Ubuntu 13.04下安装WPS for Linux
有人说Linux下不是有open office 和libre office么?是啊,可是将windows下的doc文档或者ppt放到Libreoffice上打开的时候我们很明显的可以看到格式完全不统一!所有的排版都已经失效!所以我们在LInux下安装一个wps是很有必要的!!!
下面废话不多说,我们直接进入正题,首先我们进入官网,我们会发现wps for Linux已经发展到Alpha 10版了!点击“进入下载”我们进入下载界面,下载的时候我们会发现我们下载的是Beta1 版,对于Ubuntu/Debian用户下载deb安装包,对于Fedora和Red Hat用户当然得下载rpm安装包了!对于其他Linux 用户我们可能需要下载xz压缩包了!(对于xz压缩文件的打开,参见这篇 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2013-03/81526.htm)
我当前使用的是Ubuntu 13.04,使用aptitude search 搜索这些库即可,如果未安装,先安装上!like this :
www.linuxidc.com@long-Ubuntu:~/下载$ aptitude search libtiff
v libtiff-dev -
p libtiff-doc - TIFF manipulation and conversion documenta
p libtiff-opengl - TIFF manipulation and conversion tools
p libtiff-tools - TIFF manipulation and conversion tools
p libtiff4 - Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library (old
p libtiff4-dev - Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library (old
i libtiff5 - Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library
p libtiff5-alt-dev - Tag Image File Format library (TIFF), alte
p libtiff5-dev - Tag Image File Format library (TIFF), deve
p libtiffxx0c2 - Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library (old
p libtiffxx5 - Tag Image File Format (TIFF) library -- C+
p python-libtiff - wrapper to the libtiff library to Python u
v python2.7-libtiff -
www.linuxidc.com@long-Ubuntu:~/下载$ sudo apt-get install libtiff4
注 : 如果是64位用户,还需要通过安装32 bit的库来获得支持。
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
之后我们安装上面所下载的wps for linux 的deb安装包即可:
dpkg -i wps-office_8.1.0.3724~b1p2_i386.deb
安装完毕,在bash下打开wps :
我们可以找到很多种解决办法,其中Ubuntu和Debian用户下载一个deb安装包即可安装好所有的字体库,下载后安装,安装完成后重启wps 所有冲突即已解决!!!
免费下载地址在 http://linux.linuxidc.com/
具体下载目录在 /2013年资料/6月/3日/Ubuntu 13.04下安装WPS for Linux
sudo dpkg -i symbol-fonts_1.1_all.deb
# ls
# xz -d wps-office_8.1.0.3724~b1p2_x86.tar.xz
# ls
# tar -xvf wps-office_8.1.0.3724~b1p2_x86.tar
# ls
wps-office_8.1.0.3724~b1p2_x86 wps-office_8.1.0.3724~b1p2_x86.tar
#cd wps-office_8.1.0.3724~b1p2_x86
et install_fonts README.txt utility wps
fonts office6 templates wpp wps_error_check.sh
在此目录下我们使用 ./et 即可打开 wps表格,./ wps即可打开wps文字,./wpp 即可打开wps演示!是不是相当简单???
对于这样的情况,我们可以写一个脚本放在 /bin目录下,简化以后我们使用wps:
比如说写一个 wps.sh脚本:
我们使用 ./install_fonts 安装字体即可!
Cannot install ia32-libs
Since ia32-libs is now a transitional wrapper package around the set of multiarch-enabled libraries that were previously shipped bundled in ia32-libs, all of these library packages must be installable. In a released version of Ubuntu (such as in the precise and precise-updates pockets), packages will always be individually installable; however, multiarch imposes an additional restriction on installability: the library package must be at the exact same version across all architectures that you are installing it for.
In one of the examples given here, the libcairo-gobject2 package is implicated. This package has recently been updated for 12.04 as an SRU; which means that trying to install ia32-libs requires the amd64 version of libcairo-gobject2 on your system to match the i386 version that will be downloaded.
To ensure you're getting the correct versions of all library packages, do the following:
Launch Update Manager
Choose Settings at the bottom of the window
Under Updates, make sure that Recommended Updates (precise-updates) is selected.
Click Check to scan for any new software updates
Click Install Updates to ensure your existing packages are all up to date
If you currently have a broken package installed which depends on ia32-libs, this may ask to remove it. You should proceed with the removal and reinstall once the operation is completed. You should then be able to run
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs
to install ia32-libs, or download package from http://packages.ubuntu.com/ and
sudo dpkg -i /path/to/package.deb
sudo apt-get -f install
to install your package and automatically pull in ia32-libs as a dependency.
Note that ia32-libs is considered deprecated in any case. For most software, you should instead install the i386 version of the package and let it directly pull the i386 libraries that it needs as dependencies, instead of using ia32-libs which is a catch-all.
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edited Sep 8 '12 at 18:15
answered Jun 8 '12 at 19:41