[archlinux][plasma][screensaver] plasma5配置屏保程序,没成功(-_-#)
用xscreensaver, 之前用FVWM2的时候,就用过了,很玄酷。
pacman -S xscreensaver
xscreensaver-demo 是图形的,可以配置。会自动写入~/.conf/xscreensaver
ln -s /usr/share/applications/xscreensaver-properties.desktop ~/.config/autostart/xscreensaver-properties.desktop
四,与KDE联动, man xscreensaver 里边是这么说的:
USING KDE Like GNOME, KDE also decided to invent their own screen saver framework from scratch instead of simply using xscreensaver. To replace the KDE screen saver with xscreensaver, do the following: 1: Turn off KDE's screen saver. Open the "Control Center" and select the "Appearance & Themes / Screensaver" page. Un-check "Start Automatically". 2: Find your Autostart directory. Open the "System Administration / Paths" page, and see what your "Autostart path" is set to: it will probably be ~/.kde/Autostart/ or something sim‐ ilar. 3: Make xscreensaver be an Autostart program. Create a .desktop file in your autostart directory called xscreensaver.desktop that contains the following five lines: [Desktop Entry] Exec=xscreensaver Name=XScreenSaver Type=Application X-KDE-StartupNotify=false 4: Make the various "lock session" buttons call xscreensaver. The file you want to replace next has moved around over the years. It might be called /usr/libexec/kde4/kscreenlocker, or it might be called "kdesk‐ top_lock" or "krunner_lock" or "kscreenlocker_greet", and it might be in /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/ or in /usr/kde/3.5/bin/ or even in /usr/bin/, depending on the distro and phase of the moon. Replace the contents of that file with these two lines: #!/bin/sh xscreensaver-command -lock Make sure the file is executable (chmod a+x). Now use xscreensaver normally, controlling it via the usual xscreensaver-demo(1) and xscreensaver-command(1) mechanisms.
然而找不到第四步里的进程,没有办法替换。。。 放弃了。。。。