SCC7 & SCC8 使用方法,用户数据迁移

 New since Release 4.5: Import by TMS (see below)

 Client export:

     Up to 3 requests are created, depending on the data selected and

     1.  "S01KO00001" for transporting cross-client data, if you have
         selected this

     2.  "S01KT00001" for transporting client-specific data

     3.  "S01KX00001" for transporting client-specific texts, provided texts
         are available in this client

   When the transport requests have been created successfully, the data is
   exported asynchronously by starting the transport program tp at operating
   system level, and can take several hours, depending on the data volume.
   The status of the export can be found using either Transaction SCC3 or
   Transaction SE01 and specifying the transport request.
   Wait until the data has been successfully exported before you start
   another client copy or transport involving the source client.

 Client import:

     Choose one of the above-named requests to import, in the Transport
     Management System (transaction STMS) import overview. Its other
     transport requests are then selected automatically.

     You must post-process with the transaction SCC7 after the import.

     When you call the transaction SCC7 in the target system an analysis
     procedure first determines the associated transport request and displa
     its ID "S01KT00001" with the parameters of this export. Verify that th
     correct transport request was selected for import.


     If the transport requests are not yet in the import queue in the targe
     system, use the following commands:

     ./tp pf=TPPARAM addtobuffer <commfile name> <target sys id> u18


 cd /usr/sap/trans/bin

 ./tp pf=TPPARAM addtobuffer "S01KT00001"  P11 u18

 You can also still import the transport requests directly with the tp.
 Do so in the sequence "S01KO00001", "S01KT00001",  "S01KX00001".


 ./tp pf=TPPARAM import "S01KT00001" P11 client005 u18
So in that case you want to retain current user master of QAS

this can be done via SCC8 and SCC7

Loigin into QAS
Run SCC8
Select profile SAP_USER
Target system QAS
Target Client 310 (for eg.)(the client of which you want to retain user master record)

Select Background Server
it will give you three transport numbers

when QAS is refreshed :

Login into QAS
import queue of QAS
Add that transport request which was generated before refresh activity
import it
then perform post processing using SCC7

posted @ 2011-04-08 01:01  huggins  阅读(3136)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报