react 表单之upload上传 校验
import * as React from 'react'; import styles from './VideoEdit.module.scss'; import { IVideoEditProps } from './IVideoEditProps'; import { Button, Form, Input, message, Upload } from 'antd'; import "../../../utils/antdConfig" import Loading from '../../../components/Loading'; import 'react-quill/dist/quill.snow.css'; import { goToUrl, getLang } from '../../../utils' // import Upload from '../../../components/Upload'; import type { UploadProps } from 'antd'; import { UploadOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'; const { useState, useEffect, useRef } = React; const VideoEdit = (props: IVideoEditProps) => { const [loading, setLoading] = useState<boolean>(false) const [loadingTxt, setLoadingTxt] = useState<string>(null) // const [indicators, setIndicators] = useState<any>({}) const lang = getLang() const [form] = Form.useForm(); const { api } = props; const onFinish = () => { form.validateFields().then((values) => { values.CoverImgFile = values.CoverImgFile.file.originFileObj values.VideoFile = values.VideoFile.file.originFileObj console.log('values:', values) setLoading(true) api.addVideo(values).then(res => { console.log(res, "res") setLoading(false) message.success('添加视频成功').then(res => { window.history.go(-1) }) }).catch((err) => { console.log(err) setLoading(false) }) }) }; useEffect(() => { // getHomeIndicators() }, []) const propsUPImg: UploadProps = { name: 'propsUPImg', maxCount: 1, beforeUpload: (file) => { // const isPNG = file.type === 'image/png'; // // ["image/jpeg", 'image/jpg', 'image/png'] // if (!isPNG) { // message.error(`${} is not a png file`); // } // return isPNG || Upload.LIST_IGNORE; let typeArr = ["image/jpeg", 'image/jpg', 'image/png'] var isPNG = typeArr.indexOf(file.type); if (isPNG == -1) { console.log(1) console.log(file.type) message.error(`${} is not a qualified file`); return false || Upload.LIST_IGNORE; } else { console.log(2) console.log(file.type) return true || Upload.LIST_IGNORE; } // return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // let typeArr = ["image/jpeg", 'image/jpg', 'image/png'] // var isPNG = typeArr.indexOf(file.type); // if (isPNG == -1) { // message.error(`${} is not a qualified file`); // return reject(false); // } // // const isLt2M = file.size / 1024 / 1024 < 2; // // if (!isLt2M) { // // message.error('请上传 ≤ 2MB 以内的图片'); // // return reject(false); // // } // return resolve(true); // }) }, onChange(info) { console.log(info, "info") if (info.file.status !== 'uploading') { console.log(info.file.originFileObj, info.fileList); } if (info.file.status === 'done') { message.success(`${} file uploaded successfully`); } else if (info.file.status === 'error') { message.error(`${} file upload failed.`); } }, }; const propsUPVideo: UploadProps = { name: 'propsUPVideo', maxCount: 1, beforeUpload: (file) => { // const isPNG = file.type === 'video/mp4'; let typeArr = [ "video/mp4", "video/ogg", "video/flv", "video/avi", "video/wmv", "video/rmvb", "video/mov"] var isVideo = typeArr.indexOf(file.type); if (isVideo == -1) { message.error(`${} is not a qualified file`); return false || Upload.LIST_IGNORE; } else { return true || Upload.LIST_IGNORE; } }, onChange(info) { console.log(info, "info") if (info.file.status !== 'uploading') { console.log(info.file.originFileObj, info.fileList); } if (info.file.status === 'done') { message.success(`${} file uploaded successfully`); } else if (info.file.status === 'error') { message.error(`${} file upload failed.`); } }, }; // useEffect(() => { // form.setFieldsValue(indicators) // }, [indicators]) // function getHomeIndicators() { // api.getHomeIndicators().then((res: any) => { // console.log('指标信息', res) // let indicatorsInfo = res || {} // setIndicators(indicatorsInfo) // }) // } const onFinishFailed = (errorInfo: any) => { console.log('Failed:', errorInfo); }; const onCancle = () => { window.history.go(-1) } return ( <Loading loading={loading} fullscreen={true}> <div className={styles.videoEdit}> <div className={styles.content}> <div> <Form name="basic" form={form} labelCol={{ span: 4 }} wrapperCol={{ span: 20 }} initialValues={{ remember: true }} onFinish={onFinish} onFinishFailed={onFinishFailed} autoComplete="off" labelAlign="left" size="large" > <Form.Item label="Title" name="Title" rules={[ { required: true, message: 'Please input Title!', }, ]} > <Input placeholder="Please input Title" /> </Form.Item> <Form.Item label="JPTitle" name="JPTitle" rules={[ { required: true, message: 'Please input JPTitle!', }, ]} > <Input placeholder="Please input JPTitle" /> </Form.Item> <Form.Item label="From" name="From" rules={[ { required: true, message: 'Please input From!', }, ]} > <Input placeholder="Please input From" /> </Form.Item> <Form.Item label="CoverImgFile" name="CoverImgFile" rules={[ { required: true, message: 'Please upload CoverImg!', }, ]} > <Upload {...propsUPImg}> <Button icon={<UploadOutlined />}>Click to Upload</Button> </Upload> </Form.Item> <Form.Item label="VideoFile" name="VideoFile" rules={[ { required: true, message: 'Please upload Video!', }, ]} > <Upload {...propsUPVideo}> <Button icon={<UploadOutlined />}>Click to Upload</Button> </Upload> </Form.Item> <div className={styles.footer}> <Button type="default" className={styles.footerBtn} onClick={onCancle}> Cancel </Button> <Button type="primary" className={styles.footerBtn} onClick={onFinish}> Submit </Button> </div> </Form> </div> </div> </div> </Loading> ); } export default VideoEdit;