Conditional GETs are a great way to reduce bandwidth, and potentially server-side performance, depending on how the information used to determine cond 阅读全文
Previous sections have shown how to return HTTP responses and it is possible to return HTTP errors using the same mechanism. However, sometimes when p 阅读全文
A very important aspects of REST is hyperlinks, URIs, in representations that clients can use to transition the Web service to new application states 阅读全文
@Path may be used on classes and such classes are referred to as root resource classes. @Path may also be used on methods of root resource classes. Th 阅读全文
Sometimes it is necessary to return additional information in response to a HTTP request. Such information may be built and returned using Response an 阅读全文
Previous sections on @Produces and @Consumes referred to MIME media types of representations and showed resource methods that consume and produce the 阅读全文
Parameters of a resource method may be annotated with parameter-based annotations to extract information from a request. A previous example presented 阅读全文
JAX-RS provides a deployment agnostic abstract class Application for declaring root resource and provider classes, and root resource and provider sing 阅读全文