Installation Node-v14.16.0 on CentOS 7.9

一、Installation Node-v14.16.0 on CentOS 7.9



tar zxvf /opt/software/node-v14.16.0-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /opt/


vim /etc/profile

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/node-v14.16.0-linux-x64/bin

source /etc/profile
node -v
[root@ecs-65685 ~]# node -h
Usage: node [options] [ script.js ] [arguments]
       node inspect [options] [ script.js | host:port ] [arguments]

  -                                     script read from stdin (default if no file name is
                                        provided, interactive mode if a tty)
  --                                    indicate the end of node options
  --abort-on-uncaught-exception         aborting instead of exiting causes a core file to be
                                        generated for analysis
  -c, --check                           syntax check script without executing
  --completion-bash                     print source-able bash completion script
  --conditions=...                      additional user conditions for conditional exports and
  --cpu-prof                            Start the V8 CPU profiler on start up, and write the
                                        CPU profile to disk before exit. If --cpu-prof-dir is
                                        not specified, write the profile to the current
                                        working directory.
  --cpu-prof-dir=...                    Directory where the V8 profiles generated by
                                        --cpu-prof will be placed. Does not affect --prof.
  --cpu-prof-interval=...               specified sampling interval in microseconds for the V8
                                        CPU profile generated with --cpu-prof. (default: 1000)
  --cpu-prof-name=...                   specified file name of the V8 CPU profile generated
                                        with --cpu-prof
  --diagnostic-dir=...                  set dir for all output files (default: current working
  --disable-proto=...                   disable Object.prototype.__proto__
                                        disallow eval and friends
  --enable-source-maps                  experimental Source Map V3 support
  -e, --eval=...                        evaluate script
  --experimental-import-meta-resolve    experimental ES Module import.meta.resolve() support
  --experimental-json-modules           experimental JSON interop support for the ES Module
  --loader, --experimental-loader=...   use the specified module as a custom loader
  --experimental-policy=...             use the specified file as a security policy
  --experimental-repl-await             experimental await keyword support in REPL
  --es-module-specifier-resolution, --experimental-specifier-resolution=...
                                        Select extension resolution algorithm for es modules;
                                        either 'explicit' (default) or 'node'
  --experimental-vm-modules             experimental ES Module support in vm module
  --experimental-wasi-unstable-preview1 experimental WASI support
  --experimental-wasm-modules           experimental ES Module support for webassembly modules
  --force-context-aware                 disable loading non-context-aware addons
  --frozen-intrinsics                   experimental frozen intrinsics support
  --heap-prof                           Start the V8 heap profiler on start up, and write the
                                        heap profile to disk before exit. If --heap-prof-dir
                                        is not specified, write the profile to the current
                                        working directory.
  --heap-prof-dir=...                   Directory where the V8 heap profiles generated by
                                        --heap-prof will be placed.
  --heap-prof-interval=...              specified sampling interval in bytes for the V8 heap
                                        profile generated with --heap-prof. (default: 512 *
  --heap-prof-name=...                  specified file name of the V8 heap profile generated
                                        with --heap-prof
  --heapsnapshot-signal=...             Generate heap snapshot on specified signal
  -h, --help                            print node command line options (currently set)
  --huge-max-old-generation-size        increase default maximum heap size on machines with
                                        16GB memory or more
  --icu-data-dir=...                    set ICU data load path to dir (overrides
                                        NODE_ICU_DATA) (note: linked-in ICU data is
  --input-type=...                      set module type for string input
  --insecure-http-parser                use an insecure HTTP parser that accepts invalid HTTP
  --inspect[=[host:]port]               activate inspector on host:port (default:
  --inspect-brk[=[host:]port]           activate inspector on host:port and break at start of
                                        user script
  --debug-port, --inspect-port=[host:]port
                                        set host:port for inspector
  --inspect-publish-uid=...             comma separated list of destinations for inspector
                                        uid(default: stderr,http)
  -i, --interactive                     always enter the REPL even if stdin does not appear to
                                        be a terminal
  --interpreted-frames-native-stack     help system profilers to translate JavaScript
                                        interpreted frames
  --jitless                             disable runtime allocation of executable memory
  --max-http-header-size=...            set the maximum size of HTTP headers (default: 16384
  --no-deprecation                      silence deprecation warnings
  --no-force-async-hooks-checks         disable checks for async_hooks
  --no-warnings                         silence all process warnings
  --openssl-config=...                  load OpenSSL configuration from the specified file
                                        (overrides OPENSSL_CONF)
  --pending-deprecation                 emit pending deprecation warnings
  --policy-integrity=...                ensure the security policy contents match the
                                        specified integrity
  --preserve-symlinks                   preserve symbolic links when resolving
  --preserve-symlinks-main              preserve symbolic links when resolving the main module
  -p, --print [...]                     evaluate script and print result
  --prof                                Generate V8 profiler output.
  --prof-process                        process V8 profiler output generated using --prof
  --redirect-warnings=...               write warnings to file instead of stderr
  --report-compact                      output compact single-line JSON
  --report-directory, --report-dir=...  define custom report pathname. (default: current
                                        working directory)
  --report-filename=...                 define custom report file name. (default:
  --report-on-fatalerror                generate diagnostic report on fatal (internal) errors
  --report-on-signal                    generate diagnostic report upon receiving signals
  --report-signal=...                   causes diagnostic report to be produced on provided
                                        signal, unsupported in Windows. (default: SIGUSR2)
  --report-uncaught-exception           generate diagnostic report on uncaught exceptions
  -r, --require=...                     module to preload (option can be repeated)
  --throw-deprecation                   throw an exception on deprecations
  --title=...                           the process title to use on startup
  --tls-cipher-list=...                 use an alternative default TLS cipher list
  --tls-keylog=...                      log TLS decryption keys to named file for traffic
  --tls-max-v1.2                        set default TLS maximum to TLSv1.2 (default: TLSv1.3)
  --tls-max-v1.3                        set default TLS maximum to TLSv1.3 (default: TLSv1.3)
  --tls-min-v1.0                        set default TLS minimum to TLSv1.0 (default: TLSv1.2)
  --tls-min-v1.1                        set default TLS minimum to TLSv1.1 (default: TLSv1.2)
  --tls-min-v1.2                        set default TLS minimum to TLSv1.2 (default: TLSv1.2)
  --tls-min-v1.3                        set default TLS minimum to TLSv1.3 (default: TLSv1.2)
  --trace-atomics-wait                  trace Atomics.wait() operations
  --trace-deprecation                   show stack traces on deprecations
  --trace-event-categories=...          comma separated list of trace event categories to
  --trace-event-file-pattern=...        Template string specifying the filepath for the
                                        trace-events data, it supports ${rotation} and ${pid}.
  --trace-exit                          show stack trace when an environment exits
  --trace-sigint                        enable printing JavaScript stacktrace on SIGINT
  --trace-sync-io                       show stack trace when use of sync IO is detected after
                                        the first tick
  --trace-tls                           prints TLS packet trace information to stderr
  --trace-uncaught                      show stack traces for the `throw` behind uncaught
  --trace-warnings                      show stack traces on process warnings
  --track-heap-objects                  track heap object allocations for heap snapshots
  --unhandled-rejections=...            define unhandled rejections behavior. Options are
                                        'strict' (raise an error), 'warn' (enforce warnings)
                                        or 'none' (silence warnings)
  --use-bundled-ca                      use bundled CA store (default)
  --use-largepages=...                  Map the Node.js static code to large pages. Options
                                        are 'off' (the default value, meaning do not map),
                                        'on' (map and ignore failure, reporting it to stderr),
                                        or 'silent' (map and silently ignore failure)
  --use-openssl-ca                      use OpenSSL's default CA store
  --v8-options                          print V8 command line options
  --v8-pool-size=...                    set V8's thread pool size
  -v, --version                         print Node.js version
  --zero-fill-buffers                   automatically zero-fill all newly allocated Buffer and
                                        SlowBuffer instances
Environment variables:
NODE_DEBUG                    ','-separated list of core modules that should print
                              debug information
NODE_DEBUG_NATIVE             ','-separated list of C++ core debug categories that
                              should print debug output
NODE_DISABLE_COLORS           set to 1 to disable colors in the REPL
NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS           path to additional CA certificates file
NODE_NO_WARNINGS              set to 1 to silence process warnings
NODE_OPTIONS                  set CLI options in the environment via a
                              space-separated list
NODE_PATH                     ':'-separated list of directories prefixed to the
                              module search path
NODE_PENDING_DEPRECATION      set to 1 to emit pending deprecation warnings
NODE_PENDING_PIPE_INSTANCES   set the number of pending pipe instance handles on
NODE_PRESERVE_SYMLINKS        set to 1 to preserve symbolic links when resolving and
                              caching modules
NODE_REDIRECT_WARNINGS        write warnings to path instead of stderr
NODE_REPL_HISTORY             path to the persistent REPL history file
NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED  set to 0 to disable TLS certificate validation
NODE_V8_COVERAGE              directory to output v8 coverage JSON to
OPENSSL_CONF                  load OpenSSL configuration from file
SSL_CERT_DIR                  sets OpenSSL's directory of trusted certificates when
                              used in conjunction with --use-openssl-ca
SSL_CERT_FILE                 sets OpenSSL's trusted certificate file when used in
                              conjunction with --use-openssl-ca
UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE            sets the number of threads used in libuv's threadpool

Documentation can be found at
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