[crypto][ipsec] 简述ESP协议的sequence number机制





增加两个机制:序列号(seqence number)和收包窗口(sliding window)

发包方从0开始计数,每发一个包就把序号加1。 收包方拥有一个长度为N的滑动窗口,序号在窗口外的包都认为是无效包。




基于前文,我们已经了解到了ESP内的两个概念seq num,reply window,和一个属性anti-replay

seq num



reply window

replay window是收包方本地的,自维护不协商。




RFC中规定任何IPsec实现中都必须实现,且默认开启,不可以协商。 但是接收端可以关掉这个特效。(这好像矛盾了??--!)



但是同时ipsec还支持多个sender共用一个SA。在这种情况下,anti-replay就是失效的,自然seq num和reply window也就没有用了。


当anti-replay生效的时候,seq number满了之后就只能重协商chlidsa。

当anti-replay不生效的是,sender不再关心seq number,就一直加加加,然后溢出就变成0.



seq number满了就要重协商。看包我们发现这个字段是uint32的,所以,在高速网络中,每2^32个包就要重协商一次。

为了解决这个问题,现在引入一个新的概念,叫做:Extended Sequence Number(ESN)


   0                   1                   2                   3
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |               Security Parameters Index (SPI)                 |
   |                      Sequence Number                          |
   |                    IV (optional)                              | ^ p
   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | a
   |                    Rest of Payload Data  (variable)           | | y
   ~                                                               ~ | l
   |                                                               | | o
   +               +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | a
   |               |         TFC Padding * (optional, variable)    | v d
   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+         +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+---
   |                         |        Padding (0-255 bytes)        |
   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   |                               |  Pad Length   | Next Header   |
   |         Integrity Check Value-ICV   (variable)                |
   ~                                                               ~
   |                                                               |

                                          What    What    What
                          # of     Requ'd  Encrypt Integ    is
                          bytes      [1]   Covers  Covers  Xmtd
                          ------   ------  ------  ------  ------
   SPI                       4        M              Y     plain
   Seq# (low-order bits)     4        M              Y     plain       p
                                                                ------ a
   IV                     variable    O              Y     plain     | y
   IP datagram [2]        variable  M or D    Y      Y     cipher[3] |-l
   TFC padding [4]        variable    O       Y      Y     cipher[3] | o
                                                                ------ a
   Padding                 0-255      M       Y      Y     cipher[3]   d
   Pad Length                1        M       Y      Y     cipher[3]
   Next Header               1        M       Y      Y     cipher[3]
   Seq# (high-order bits)    4     if ESN [5]        Y     not xmtd
   ICV Padding            variable if need           Y     not xmtd
   ICV                    variable   M [6]                 plain


这样的话,seq number便扩展到了64个bit。

ESN塞在了Next Header的后面。包头里面的seq number和原来一样是明文传输的,用来存这个数的低32位。 ESN是密文传输的(或者不传输),用来存储这个数的高32位。










ESN number的高32bit会被双方计数维护,不会被放在报文的payload里参与传输。但是在计算消息认证码的时候,会把它放进去一起参与计算。


   If ESN (see Appendix) is selected, only the low-order 32 bits of the
   sequence number are transmitted in the Sequence Number field,
   although both sender and receiver maintain full 64-bit ESN counters.
   The high order 32 bits are included in the integrity check in an
   algorithm/mode-specific fashion, e.g., the high-order 32 bits may be
   appended after the Next Header field when a separate integrity
   algorithm is employed.





在这个机制里,有几个值W(anti window的大小),T(合法包的seq的上限),B(合法包的seq的下限)








TO BE continue

A3.1.  Triggering Re-synchronization

   For each SA, the receiver records the number of consecutive packets
   that fail authentication.  This count is used to trigger the re-
   synchronization process, which should be performed in the background
   or using a separate processor.  Receipt of a valid packet on the SA
   resets the counter to zero.  The value used to trigger the re-
   synchronization process is a local parameter.  There is no
   requirement to support distinct trigger values for different SAs,
   although an implementer may choose to do so.

A3.2.  Re-synchronization Process

   When the above trigger point is reached, a "bad" packet is selected
   for which authentication is retried using successively larger values
   for the upper half of the sequence number (Seqh).  These values are
   generated by incrementing by one for each retry.  The number of
   retries should be limited, in case this is a packet from the "past"
   or a bogus packet.  The limit value is a local parameter.  (Because
   the Seqh value is implicitly placed after the ESP (or AH) payload, it
   may be possible to optimize this procedure by executing the integrity
   algorithm over the packet up to the endpoint of the payload, then
   compute different candidate ICVs by varying the value of Seqh.)
   Successful authentication of a packet via this procedure resets the
   consecutive failure count and sets the value of T to that of the
   received packet.

   This solution requires support only on the part of the receiver,
   thereby allowing for backward compatibility.  Also, because re-
   synchronization efforts would either occur in the background or
   utilize an additional processor, this solution does not impact
   traffic processing and a denial of service attack cannot divert
   resources away from traffic processing.


posted on 2019-03-13 17:21  toong  阅读(2894)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报