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摘要: have been using VirtualBox for W7 on my Gentoo machine, without any problems for quite some time.I have given my virtual disk /mnt/w7/Windows_7.vdi a separate partition /dev/hda1 of size 26 GB. Now the size of the virtual disk has grown and I 阅读全文
posted @ 2014-03-25 21:36 huashiyiqike 阅读(2130) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
摘要: 先装扩展包。vbox 所在的用户组比如要包括当前用户才行。查看当前用户名:sharl@sharl-laptop:~$ whoamisharl查看vbox 所在的组:sharl@sharl-laptop:~$ cat /etc/group | grep vboxvboxusers:x:125:sharl将当前用户加入vbox组:usermod -a -G vboxusers sharl即可。此时,重启系统。再次打开虚拟机,果然,USB设备都已经被识别、访问到了。这些,在“设备”菜单下就可以看到。 阅读全文
posted @ 2014-03-25 20:16 huashiyiqike 阅读(3722) 评论(1) 推荐(1) 编辑