Hugging Face 2023 实习生招募计划
Hugging Face 2023 实习生招募计划
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,共同构建未来吗?今天,我们为大家分享 Hugging Face 的 2023 年实习生招募计划,希望可以有国内的同学申请或转发,与你未来的 Hugging Face 导师们共同研究 AI 和机器学习中的前沿问题。
- 我们是一间「Distributed Company」,默认情况下,我们的工作地点都是「Remote」
- 实习生工作地点视具体情况而定,如果导师有地点的偏好,我们会在职位列表中注明
- 申请人需要具备一个 Hugging Face 的账号
- 我们有很多开放性和完全远程的社会招聘机会,欢迎在我们的工作职位网站查看更多:
- 我们相信英文和网络探索能力对于 AI 科研人和从业者并不是问题,因此开放职位部分的内容直接取自官方博客,如果你想申请,请点击阅读原文到官方博客查看并申请
The following internship positions are available in the Open Source team, alongside maintainers of the respective libraries:
- Accelerate Internship, to lead the integration of new, impactful features in the library.
- Skops Internship, working at the intersection of model serving, persistence, and interpretation as well as model card generation.
- Diffusers Internship, helping on distilling diffusion models for faster sampling.
- Evaluate Internship, helping on the backend of the library to improve its performance & focus on integrating with other libraries in the ecosystem.
- Speech internship, working on efficient models for speech recognition.
The following Science team positions are available:
- Code Generation Internship, working with the BigCode team on cutting edge large language models for code.
- Model Forgetting Internship, investigating model forgetting using state of the art “unlearning” methods.
- Multimodal AI Internship, working at the intersection of natural language processing and computer vision for the next generation of large multimodal models.
- OCR Internship, incorporating textual information directly into multimodal models.
- Video Pretraining Internship, exploring pretraining for the video modality.
- Retrieval Augmentation Internship, investigating “semiparametric” retrieval augmentation methods for more consistent, more interpretable, and more efficient language models.
- Embodied AI Internship, working with the Embodied AI team on reinforcement learning in simulators.
- Distribution Shift Internship, developing a toolkit for detecting and measuring distribution shift in datasets.
The following other internship positions are available:
- Social Impact Evaluation Internship, developing a technical framework for assessing the overall social impact of generative ML models.
- Gradio Internship, working with the Gradio team on expanding the ecosystem.
- Benchmarking Transformers Internship, deploying and benchmarking transformer models for both training and inference.
- AI Art Tooling Internship, bridging the AI and art worlds by building tooling to empower artists.
Hugging Face 正积极努力建立一个重视多元、平等与包容 (DEI) 的文化;我们会非常在意并致力于打造一个令人相互感受到尊重和支持的工作环境,不论你是谁或者来自哪里——我们坚信这是建立一个伟大公司和社区的基础原则。同时,我们致力于提供平等的就业机会,不会因种族、肤色、族裔、宗教信仰、性别、民族起源、性取向、年龄、国籍、婚姻状况、残障、性别认同或退伍军人身份而区别对待任何人。
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