typedef struct { int ProblemNum; int precision; int OperandNum; int lrange; int hrange; int calculate_kind; string KindofOperator; }Config;
1.core.Setting(string option, int key);
bool core::Setting(string option, int key) {//TODO ::to call the wrong parameter if (option == "calculate_kind") { config.calculate_kind = key; } if (option == "precision") { config.precision = key; return true; } if (option == "ProblemNum") { config.ProblemNum = key; return true; } if (option == "OperandNum") { config.OperandNum = key; return true; } if (option == "lrange") { config.lrange = key; return true; } if (option == "hrange") { config.hrange = key; return true; } return false; }
2.core.Setting(char option, bool key);
bool core::Setting(char c, bool key) {//TODO ::to call the wrong parameter if (c == '+') { if(key) config.KindofOperator.append("+"); return true; } if (c == '-') { if(key) config.KindofOperator.append("-"); return true; } if (c == '*') { if(key) config.KindofOperator.append("*"); return true; } if (c == '/') { if(key) config.KindofOperator.append("/"); return true; } if (c == '^') { if(key) config.KindofOperator.append("^"); return true; } return false; }
在这个方法中,根据config的设置来随机的生成没有括号的表达式,然后递归调用私有方法AddBracket(), 随机的生成合法的并列或者是嵌套的括弧
并且将表达式尝试传入Calc方法,如果抛出不整除,除零,越界,幂指数不为整数等异常,就进行处理,放弃这个表达式,重新生成。每生成一个表达式,需要和之前生成的所有表达式进行运算过程比较,即传入ProblemCompare方法,两个表达式同时进行计算,如果每次计算的两个操作室相同(不计入顺序), 操作符相同,则两个表达式为同一表达式。
void core::Generate(string* &Problem, string* &result) { int test; vector<int> DivoperatorIndex; vector<int> PowoperatorIndex; int m;// for loop int overflow = 0; int calculate_kind = config.calculate_kind; if (calculate_kind == 0) { config.precision = 0; } int precision = config.precision; const int ProblemNum = config.ProblemNum;//the number of the problems const int OperandNum = config.OperandNum;//the number of the operands string KindofOperator = config.KindofOperator;//all of the kind of the operators if (KindofOperator.find("+") != string::npos) KindofOperator.append(30, '+'); if (KindofOperator.find("-") != string::npos) KindofOperator.append(30, '-'); if (KindofOperator.find("*") != string::npos) KindofOperator.append(10, '*'); if (KindofOperator.find("/") != string::npos) KindofOperator.append(20, '/'); if (KindofOperator.find("^") != string::npos) KindofOperator.append(8, '^'); const int lrange = config.lrange; const int hrange = config.hrange;// the range of the operator and the result int* IntOperand; double *FloatOperand;//to store the operands, and to get their index IntOperand = new int[OperandNum]; FloatOperand = new double[OperandNum]; fraction *FractionOperand; FractionOperand = new fraction[OperandNum]; char *Operator;// to store the operators, and to get their index Operator = new char[OperandNum]; Problem = new string[ProblemNum]; result = new string[ProblemNum]; string OriginalProblem = ""; int j; for (j = 0; j < ProblemNum && overflow < 10000*ProblemNum ; j++, overflow++) { PowoperatorIndex.clear(); DivoperatorIndex.clear(); OriginalProblem = ""; for (int i = 0; i < OperandNum - 1; i++) { Operator[i] = KindofOperator[random(0, KindofOperator.size() - 1)]; if (Operator[i] == '^') PowoperatorIndex.push_back(i); if (Operator[i] == '/') DivoperatorIndex.push_back(i); } if (calculate_kind == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < OperandNum; i++) { IntOperand[i] = random(lrange, hrange); } for (int i = 0; i < PowoperatorIndex.size(); i++) { IntOperand[PowoperatorIndex[i] + 1] = random(0, 3); } for (int i = DivoperatorIndex.size()-1; i >= 0 ; i--) { IntOperand[DivoperatorIndex[i] + 1] = tofinddiv(IntOperand[DivoperatorIndex[i]]); } for (int i = 0; i < OperandNum - 1; i++) { OriginalProblem += to_string(IntOperand[i]); OriginalProblem += Operator[i]; } OriginalProblem += to_string(IntOperand[OperandNum - 1]); } if (calculate_kind == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < OperandNum; i++) { FloatOperand[i] = random((float)lrange, (float)hrange); } for (int i = 0; i < PowoperatorIndex.size(); i++) { FloatOperand[PowoperatorIndex[i] + 1] = random(0, 3); } for (int i = 0; i < OperandNum - 1; i++) { OriginalProblem += to_string_with_precision(FloatOperand[i], precision); OriginalProblem += Operator[i]; } OriginalProblem += to_string_with_precision(FloatOperand[OperandNum - 1], precision); } if (calculate_kind == 2) { for (int i = 0; i < OperandNum; i++) { FractionOperand[i].denominator = random(lrange, hrange); FractionOperand[i].numerator = random(lrange, hrange); FractionOperand[i] = Simplify(FractionOperand[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < PowoperatorIndex.size(); i++) { FractionOperand[PowoperatorIndex[i] + 1].numerator = random(0, 3); FractionOperand[PowoperatorIndex[i] + 1].denominator = 1; FractionOperand[PowoperatorIndex[i] + 1] = Simplify(FractionOperand[PowoperatorIndex[i] + 1]); } for (int i = 0; i < OperandNum - 1; i++) { OriginalProblem += Frac2Str(FractionOperand[i]); OriginalProblem += Operator[i]; } OriginalProblem += Frac2Str(FractionOperand[OperandNum - 1]); } Problem[j] = AddBracket(OriginalProblem); cout << Problem[j] << endl; if (Calc(Problem[j]) == "ERROR: expression!") { j--; continue; } //cout << Problem[j] << endl; for (m = 0; m < j; m++) { if (ProblemCompare(Problem[m], Problem[j]))//TODO { break; } } if (m != j)// { j--; continue; }//TODO:: } if (overflow == 10000 * ProblemNum) { for (int i = j; i < ProblemNum; i++) Problem[i] = ""; } for (int i = 0; i < ProblemNum; i++) { result[i] = Calc(Problem[i]); //Problem[i] = to_unicode(Problem[i]); //result[i] = to_unicode(result[i]); } }
bool core::ProblemCompare(string formar, string latter) { fraction fracs[arraysize]; string::size_type idx; if (exp == "") return ""; result = "ERROR: expression!"; idx = exp.find("|"); // check out the ERROR: character in this expression try { // throw exception ExceptChar(exp); FracOrInte(exp); MatchBracket(exp); ExceptConnection(exp); // no matching error or ERROR: character if (idx == string::npos) { try { sur = exp2suffix(exp); result = to_string_with_precision(calcInte(sur, 0, 99999), config.precision); } catch (const char* msg) { return result; } } else { try { GetFrac(exp, fracs); sur = exp2suffix(exp); result = Frac2Str(CalcFrac(sur, fracs, 0, 99999)); } catch (const char* msg) { return result; } } } catch (const char* msg) { return result; } fraction fracs[arraysize]; string::size_type idx; if (exp == "") return ""; result = "ERROR: expression!"; idx = exp.find("|"); // check out the ERROR: character in this expression try { // throw exception ExceptChar(exp); FracOrInte(exp); MatchBracket(exp); ExceptConnection(exp); // no matching error or ERROR: character if (idx == string::npos) { try { sur = exp2suffix(exp); result = to_string_with_precision(calcInte(sur, 0, 99999), config.precision); } catch (const char* msg) { return result; } } else { try { GetFrac(exp, fracs); sur = exp2suffix(exp); result = Frac2Str(CalcFrac(sur, fracs, 0, 99999)); } catch (const char* msg) { return result; } } } catch (const char* msg) { return result; } return result; }
编写了两个随机数的方法, 代码如下
int core::random(int low, int high) { int i; srand(seed); i = (rand() % (high - low + 1)) + low; seed = (seed + 199) % RAND_MAX; return i; } double core::random(double low, double high) { int i = random((int)low*(int)low, (int)high*(int)high); return sqrt(i); }
于是我们遂在Generate里面就指定生成'/' 符号的后面的数字是前面数字的约数,这要大大提高了生成题目的速度