这个设计模式,说真的,我还没读懂,读懂的兄弟可以留言帮我解释一下,我需要 慢慢的研究 这 中模式的好处,和优点,先附上我的代码
abstract class component{ abstract public function operation(); } class concreteComponent extends component { public function operation() { // TODO: Implement operation() method. echo '这里是具体操作'; } } abstract class Decoratr extends component { protected $component; public function setComponent($component){ $this->component = $component; } public function operation() { // TODO: Implement operation() method. if($this->component!=null){ $this->component->operation(); } } } class A extends Decoratr { private $state; public function operation() { parent::operation(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub $this->state = 'new state'; echo '装饰A'; } } class B extends Decoratr { public function operation() { parent::operation(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub $this->behavior(); echo '装饰B'; } public function behavior(){ } } $c = new concreteComponent(); $a = new A(); $b = new B(); $a->setComponent($c); $b->setComponent($a); $b->operation();