(teacher_file, 'wb', teacher_db) class Course(object): def __init__(self, name, price, time): self.name = name self.price = price self.time = time def cat_course(self): print('\033[32;1m课程【%s】\t价格【%s元】\t周期【%s个月】\033[0m' % (self.name, self.price, self.time)) class Teacher(object): def __init__(self, name, age, school, course): self.name = name self.age = age self.school = school self.course = course def cat_teacher(self): print('\033[32;1m课程【%s】\t讲师【%s】\033[0m' % (self.course, self.name)) class Grade(object): def __init__(self, name, course, teacher): self.name = name self.course = course self.teacher = teacher def cat_grade(self): print('\033[32;1m课程【%s】\t班级【%s】\033[0m' % (self.course, self.name)) def options(li): '''序号和标题循环打印,返回选择序号''' for i, k in enumerate(li): print(i + 1, k) choice = input('>>>').strip() return choice def information(db, mode): set_info = set() dict_info = {} if db: for key in db: if mode == 'main': key.cat_school() elif mode == 'course': key.cat_course() elif mode == 'teacher' and key == 'teacher': db[key].cat_teacher() set_info.add(key) elif mode == 'grade' and key == 'grade': db[key].cat_grade() set_info.add(key) if not isinstance(key, str): dict_info[key.name] = key return dict_info, set_info def school_center(): Flag = True while Flag: main_db = file_oper(__db_main, 'rb') res_school = information(main_db, 'main')[0] school_name = input('\033[34;1m选择学校名:\033[0m') if school_name in res_school: school = res_school[school_name] while Flag: choice = options(school_list) if choice == '1': # 创建课程 while True: print('\033[33;1m目前学校【%s】已经存在的课程信息:\033[0m' % school_name) res_course = information(main_db[school], 'course')[0] print(type(res_course)) if not res_course: print('\033[31;1m目前没有任何课程信息.\033[0m') if_cont = input('\033[34;1m是否创建课程[y/b]:\033[0m').strip() if if_cont == 'y': course_name = input('\033[34;1m输入课程名:').strip() if course_name not in res_course: course_price = input('\033[34;1m输入课程价格:').strip() course_time = input('\033[34;1m输入课程周期:').strip() course = Course(course_name, course_price, course_time) school.create_course(main_db, course, __db_main) else: print('\033[31;1m该课程名已存在.\033[0m') elif if_cont == 'b': break else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') elif choice == '2': # 招聘讲师 while True: print('\033[33;1m目前学校【%s】已经存在的讲师信息:\033[0m' % school_name) res_course = information(main_db[school], 'None')[0] if res_course: for i in res_course: k = res_course[i] res_teacher = information(main_db[school][k], 'teacher')[1] print(main_db) if not res_teacher: print('\033[31;1m课程【%s】\t讲师【None】\033[0m' % k.name) if_cont = input('\033[34;1m是否招聘讲师[y/b]:\033[0m').strip() if if_cont == 'y': teacher_name = input('\033[34;1m输入讲师名:').strip() teacher_age = input('\033[34;1m输入讲师年龄:').strip() course_name = input('\033[34;1m输入课程名:').strip() if course_name in res_course: course = res_course[course_name] if teacher_name not in res_teacher: teacher = Teacher(teacher_name, teacher_age, school_name, course_name) school.hire_teacher(main_db, course, teacher, __db_main) else: print('\033[31;1m该讲师名已存在.\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1m该课程名不存在.\033[0m') elif if_cont == 'b': break else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') elif choice == '3': # 创建班级 while True: teacher_db = file_oper(__db_teacher, 'rb') print('\033[33;1m目前学校【%s】已经存在的班级信息:\033[0m' % school_name) res_course = information(main_db[school], 'None')[0] if res_course: for i in res_course: k = res_course[i] print('k:', k) print(main_db[school][k]) print('--------------------------') res_grade = information(main_db[school][k], 'grade')[1] if not res_grade: print('\033[31;1m目前没有任何班级信息.\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1m目前没有任何课程信息, 请先创建课程.\033[0m') if_cont = input('\033[34;1m是否创建班级[y/b]:\033[0m').strip() if if_cont == 'y': grade_name = input('\033[34;1m输入班级名:\033[0m').strip() course_name = input('\033[34;1m输入班级要上的课程:\033[0m').strip() if course_name in res_course: course = res_course[course_name] if main_db[school][course]: teacher = main_db[school][course]['teacher'] if grade_name not in res_grade: grade = Grade(grade_name, course_name, teacher.name) print('grade:', grade) school.create_grade(main_db, teacher_db, course, grade, teacher, __db_main, __db_teacher) else: print('\033[31;1m讲师不存在,请先招聘讲师.\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1m课程名不存在,请重新输入.\033[0m') elif if_cont == 'b': break else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') elif choice == '4': # 返回 Flag = False else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') def start(): '''开始程序,根据选择的序号进入不同的视图''' while True: choice = options(main_list) if not choice: continue if choice == '1': print('\033[33;1m【学校中心】\033[0m') school_center() elif choice == '2': print('\033[33;1m【讲师中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '3': print('\033[33;1m【学生中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '4': print('退出') break def file_oper(file, mode, *args): '''根据文件的读或者写,做不同的操作,读返回文件内容信息''' if mode == 'wb': data = args[0] with open(file, mode) as f: pickle.dump(data, f) elif mode == 'rb': with open(file, mode) as f: data = pickle.load(f) return data def init_database(): '''初始化学校信息''' sh = School('上海', '上海市') bj = School('北京', '北京市') if not os.path.exists(__db_main): data = {sh: {}, bj: {}} file_oper(__db_main, 'wb', data) if not os.path.exists(__db_teacher): data = {} file_oper(__db_teacher, 'wb', data) if __name__ == '__main__': init_database() main_list = ['学校中心', '讲师中心', '学生中心', '退出'] school_list = ['创建课程', '招聘讲师', '创建班级', '返回'] start()
1. 班级类包含:班级、课程、讲师 信息
2. 这里就引入了第二个存储文件 __db_teacher 一定要知道数据类型的存储格式:
3. 必须取得讲师类才能进行第2步的操作
res_course = information(main_db[school], 'None')[0] if res_course: for i in res_course: k = res_course[i] # 这里就拿到了课程类 res_grade = information(main_db[school][k], 'grade')[1] # 这里就可以拿到已经存在或者为空的班级信息
course_name = input('\033[34;1m输入班级要上的课程:\033[0m').strip() if course_name in res_course: course = res_course[course_name] if main_db[school][course]: teacher = main_db[school][course]['teacher']
import os, pickle BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) __db_main = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'main_dict') # 学校内容文件 __db_teacher = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'teacher_dict') # 讲师课程内容文件 class School(object): '''学校类''' def __init__(self, name, addr): self.name = name self.addr = addr def cat_school(self): print('\033[32;1m学校【%s】\t地址【%s】\033[0m' % (self.name, self.addr)) def create_course(self, main_db, course, main_file): main_db[self][course] = {} file_oper(main_file, 'wb', main_db) def hire_teacher(self, main_db, course, teacher, main_file): main_db[self][course] = {'teacher': teacher} file_oper(main_file, 'wb', main_db) def create_grade(self, main_db, teacher_db, course, grade, teacher, main_file, teacher_file): main_db[self][course]['grade'] = grade file_oper(main_file, 'wb', main_db) teacher_db[teacher] = {'grade': grade} file_oper(teacher_file, 'wb', teacher_db) class Course(object): def __init__(self, name, price, time): self.name = name self.price = price self.time = time def cat_course(self): print('\033[32;1m课程【%s】\t价格【%s元】\t周期【%s个月】\033[0m' % (self.name, self.price, self.time)) class Teacher(object): def __init__(self, name, age, school, course): self.name = name self.age = age self.school = school self.course = course def cat_teacher(self): print('\033[32;1m课程【%s】\t讲师【%s】\033[0m' % (self.course, self.name)) class Grade(object): def __init__(self, name, course, teacher): self.name = name self.course = course self.teacher = teacher def cat_grade(self): print('\033[32;1m课程【%s】\t班级【%s】\033[0m' % (self.course, self.name)) def options(li): '''序号和标题循环打印,返回选择序号''' for i, k in enumerate(li): print(i + 1, k) choice = input('>>>').strip() return choice def information(db, mode): set_info = set() dict_info = {} if db: for key in db: if mode == 'main': key.cat_school() elif mode == 'course': key.cat_course() elif mode == 'teacher' and key == 'teacher': db[key].cat_teacher() set_info.add(key) elif mode == 'grade' and key == 'grade': db[key].cat_grade() set_info.add(key) if not isinstance(key, str): dict_info[key.name] = key return dict_info, set_info def school_center(): Flag = True while Flag: main_db = file_oper(__db_main, 'rb') res_school = information(main_db, 'main')[0] school_name = input('\033[34;1m选择学校名:\033[0m') if school_name in res_school: school = res_school[school_name] while Flag: choice = options(school_list) if choice == '1': # 创建课程 while True: print('\033[33;1m目前学校【%s】已经存在的课程信息:\033[0m' % school_name) res_course = information(main_db[school], 'course')[0] print(type(res_course)) if not res_course: print('\033[31;1m目前没有任何课程信息.\033[0m') if_cont = input('\033[34;1m是否创建课程[y/b]:\033[0m').strip() if if_cont == 'y': course_name = input('\033[34;1m输入课程名:').strip() if course_name not in res_course: course_price = input('\033[34;1m输入课程价格:').strip() course_time = input('\033[34;1m输入课程周期:').strip() course = Course(course_name, course_price, course_time) school.create_course(main_db, course, __db_main) else: print('\033[31;1m该课程名已存在.\033[0m') elif if_cont == 'b': break else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') elif choice == '2': # 招聘讲师 while True: print('\033[33;1m目前学校【%s】已经存在的讲师信息:\033[0m' % school_name) res_course = information(main_db[school], 'None')[0] if res_course: for i in res_course: k = res_course[i] res_teacher = information(main_db[school][k], 'teacher')[1] print(main_db) if not res_teacher: print('\033[31;1m课程【%s】\t讲师【None】\033[0m' % k.name) if_cont = input('\033[34;1m是否招聘讲师[y/b]:\033[0m').strip() if if_cont == 'y': teacher_name = input('\033[34;1m输入讲师名:').strip() teacher_age = input('\033[34;1m输入讲师年龄:').strip() course_name = input('\033[34;1m输入课程名:').strip() if course_name in res_course: course = res_course[course_name] if teacher_name not in res_teacher: teacher = Teacher(teacher_name, teacher_age, school_name, course_name) school.hire_teacher(main_db, course, teacher, __db_main) else: print('\033[31;1m该讲师名已存在.\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1m该课程名不存在.\033[0m') elif if_cont == 'b': break else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') elif choice == '3': # 创建班级 while True: teacher_db = file_oper(__db_teacher, 'rb') print('\033[33;1m目前学校【%s】已经存在的班级信息:\033[0m' % school_name) res_course = information(main_db[school], 'None')[0] if res_course: for i in res_course: k = res_course[i] print('k:', k) print(main_db[school][k]) print('--------------------------') res_grade = information(main_db[school][k], 'grade')[1] if not res_grade: print('\033[31;1m目前没有任何班级信息.\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1m目前没有任何课程信息, 请先创建课程.\033[0m') if_cont = input('\033[34;1m是否创建班级[y/b]:\033[0m').strip() if if_cont == 'y': grade_name = input('\033[34;1m输入班级名:\033[0m').strip() course_name = input('\033[34;1m输入班级要上的课程:\033[0m').strip() if course_name in res_course: course = res_course[course_name] if main_db[school][course]: teacher = main_db[school][course]['teacher'] if grade_name not in res_grade: grade = Grade(grade_name, course_name, teacher.name) print('grade:', grade) school.create_grade(main_db, teacher_db, course, grade, teacher, __db_main, __db_teacher) else: print('\033[31;1m讲师不存在,请先招聘讲师.\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1m课程名不存在,请重新输入.\033[0m') elif if_cont == 'b': break else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') elif choice == '4': # 返回 Flag = False else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') def start(): '''开始程序,根据选择的序号进入不同的视图''' while True: choice = options(main_list) if not choice: continue if choice == '1': print('\033[33;1m【学校中心】\033[0m') school_center() elif choice == '2': print('\033[33;1m【讲师中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '3': print('\033[33;1m【学生中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '4': print('退出') break def file_oper(file, mode, *args): '''根据文件的读或者写,做不同的操作,读返回文件内容信息''' if mode == 'wb': data = args[0] with open(file, mode) as f: pickle.dump(data, f) elif mode == 'rb': with open(file, mode) as f: data = pickle.load(f) return data def init_database(): '''初始化学校信息''' sh = School('上海', '上海市') bj = School('北京', '北京市') if not os.path.exists(__db_main): data = {sh: {}, bj: {}} file_oper(__db_main, 'wb', data) if not os.path.exists(__db_teacher): data = {} file_oper(__db_teacher, 'wb', data) if __name__ == '__main__': init_database() main_list = ['学校中心', '讲师中心', '学生中心', '退出'] school_list = ['创建课程', '招聘讲师', '创建班级', '返回'] start()
self.student = set([]) # 该属性是一个set集合
def add_student(self, teacher_db, teacher, student_name, teacher_file): self.student.add(student_name) # 将学员名添加到 self.student属性中 teacher_db[teacher] = {'grade': self} # 重新给讲师赋值,所以这里必须要拿到讲师类 file_oper(teacher_file, 'wb', teacher_db) # 写入文件
输入用户名 --> 选择已有学校 --> 选择已有课程 --> 写入文件
import os, pickle BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) __db_main = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'main_dict') # 学校内容文件 __db_teacher = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'teacher_dict') # 讲师课程内容文件 class School(object): '''学校类''' def __init__(self, name, addr): self.name = name self.addr = addr def cat_school(self): print('\033[32;1m学校【%s】\t地址【%s】\033[0m' % (self.name, self.addr)) def create_course(self, main_db, course, main_file): main_db[self][course] = {} file_oper(main_file, 'wb', main_db) def hire_teacher(self, main_db, course, teacher, main_file): main_db[self][course] = {'teacher': teacher} file_oper(main_file, 'wb', main_db) def create_grade(self, main_db, teacher_db, course, grade, teacher, main_file, teacher_file): main_db[self][course]['grade'] = grade file_oper(main_file, 'wb', main_db) teacher_db[teacher] = {'grade': grade} file_oper(teacher_file, 'wb', teacher_db) class Course(object): def __init__(self, name, price, time): self.name = name self.price = price self.time = time def cat_course(self): print('\033[32;1m课程【%s】\t价格【%s元】\t周期【%s个月】\033[0m' % (self.name, self.price, self.time)) class Teacher(object): def __init__(self, name, age, school, course): self.name = name self.age = age self.school = school self.course = course def cat_teacher(self): print('\033[32;1m课程【%s】\t讲师【%s】\033[0m' % (self.course, self.name)) class Grade(object): def __init__(self, name, course, teacher): self.name = name self.course = course self.teacher = teacher self.student = set([]) def cat_grade(self): print('\033[32;1m课程【%s】\t班级【%s】\033[0m' % (self.course, self.name)) def add_student(self, teacher_db, teacher, student_name, teacher_file): self.student.add(student_name) teacher_db[teacher] = {'grade': self} file_oper(teacher_file, 'wb', teacher_db) def options(li): '''序号和标题循环打印,返回选择序号''' for i, k in enumerate(li): print(i + 1, k) choice = input('>>>').strip() return choice def information(db, mode): set_info = set() dict_info = {} if db: for key in db: if mode == 'main': key.cat_school() elif mode == 'course': key.cat_course() elif mode == 'teacher' and key == 'teacher': db[key].cat_teacher() set_info.add(key) elif mode == 'grade' and key == 'grade': db[key].cat_grade() set_info.add(key) if not isinstance(key, str): dict_info[key.name] = key return dict_info, set_info def school_center(): Flag = True while Flag: main_db = file_oper(__db_main, 'rb') res_school = information(main_db, 'main')[0] school_name = input('\033[34;1m选择学校名:\033[0m') if school_name in res_school: school = res_school[school_name] while Flag: choice = options(school_list) if choice == '1': # 创建课程 while True: print('\033[33;1m目前学校【%s】已经存在的课程信息:\033[0m' % school_name) res_course = information(main_db[school], 'course')[0] print(type(res_course)) if not res_course: print('\033[31;1m目前没有任何课程信息.\033[0m') if_cont = input('\033[34;1m是否创建课程[y/b]:\033[0m').strip() if if_cont == 'y': course_name = input('\033[34;1m输入课程名:').strip() if course_name not in res_course: course_price = input('\033[34;1m输入课程价格:').strip() course_time = input('\033[34;1m输入课程周期:').strip() course = Course(course_name, course_price, course_time) school.create_course(main_db, course, __db_main) else: print('\033[31;1m该课程名已存在.\033[0m') elif if_cont == 'b': break else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') elif choice == '2': # 招聘讲师 while True: print('\033[33;1m目前学校【%s】已经存在的讲师信息:\033[0m' % school_name) res_course = information(main_db[school], 'None')[0] if res_course: for i in res_course: k = res_course[i] res_teacher = information(main_db[school][k], 'teacher')[1] print(main_db) if not res_teacher: print('\033[31;1m课程【%s】\t讲师【None】\033[0m' % k.name) if_cont = input('\033[34;1m是否招聘讲师[y/b]:\033[0m').strip() if if_cont == 'y': teacher_name = input('\033[34;1m输入讲师名:').strip() teacher_age = input('\033[34;1m输入讲师年龄:').strip() course_name = input('\033[34;1m输入课程名:').strip() if course_name in res_course: course = res_course[course_name] if teacher_name not in res_teacher: teacher = Teacher(teacher_name, teacher_age, school_name, course_name) school.hire_teacher(main_db, course, teacher, __db_main) else: print('\033[31;1m该讲师名已存在.\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1m该课程名不存在.\033[0m') elif if_cont == 'b': break else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') elif choice == '3': # 创建班级 while True: teacher_db = file_oper(__db_teacher, 'rb') print('\033[33;1m目前学校【%s】已经存在的班级信息:\033[0m' % school_name) res_course = information(main_db[school], 'None')[0] if res_course: for i in res_course: k = res_course[i] print('k:', k) print(main_db[school][k]) print('--------------------------') res_grade = information(main_db[school][k], 'grade')[1] if not res_grade: print('\033[31;1m目前没有任何班级信息.\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1m目前没有任何课程信息, 请先创建课程.\033[0m') if_cont = input('\033[34;1m是否创建班级[y/b]:\033[0m').strip() if if_cont == 'y': grade_name = input('\033[34;1m输入班级名:\033[0m').strip() course_name = input('\033[34;1m输入班级要上的课程:\033[0m').strip() if course_name in res_course: course = res_course[course_name] if main_db[school][course]: teacher = main_db[school][course]['teacher'] if grade_name not in res_grade: grade = Grade(grade_name, course_name, teacher.name) print('grade:', grade) school.create_grade(main_db, teacher_db, course, grade, teacher, __db_main, __db_teacher) else: print('\033[31;1m讲师不存在,请先招聘讲师.\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1m课程名不存在,请重新输入.\033[0m') elif if_cont == 'b': break else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') elif choice == '4': # 返回 Flag = False else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') def student_center(): while True: choice = options(student_list) main_db = file_oper(__db_main, 'rb') teacher_db = file_oper(__db_teacher, 'rb') if choice == '1': student_name = input('\033[34;1m输入学生名:\033[0m').strip() res_school = information(main_db, 'main')[0] school_name = input('\033[34;1m输入学校名:\033[0m').strip() if school_name in res_school: school = res_school[school_name] res_course = information(main_db[school], 'course')[0] course_name = input('\033[34;1m输入课程名:\033[0m').strip() if course_name in res_course: course = res_course[course_name] if main_db[school][course].get('grade'): for i in teacher_db: i.name = course.name teacher = i grade = teacher_db[teacher].get('grade') print('\033[33;1m课程【%s】的费用为【%s元】\033[0m' % (course_name, course.price)) if_pay = input('\033[34;1m是否支付当前费用(y支付):\033[0m').strip() if if_pay == 'y': grade.student.add(student_name) grade.add_student(teacher_db, teacher, student_name, __db_teacher) print('\033[32;1m选课成功!\033[0m') any = input('输入任意键退出当前:') else: print('\033[31;1m讲师不存在,请先招聘讲师.\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1m课程不存在,请重新选择.\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1m学校不存在,请重新选择.\033[0m') elif choice == '2': break else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') def start(): '''开始程序,根据选择的序号进入不同的视图''' while True: choice = options(main_list) if not choice: continue if choice == '1': print('\033[33;1m【学校中心】\033[0m') school_center() elif choice == '2': print('\033[33;1m【讲师中心】\033[0m') elif choice == '3': print('\033[33;1m【学生中心】\033[0m') student_center() elif choice == '4': print('退出') break def file_oper(file, mode, *args): '''根据文件的读或者写,做不同的操作,读返回文件内容信息''' if mode == 'wb': data = args[0] with open(file, mode) as f: pickle.dump(data, f) elif mode == 'rb': with open(file, mode) as f: data = pickle.load(f) return data def init_database(): '''初始化学校信息''' sh = School('上海', '上海市') bj = School('北京', '北京市') if not os.path.exists(__db_main): data = {sh: {}, bj: {}} file_oper(__db_main, 'wb', data) if not os.path.exists(__db_teacher): data = {} file_oper(__db_teacher, 'wb', data) if __name__ == '__main__': init_database() main_list = ['学校中心', '讲师中心', '学生中心', '退出'] school_list = ['创建课程', '招聘讲师', '创建班级', '返回'] student_list = ['学员注册', '返回'] start()
main_db = {学校类:{课程类:{'讲师名': 讲师类, '班级名': 班级类}}} teacher_db = {讲师类:{'班级名': 班级类}} if main_db[school][course].get('grade'): # 使用get判断班级是否存在,不存在返回None不会报错 for i in teacher_db: # 这里循环取讲师类 i.course = course.name # 当teacher_db中讲师类课程的名字和main_db中课程的名字一致时,讲师和课程就关联起来了 teacher = i # 直接获取讲师类

import os, pickle BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) __db_main = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'main_dict') # 学校内容文件 __db_teacher = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'teacher_dict') # 讲师课程内容文件 class School(object): '''学校类''' def __init__(self, name, addr): self.name = name self.addr = addr def cat_school(self): print('\033[32;1m学校【%s】\t地址【%s】\033[0m' % (self.name, self.addr)) def create_course(self, main_db, course, main_file): main_db[self][course] = {} file_oper(main_file, 'wb', main_db) def hire_teacher(self, main_db, course, teacher, main_file): main_db[self][course] = {'teacher': teacher} file_oper(main_file, 'wb', main_db) def create_grade(self, main_db, teacher_db, course, grade, teacher, main_file, teacher_file): main_db[self][course]['grade'] = grade file_oper(main_file, 'wb', main_db) teacher_db[teacher] = {'grade': grade} file_oper(teacher_file, 'wb', teacher_db) class Course(object): def __init__(self, name, price, time): self.name = name self.price = price self.time = time def cat_course(self): print('\033[32;1m课程【%s】\t价格【%s元】\t周期【%s个月】\033[0m' % (self.name, self.price, self.time)) class Teacher(object): def __init__(self, name, age, school, course): self.name = name self.age = age self.school = school self.course = course def cat_teacher(self): print('\033[32;1m课程【%s】\t讲师【%s】\033[0m' % (self.course, self.name)) class Grade(object): def __init__(self, name, course, teacher): self.name = name self.course = course self.teacher = teacher self.student = set([]) def cat_grade(self): print('\033[32;1m课程【%s】\t班级【%s】\033[0m' % (self.course, self.name)) def add_student(self, teacher_db, teacher, student_name, teacher_file): self.student.add(student_name) teacher_db[teacher] = {'grade': self} file_oper(teacher_file, 'wb', teacher_db) def options(li): '''序号和标题循环打印,返回选择序号''' for i, k in enumerate(li): print(i + 1, k) choice = input('>>>').strip() return choice def information(db, mode): set_info = set() dict_info = {} if db: for key in db: if mode == 'main': key.cat_school() elif mode == 'course': key.cat_course() elif mode == 'teacher' and key == 'teacher': db[key].cat_teacher() set_info.add(key) elif mode == 'grade' and key == 'grade': db[key].cat_grade() set_info.add(key) if not isinstance(key, str): dict_info[key.name] = key return dict_info, set_info def school_center(): Flag = True while Flag: main_db = file_oper(__db_main, 'rb') res_school = information(main_db, 'main')[0] school_name = input('\033[34;1m选择学校名:\033[0m') if school_name in res_school: school = res_school[school_name] while Flag: choice = options(school_list) if choice == '1': # 创建课程 while True: print('\033[33;1m目前学校【%s】已经存在的课程信息:\033[0m' % school_name) res_course = information(main_db[school], 'course')[0] print(type(res_course)) if not res_course: print('\033[31;1m目前没有任何课程信息.\033[0m') if_cont = input('\033[34;1m是否创建课程[y/b]:\033[0m').strip() if if_cont == 'y': course_name = input('\033[34;1m输入课程名:').strip() if course_name not in res_course: course_price = input('\033[34;1m输入课程价格:').strip() course_time = input('\033[34;1m输入课程周期:').strip() course = Course(course_name, course_price, course_time) school.create_course(main_db, course, __db_main) else: print('\033[31;1m该课程名已存在.\033[0m') elif if_cont == 'b': break else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') elif choice == '2': # 招聘讲师 while True: print('\033[33;1m目前学校【%s】已经存在的讲师信息:\033[0m' % school_name) res_course = information(main_db[school], 'None')[0] if res_course: for i in res_course: k = res_course[i] res_teacher = information(main_db[school][k], 'teacher')[1] print(main_db) if not res_teacher: print('\033[31;1m课程【%s】\t讲师【None】\033[0m' % k.name) if_cont = input('\033[34;1m是否招聘讲师[y/b]:\033[0m').strip() if if_cont == 'y': teacher_name = input('\033[34;1m输入讲师名:').strip() teacher_age = input('\033[34;1m输入讲师年龄:').strip() course_name = input('\033[34;1m输入课程名:').strip() if course_name in res_course: course = res_course[course_name] if teacher_name not in res_teacher: teacher = Teacher(teacher_name, teacher_age, school_name, course_name) school.hire_teacher(main_db, course, teacher, __db_main) else: print('\033[31;1m该讲师名已存在.\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1m该课程名不存在.\033[0m') elif if_cont == 'b': break else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') elif choice == '3': # 创建班级 while True: teacher_db = file_oper(__db_teacher, 'rb') print('\033[33;1m目前学校【%s】已经存在的班级信息:\033[0m' % school_name) res_course = information(main_db[school], 'None')[0] if res_course: for i in res_course: k = res_course[i] print('k:', k) print(main_db[school][k]) print('--------------------------') res_grade = information(main_db[school][k], 'grade')[1] if not res_grade: print('\033[31;1m目前没有任何班级信息.\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1m目前没有任何课程信息, 请先创建课程.\033[0m') if_cont = input('\033[34;1m是否创建班级[y/b]:\033[0m').strip() if if_cont == 'y': grade_name = input('\033[34;1m输入班级名:\033[0m').strip() course_name = input('\033[34;1m输入班级要上的课程:\033[0m').strip() if course_name in res_course: course = res_course[course_name] if main_db[school][course]: teacher = main_db[school][course]['teacher'] if grade_name not in res_grade: grade = Grade(grade_name, course_name, teacher.name) print('grade:', grade) school.create_grade(main_db, teacher_db, course, grade, teacher, __db_main, __db_teacher) else: print('\033[31;1m讲师不存在,请先招聘讲师.\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1m课程名不存在,请重新输入.\033[0m') elif if_cont == 'b': break else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') elif choice == '4': # 返回 Flag = False else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') def student_center(): while True: choice = options(student_list) main_db = file_oper(__db_main, 'rb') teacher_db = file_oper(__db_teacher, 'rb') if choice == '1': student_name = input('\033[34;1m输入学生名:\033[0m').strip() res_school = information(main_db, 'main')[0] school_name = input('\033[34;1m输入学校名:\033[0m').strip() if school_name in res_school: school = res_school[school_name] res_course = information(main_db[school], 'course')[0] course_name = input('\033[34;1m输入课程名:\033[0m').strip() if course_name in res_course: course = res_course[course_name] if main_db[school][course].get('grade'): for i in teacher_db: i.course = course.name teacher = i grade = teacher_db[teacher].get('grade') print('\033[33;1m课程【%s】的费用为【%s元】\033[0m' % (course_name, course.price)) if_pay = input('\033[34;1m是否支付当前费用(y支付):\033[0m').strip() if if_pay == 'y': grade.student.add(student_name) grade.add_student(teacher_db, teacher, student_name, __db_teacher) print('\033[32;1m选课成功!\033[0m') any = input('输入任意键退出当前:') else: print('\033[31;1m讲师不存在,请先招聘讲师.\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1m课程不存在,请重新选择.\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1m学校不存在,请重新选择.\033[0m') elif choice == '2': break else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') def teacher_center(): teacher_db = file_oper(__db_teacher, 'rb') teacher_name = input('\033[34;1m输入讲师名:\033[0m').strip() res_teacher = information(teacher_db, 'None')[0] if res_teacher: if teacher_name in res_teacher: teacher = res_teacher[teacher_name] grade = teacher_db[teacher].get('grade') print('\033[33;1m欢迎进入讲师【%s】的管理中心\033[0m' % teacher_name) while True: choice = options(teacher_list) if choice == '1': print('\033[32;1m学校【%s】\t班级【%s】\033[0m' % (teacher.school, grade.name)) any = input('输入任意键退出当前:') elif choice == '2': print('\033[32;1m班级【%s】\t学员【%s】\033[0m' % (grade.name, grade.student)) any = input('输入任意键退出当前:') elif choice == '3': break else: print('\033[31;1m输入错误,请重新输入.\033[0m') else: print('\033[31;1m讲师信息不存在,请重新输入.\033[0m') def start(): '''开始程序,根据选择的序号进入不同的视图''' while True: choice = options(main_list) if not choice: continue if choice == '1': print('\033[33;1m【学校中心】\033[0m') school_center() elif choice == '2': print('\033[33;1m【讲师中心】\033[0m') teacher_center() elif choice == '3': print('\033[33;1m【学生中心】\033[0m') student_center() elif choice == '4': print('退出') break def file_oper(file, mode, *args): '''根据文件的读或者写,做不同的操作,读返回文件内容信息''' if mode == 'wb': data = args[0] with open(file, mode) as f: pickle.dump(data, f) elif mode == 'rb': with open(file, mode) as f: data = pickle.load(f) return data def init_database(): '''初始化学校信息''' sh = School('上海', '上海市') bj = School('北京', '北京市') if not os.path.exists(__db_main): data = {sh: {}, bj: {}} file_oper(__db_main, 'wb', data) if not os.path.exists(__db_teacher): data = {} file_oper(__db_teacher, 'wb', data) if __name__ == '__main__': init_database() main_list = ['学校中心', '讲师中心', '学生中心', '退出'] school_list = ['创建课程', '招聘讲师', '创建班级', '返回'] student_list = ['学员注册', '返回'] teacher_list = ['查看班级信息', '查看学员列表信息', '返回'] start()
1. 认证讲师名信息
2. 通过讲师名获取讲师类,通过讲师类得到班级类
到此,程序代码完成,需要注意的是,在学员注册的时候,为 Grade类新增了student属性,需要删除本地 main_dict, teacher_dict 再次执行,否则报错。