VS进行高度时,断点处提示“该进程或线程自上一个步骤以来已更改" 每个断点跑两遍似的。
这个是由于在VS环境中 勾上了 ”工具\选项--->调试--要求源文件与原始版本完全匹配“这个项
英文表述:The process or thread has changed since last step
I have a console application that executes a static method in a class on a new thread. When I step through the statements in the method, the breakpoint is moving to previous statements. When I hover over a small blue exclamation mark, the tooltip reads 'The process or thread has changed since last step'. I've never seen this before and it wasn't happening earlier today when I was debugging the same class method.
If you know the cause and how to resolve it, I would appreciate it if you could please let me know.
Many thanks.
It sounds like the code you're stepping through doesn't match the binaries that are being run. Try doing a clean rebuild of your solution and verifying that the code matches the symbols (Tools\Options -> Debugging -> Require source files to match
Michael Taylor