Ubuntu 13.04有线连接异常

最近安装了Ubuntu 13.04 64位版,发现有线连接经常会掉线,通常在连接上一段时间(或长或短)就无法上网,ping不通,但是ifconfig显示一切正常,重启NetworkManager也不行,必须拔掉网线重新插上才行,但是过一会依然会掉线。无线连接正常,在12.04/12.10下也没遇到过这个问题,请问该怎么解决呢?
于是我发了这个:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1176370 ,
目前是Confirmed 状态,但重要性什么的还没有评估,bug热度值是6。
如果你们有launchpad.net帐号(或者能不能顺手注册一个?)的话,不妨点进去上面给出的链接,点一下"this bug affects me",表明你也受这个bug影响,可以提升bug的热度(每影响多一个人,热度+6),也能够尽快引起ubuntu开发人员注意,尽早修复这个bug。
我已在Ubuntu在线开发社区平台launchpad提交bug report,bug report所在地址:https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1176370
如果你也受此bug影响,请注册Launchpad,进入上述bug的帖子地址,点击This bug affects ** people. Does this bug affect you?——>Yes, it affects me.以表明你也受该bug影响。
Luis Henriques (henrix) wrote on 2013-08-22: 
I've uploaded a Raring kernel containing the fix for this issue with the atl1c device driver here:
Feel free to use until the fix actually hits the Ubuntu Raring kernel. I'll update this bug when this happens.
Timmie (timmie) wrote on 2013-08-26: 
I installed your kenel packages yesterday.
My connection is up & running fine this morning !
Annoyance is stopped.
I hope that they'll add them to the ofical repos, too.
Luis Henriques (henrix) wrote on 2013-08-26: 
Thanks a lot for testing this.
Mathew Roy: I've uploaded a 32bits version of the kernel here: http://people.canonical.com/~henrix/lp1173279/i386/
Stefano Pecchenino (pekke) wrote on 2013-09-18: 
wget -c kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.11-rc4-saucy/linux-headers-3.11.0-031100rc4_3.11.0-031100rc4.201308041735_all.deb
wget -c kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.11-rc4-saucy/linux-headers-3.11.0-031100rc4-generic_3.11.0-031100rc4.201308041735_i386.deb
wget -c kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.11-rc4-saucy/linux-image-3.11.0-031100rc4-generic_3.11.0-031100rc4.201308041735_i386.deb
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
Luis Henriques (henrix) wrote on 2013-10-01: 
Since the Raring kernel currently in -updates (3.8.0-31.46) already contains the fix for this bug, I'm changing this bug to 'Fix-released'.
Changed in linux (Ubuntu): 
Incomplete → Fix Released 
posted @ 2013-10-01 17:43  linux,dev  阅读(286)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报