SPF--Standard Parasitic Format
DSPF--Detailed Standard Parasitic Format
RSPF--Reduced Standard Parasitic Format
SPEF--Standard Parasitic Exchange Format
SBPF -- Synopsys Binary Parasitic Format

总结: SPF,DSPF,RSPF均为Candence格式,均不包含crosstalk C的信息,不可用于PT si.

DSPF 有详尽的RC信息,size比较大,比较接近SPICE netlist.

RSPF是reduced SPF.It represents each net as an RC "pi" model.RSPF causes the PrimeTime tool to calculate an Elmore delay for every pin-to-pin interconnect delay.

SPEF是OVI出的标准格式,被IEEE采用,同样可以划分为DSPEF和RSPEF. SPEF包含了net 之间的cap,可以用来计算crosstalk.用于PT Si.


PrimeTime can read DSPF, RSPF, and SPEF and can automatically detect the format
from the file header. PrimeTime can read SPEF versions IEEE 1481-1997, IEEE
1481-1998, and IEEE 1481-1999.

posted @ 2014-08-12 09:05  in_condition  阅读(3951)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报