class Student: school = 'Luffycity' def eat(self): print("yes") def drink(self): print("drink") # 查看 print(Student.__dict__) # 增 Student.teacher = 'gaohui' print(Student.__dict__) # 修改 Student.teacher = 'hong' print(Student.teacher) # 删除 del Student.teacher print(Student.__dict__)
1 class Student: 2 room = 'Team' 3 4 def eat(self, x): 5 print('eating', x) 6 7 def study(self): 8 print('studying') 9 10 def __init__(self, name, age): 11 self.Name = name 12 self.Age = age 13 14 15 stu1 = Student('gaohui', 22) 16 stu2 = Student('hong', 22) 17 stu3 = Student('alex', 26) 18 19 20 # 特征,类中的特征是对象所共有的 21 22 # 改 23 stu1.Name = 'gao' 24 print(stu1.Name, stu1.__dict__) 25 26 27 # 增 28 stu1.Grade = 'middle' 29 print(stu1.Grade, stu1.__dict__) 30 31 32 # 删 33 del stu1.Grade 34 print(stu1.__dict__) 35 36 37 # 查 38 print(stu1.__dict__, stu1.Age, stu1.Name) 39 40 41 # 技能 类的函数属性绑定对象,绑定到不同的对象,当对象调用绑定方法时,会把对象当做第一个参数传入,传给self,所以方法的内存空间是不一样的 42 43 44 # 查 45 stu1.eat(1) 46 print(stu1.eat) 47 stu2.eat(2) 48 print(stu2.eat) 49 stu3.eat(3) 50 print(stu3.eat) 51 52 53 54 55 输出结果为: 56 gao {'Name': 'gao', 'Age': 22} 57 middle {'Name': 'gao', 'Age': 22, 'Grade': 'middle'} 58 {'Name': 'gao', 'Age': 22} 59 {'Name': 'gao', 'Age': 22} 22 gao 60 eating 1 61 <bound method Student.eat of <__main__.Student object at 0x106a02c18>> 62 eating 2 63 <bound method Student.eat of <__main__.Student object at 0x106a02c88>> 64 eating 3 65 <bound method Student.eat of <__main__.Student object at 0x106a02cc0>>
class Hero1(object): def __init__(self,name, life, attack): self.life = life self.attack = attack self.name = name def attack2(self, arg1): arg1.life -= self.attack print('%s的生命值为%s' % (arg1.name, arg1.life)) Gailun = Hero('gailun', 100, 20) Riven = Hero1('ruiwen', 100, 30) while True: Gailun.attack1(Riven) Riven.attack2(Gailun) if Gailun.life <= 0 or Riven.life <= 0: print('Game over') break