10 Rules of Good and Bad Studying 学习的10条好与坏规则

10 Rules of Good Studying 良好学习的10条法则

  1. Use recall. After you read a page, look away and recall the main ideas. Highlight very little, and never highlight anything you haven’t put in your mind first by recalling. Try recalling main ideas when you are walking to class or in a different room from where you originally learned it. An ability to recall—to generate the ideas from inside yourself—is one of the key indicators of good learning. 使用召回。读完一页后,把目光移开,回忆一下主要内容。尽量少强调,不要强调任何你没有通过回忆首先放在脑海中的东西。当你走在去教室的路上,或者在一个与你最初学习的房间不同的房间里,试着回忆你的主要观点。记忆能力--从你自己的内心产生想法--是良好学习的关键指标之一。

  2. Test yourself. On everything. All the time. Flash cards are your friend. 测试你自己。所有的东西。所有的时间.卡片是你的朋友。

  3. Chunk your problems. Chunking is understanding and practicing with a problem solution so that it can all come to mind in a flash. After you solve a problem, rehearse it. Make sure you can solve it cold—every step. Pretend it’s a song and learn to play it over and over again in your mind, so the information combines into one smooth chunk you can pull up whenever you want. 把你的问题分块。组块是理解和练习一个问题的解决方案,以便它可以在一瞬间全部浮现在脑海中。当你解决了一个问题后,再排练一遍。确保你可以解决它冷-每一步。假装这是一首歌,并学会在你的脑海中一遍又一遍地播放它,这样信息就可以组合成一个平滑的块,你可以随时调出。

  4. Space your repetition. Spread out your learning in any subject a little every day, just like an athlete. Your brain is like a muscle—it can handle only a limited amount of exercise on one subject at a time. 重复时要间隔。就像运动员一样,每天把你的学习分散在任何一门学科上。你的大脑就像一块肌肉--它一次只能处理一个主题的有限的运动量。

  5. Alternate different problem-solving techniques during your practice. Never practice too long at any one session using only one problem-solving technique—after a while, you are just mimicking what you did on the previous problem. Mix it up and work on different types of problems. This teaches you both how and when to use a technique. (Books generally are not set up this way, so you’ll need to do this on your own.) After every assignment and test, go over your errors, make sure you understand why you made them, and then rework your solutions. To study most effectively, handwrite (don’t type) a problem on one side of a flash card and the solution on the other. (Handwriting builds stronger neural structures in memory than typing.) You might also photograph the card if you want to load it into a study app on your smartphone. Quiz yourself randomly on different types of problems. Another way to do this is to randomly flip through your book, pick out a problem, and see whether you can solve it cold. 在练习过程中交替使用不同的解决问题的技巧。不要在任何一次练习中只使用一种解题技巧练习太久--过了一段时间,你只是在模仿你在前一个问题上所做的。把它混合起来,处理不同类型的问题。这会教你如何以及何时使用一种技术。(书籍通常不会以这种方式设置,因此您需要自己完成。在每次作业和测试之后,检查你的错误,确保你理解为什么你会犯这些错误,然后重新制定你的解决方案。为了最有效地学习,在闪存卡的一面手写(不要打字)一个问题,在另一面写下解决方案。(手写比打字在记忆中建立更强大的神经结构。如果您想将卡片加载到智能手机上的学习应用程序中,也可以对卡片进行拍照。就不同类型的问题随机测验自己。 另一种方法是随机翻阅你的书,挑出一个问题,看看你是否能解决它。

  6. Take breaks. It is common to be unable to solve problems or figure out concepts in math or science the first time you encounter them. This is why a little study every day is much better than a lot of studying all at once. When you get frustrated with a math or science problem, take a break so that another part of your mind can take over and work in the background. 休息一下。在第一次遇到数学或科学问题时,无法解决问题或弄清楚概念是很常见的。这就是为什么每天学习一点比一次学习很多要好得多的原因。当你对一个数学或科学问题感到沮丧时,休息一下,这样你大脑的另一部分就可以接管并在后台工作。

  7. Use explanatory questioning and simple analogies. Whenever you are struggling with a concept, think to yourself, How can I explain this so that a ten-year-old could understand it? Using an analogy really helps, like saying that the flow of electricity is like the flow of water. Don’t just think your explanation—say it out loud or put it in writing. The additional effort of speaking and writing allows you to more deeply encode (that is, convert into neural memory structures) what you are learning. 使用解释性提问和简单的类比。每当你纠结于一个概念时,你就想,我该如何解释,让一个10岁的孩子也能理解?使用一个类比真的很有帮助,比如说电流的流动就像水的流动。不要只是思考你的解释--大声说出来或者写下来。说和写的额外努力可以让你更深入地编码(即转换为神经记忆结构)你正在学习的东西。

  8. Focus. Turn off all interrupting beeps and alarms on your phone and computer, and then turn on a timer for twenty-five minutes. Focus intently for those twenty-five minutes and try to work as diligently as you can. After the timer goes off, give yourself a small, fun reward. A few of these sessions in a day can really move your studies forward. Try to set up times and places where studying—not glancing at your computer or phone—is just something you naturally do. 专心点关掉手机和电脑上所有打扰你的哔哔声和闹钟,然后打开25分钟的计时器。在这25分钟内集中注意力,尽可能勤奋地工作。计时器结束后,给予自己一个小的,有趣的奖励。一天中的几次这样的会议可以真正推动你的学习。试着安排时间和地点,让学习--而不是盯着电脑或手机--成为你自然而然的事情。

  9. Eat your frogs first. Do the hardest thing earliest in the day, when you are fresh. 先吃你的青蛙。最难的事要在一天中最早的时候做,那时你是新鲜的。

  10. Make a mental contrast. Imagine where you’ve come from and contrast that with the dream of where your studies will take you. Post a picture or words in your workspace to remind you of your dream. Look at that when you find your motivation lagging. This work will pay off both for you and those you love! 做一个心理对比。想象一下你来自哪里,并将其与你的学习将带你去哪里的梦想进行对比。在你的工作空间里贴一张图片或文字来提醒你的梦想。当你发现你的动力滞后时,看看这个。这项工作将为你和你所爱的人付出代价!


10 Rules of Bad Studying 学习不好的10条规则

  1. Passive rereading—sitting passively and running your eyes back over a page. Unless you can prove that the material is moving into your brain by recalling the main ideas without looking at the page, rereading is a waste of time. 被动式重读被动地坐着,眼睛向后看一页。除非你能通过不看页面而回忆主要思想来证明材料正在进入你的大脑,否则重读是浪费时间。

  2. Letting highlights overwhelm you. Highlighting your text can fool your mind into thinking you are putting something in your brain, when all you’re really doing is moving your hand. A little highlighting here and there is okay—sometimes it can be helpful in flagging important points. But if you are using highlighting as a memory tool, make sure that what you mark is also going into your brain. 让高光淹没你。突出显示你的文字可以欺骗你的头脑,让你以为你在把什么东西放进大脑,而实际上你所做的只是移动你的手。在这里或那里加一点高亮是可以的--有时它可以帮助标记重要的点。但是如果你把高亮作为一种记忆工具,确保你标记的东西也进入你的大脑。

  3. Merely glancing at a problem’s solution and thinking you know how to do it. This is one of the worst errors students make while studying. You need to be able to solve a problem step-by-step, without looking at the solution. 只是看了一眼问题的解决方案,就认为自己知道怎么做。这是学生在学习中犯的最大错误。你需要能够一步一步地解决问题,而不去看解决方案。

  4. Waiting until the last minute to study. Would you cram at the last minute if you were practicing for a track meet? Your brain is like a muscle—it can handle only a limited amount of exercise on one subject at a time. 直到最后一刻才开始学习。如果你在为田径运动会练习,你会在最后一刻临时抱佛脚吗?你的大脑就像一块肌肉--它一次只能处理一个主题的有限的运动量。

  5. Repeatedly solving problems of the same type that you already know how to solve. If you just sit around solving similar problems during your practice, you’re not actually preparing for a test—it’s like preparing for a big basketball game by just practicing your dribbling. 重复解决你已经知道如何解决的同一类型的问题。如果你只是坐在练习中解决类似的问题,你实际上并不是在为考试做准备,这就像是在为一场重要的篮球比赛做准备时,你只是在练习运球。

  6. Letting study sessions with friends turn into chat sessions. Checking your problem solving with friends, and quizzing one another on what you know, can make learning more enjoyable, expose flaws in your thinking, and deepen your learning. But if your joint study sessions turn to fun before the work is done, you’re wasting your time and should find another study group. 让与朋友的学习变成聊天。和朋友一起检查你解决问题的能力,互相询问你所知道的,可以让学习更愉快,暴露你思想中的缺陷,加深你的学习。但是如果你的联合学习在完成之前就变得有趣了,你就是在浪费时间,你应该找另一个学习小组。

  7. Neglecting to read the textbook before you start working problems. Would you dive into a pool before you knew how to swim? The textbook is your swimming instructor—it guides you toward the answers. You will flounder and waste your time if you don’t bother to read it. Before you begin to read, however, take a quick glance over the chapter or section to get a sense of what it’s about. 在你开始解题之前忽略阅读课本。你会在学会游泳之前就跳进游泳池吗?教科书是你的游泳老师,它引导你找到答案。如果你不去读的话,你会陷入困境,浪费时间。然而,在你开始阅读之前,快速浏览一下章节或部分,了解一下它的内容。

  8. Not checking with your instructors or classmates to clear up points of confusion. Professors are used to lost students coming in for guidance—it’s our job to help you. The students we worry about are the ones who don’t come in. Don’t be one of those students. 不与你的导师或同学核实以澄清混淆点。教授们已经习惯了迷路的学生来寻求指导--帮助你是我们的工作。我们担心的是那些不来上课的学生。不要成为那些学生之一。

  9. Thinking you can learn deeply when you are being constantly distracted. Every tiny pull toward an instant message or conversation means you have less brain power to devote to learning. Every tug of interrupted attention pulls out tiny neural roots before they can grow. 当你经常分心的时候,你会认为你可以深入学习。每一个微小的拉向即时消息或对话意味着你有更少的脑力投入学习。每一次被打断的注意力的拉扯都会在微小的神经根生长之前将其拔出。

  10. Not getting enough sleep. Your brain pieces together problem-solving techniques when you sleep, and it also practices and repeats whatever you put in mind before you go to sleep. Prolonged fatigue allows toxins to build up in the brain that disrupt the neural connections you need to think quickly and well. If you don’t get a good sleep before a test, NOTHING ELSE YOU HAVE DONE WILL MATTER. 睡眠不足。当你睡觉的时候,你的大脑会把解决问题的技巧拼凑在一起,它也会练习和重复你在睡觉前想到的任何东西。长时间的疲劳会让毒素在大脑中积聚,破坏你需要快速和良好思考的神经连接。如果你在考试前没有好好睡一觉,你所做的一切都不重要。


posted @ 2023-10-02 10:40  温润如玉公子花  阅读(33)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报