Codeforces 851D Arpa and a list of numbers
Arpa has found a list containing n numbers. He calls a list bad if and only if it is not empty and gcd (see notes section for more information) of numbers in the list is 1.
Arpa can perform two types of operations:
- Choose a number and delete it with cost x.
- Choose a number and increase it by 1 with cost y.
Arpa can apply these operations to as many numbers as he wishes, and he is allowed to apply the second operation arbitrarily many times on the same number.
Help Arpa to find the minimum possible cost to make the list good.
First line contains three integers n, x and y (1 ≤ n ≤ 5·105, 1 ≤ x, y ≤ 109) — the number of elements in the list and the integers x and y.
Second line contains n integers a1, a2, ..., an (1 ≤ ai ≤ 106) — the elements of the list.
Print a single integer: the minimum possible cost to make the list good.
4 23 17
1 17 17 16
10 6 2
100 49 71 73 66 96 8 60 41 63
In example, number 1 must be deleted (with cost 23) and number 16 must increased by 1 (with cost 17).
A gcd (greatest common divisor) of a set of numbers is the maximum integer that divides all integers in the set. Read more about gcd here.
为1,那么这个列表就为坏的。现在我们有n 个数字组成
▶ 删除一个数字,并且需要花费x。
▶ 把其中一个数字加1,并且花费y。
▶ 不如枚举d,表示把这些数字的gcd 变成d。
▶ 所以考虑kd 和kd + d 这区间的数字
▶ 1) 我们把[kd + d - ⌊x/y⌋; kd + d] 中间的数字加到
kd + d 比较优
▶ 2) [kd; kd + d - ⌊x/y⌋] 中间的数字删除比较优
▶ 对于1),我们需要计算这些数字距离kd + d 有“多远”
不如计算这些数字的和,假如有m 个数字,用
m(kd + d) 减去这些数字和即可!
▶ 对于2),统计这些区间有多少个数字!
▶ 这些都是离线的,所以可以用差分(前缀和)来统计。
▶ 复杂度是O(n log n),因为
O(n + n/2 + n/3 + n/4 + ::: + n/n) = O(n log n)
比如ma * 100W来让质数变大一点,为了防止TLE我们只需