using System;
using System.Collections;

// <autogenerated>
//     This code was generated; original version is from
//     Date:    4-7-2006
//     Time:    10:20 上午
//     Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
//     the code is regenerated.
// </autogenerated>

namespace DataMap
 #region CK
 /// <summary>
 /// CK object for NHibernate mapped table 'CK'.
 /// </summary>

 public class CK :ICloneable
  #region Member Variables
  protected short _cKID;
  protected Nullables.NullableInt16 _rKGL;
  protected Nullables.NullableInt16 _ySGL;
  protected Nullables.NullableInt16 _bPQTY;
  protected Nullables.NullableInt16 _bNWGT;
  protected Nullables.NullableInt16 _bGWGT;
  protected Nullables.NullableInt16 _bVOL;
  protected Nullables.NullableInt16 _bPRICE;
  protected string _billPrefix;
  protected Tree _tree; //Tree_CK_FK1
  protected Customer _customerCust; //Customer_CK_FK1

  protected IList _userCKRs;

  protected IList _aSNs;

  protected IList _cKBills;

  #region Constructors
  public CK() { }
  public CK( Nullables.NullableInt16 rKGL, Nullables.NullableInt16 ySGL, Nullables.NullableInt16 bPQTY, Nullables.NullableInt16 bNWGT, Nullables.NullableInt16 bGWGT, Nullables.NullableInt16 bVOL, Nullables.NullableInt16 bPRICE, string billPrefix,
    Tree tree,
    Customer customerCust )
   this._rKGL = rKGL;
   this._ySGL = ySGL;
   this._bPQTY = bPQTY;
   this._bNWGT = bNWGT;
   this._bGWGT = bGWGT;
   this._bVOL = bVOL;
   this._bPRICE = bPRICE;
   this._billPrefix = billPrefix;
   this._tree = tree;
   this._customerCust = customerCust;

  #region About Clone

  public object Clone()
   return MemberwiseClone();

  public CK SClone()
   CK ret= new CK();

   ret.RKGL = this.RKGL;
   ret.YSGL = this.YSGL;
   ret.BPQTY = this.BPQTY;
   ret.BNWGT = this.BNWGT;
   ret.BGWGT = this.BGWGT;
   ret.BVOL = this.BVOL;
   ret.BPRICE = this.BPRICE;
   ret.BillPrefix = this.BillPrefix;

   ret.Tree = this.Tree;
   ret.CustomerCust = this.CustomerCust;

   return ret;


  #region Public Properties
  public short CKID
   get {return _cKID;}
   set {_cKID = value;}

  static public string CKID_DBName
   get {return "CKID";}
  public Nullables.NullableInt16 RKGL
   get { return _rKGL; }
   set { _rKGL = value; }
  static public string RKGL_DBName
   get {return "RKGL";}
  public Nullables.NullableInt16 YSGL
   get { return _ySGL; }
   set { _ySGL = value; }
  static public string YSGL_DBName
   get {return "YSGL";}
  public Nullables.NullableInt16 BPQTY
   get { return _bPQTY; }
   set { _bPQTY = value; }
  static public string BPQTY_DBName
   get {return "BPQTY";}
  public Nullables.NullableInt16 BNWGT
   get { return _bNWGT; }
   set { _bNWGT = value; }
  static public string BNWGT_DBName
   get {return "BNWGT";}
  public Nullables.NullableInt16 BGWGT
   get { return _bGWGT; }
   set { _bGWGT = value; }
  static public string BGWGT_DBName
   get {return "BGWGT";}
  public Nullables.NullableInt16 BVOL
   get { return _bVOL; }
   set { _bVOL = value; }
  static public string BVOL_DBName
   get {return "BVOL";}
  public Nullables.NullableInt16 BPRICE
   get { return _bPRICE; }
   set { _bPRICE = value; }
  static public string BPRICE_DBName
   get {return "BPRICE";}
  public string BillPrefix
   get { return _billPrefix; }
   set { _billPrefix = value; }
  static public string BillPrefix_DBName
   get {return "BillPrefix";}
  public Tree Tree
   get { return _tree; }
   set { _tree = value; }
  public string  TID
   get { if (_tree != null) return _tree.TID; else return null; }
  public Customer CustomerCust
   get { return _customerCust; }
   set { _customerCust = value; }
  public string  CustID
   get { if (_customerCust != null) return _customerCust.ID; else return null; }
  public IList UserCKRs
   get { return _userCKRs; }
   set { _userCKRs = value; }
  public IList ASNs
   get { return _aSNs; }
   set { _aSNs = value; }
  public IList CKBills
   get { return _cKBills; }
   set { _cKBills = value; }