MyBatis provides great support with plenty of options for mapping the query results to JavaBeans. But sometimes, we may come across scenarios where we 阅读全文
Sometimes, we may need to work with huge volumes of data, such as with tables with millions of records. Loading all these records may not be possible 阅读全文
If we have a mapped statement that returns multiple rows and we want the results in a HashMap with some property value as the key and the resulting ob 阅读全文
MyBatis's mapped statements have the parameterType attribute to specify the type of input parameter. If we want to pass multiple input parameters to a 阅读全文
MyBatis provides built-in support for mapping CLOB/BLOB type columns. Assume we have the following table to store the Students and Tutors photographs 阅读全文
MyBatis supports persisting enum type properties out of the box. Assume that the STUDENTS table has a column gender of the type varchar to store eithe 阅读全文
Sometimes, static SQL queries may not be sufficient for application requirements. We may have to build queries dynamically, based on some criteria.For 阅读全文
In the sample domain model, a tutor can teach one or more courses. This means that there is a one-to-many relationship between the tutor and course. W 阅读全文
We can get Student along with the Address details using a nested Select query as follows: <resultMap type="Address" id="AddressResult"> <id property=" 阅读全文
We can get Student along with the Address details using a nested ResultMap as follows: <resultMap type="Address" id="AddressResult"> <id property="add 阅读全文
ResultMaps are used to map the SQL SELECT statement's results to JavaBeans properties. We can define ResultMaps and reference this resultMap query fro 阅读全文
We can use the useGeneratedKeys and keyProperty attributes to let the database generate the auto_increment column value and set that generated value i 阅读全文