1,先说主函数,直接进re_test.c 了。主要是:选定RX TX,设定本地,远端地址,初始化发射部分,再就是发送或接受程序了。
#ifdef RX
myAddr = ADDRESS_0;
remoteAddr = ADDRESS_1;
myAddr = ADDRESS_1;
remoteAddr = ADDRESS_0;
2,void initRfTest(void)
UINT32 frequency = 2405000; //选定频段
radioInit(frequency, myAddr);
对于radioInit() 其原型是:
void radioInit(UINT32 frequency, BYTE localAddress)
BOOL sppInit(UINT32 frequency, BYTE address)主要功能是:
初始化简单的数据包装协议Simple Packet Protocol (SPP),从 DMA 管理器申请两个 DMA 通道,用于分别从 Rx FIFO 和 Tx FIFO 传输数据。定时器4管理器同样被设置,这个单元用于在数据包发送后接收器在一定时间内没有返回应答时产生中断。无线部分配置为发送,工作在特定的频率,在发送时自动计算和插入和检查CRC值。
BOOL radioSend(BYTE* transmitData, WORD dataLength, BYTE remoteAddress,
BYTE doAck);
This function sends data of a given length either to a specified recipient (may be broadcast) using the radio. If the number of bytes to be transferred is larger than the size of the TX FIFO, the data is split over an adequate number of packets. The function uses the SPP library. If the radio is busy, or the packet is sent but not ACK'ed, the transmission is retried. If the retires fails, the function returns FALSE. If the packet is ACK'ed correctly by the receiver.
BYTE* transmitData------------Pointer to the data to be sent.
WORD dataLenght------------- The number of bytes to be transferred.
BYTE remoteAddress------The address of the node to receive the packet. 0 is broadcast address (BROADCAST_ADDRESS).
BYTE doAck--------Set to DO_ACK if the packet is to be ACK'ed and DO_NOT_ACK otherwise.
Return value---BOOL---TRUE if the sent packet is acked by the recipient and false otherwise.
BOOL radioReceive(BYTE** receiveData, BYTE* length, WORD timeout, BYTE* sender);
Description: This function turns on the radio receiver and waits until either a correctly addressed packet is received or the unit has been waiting for a specified time period. The function employsthe SPP library for radio access.
BYTE** receiveData-------------Double pointer to the received data. This way of reference
reduces the RAM requirement.
BYTE* lenght---------------------Pointer to the length of the received data.
WORD timeout----------------Value indicating how long the receiver will wait for a packet in ms. If no packet is received within this timeout period, false is returned. If timeout is set to 0, the function will not return before a packet is received.
BYTE* sender-----------------The function will fill in the packets source address at this location.
BYTE sppSend(SPP_TX_STRUCT* pPacketPointer)
{ // Writing the total packet length, addresses and flags to Tx FiFo.
// Transferring the payload if any.RFD RF Data
RFD = (pPacketPointer->payloadLength + SPP_HEADER_AND_FOOTER_LENGTH);
RFD = pPacketPointer->destAddress; //加载目标地址
RFD = myAddress; //插入源地址(TX结构体中没有)
RFD = pPacketPointer->flags; //标志
6, 在spp.c中其他重要函数一览:
void sppSetRxCallBackFunction(FUNCTION* callBackFunction)
改变正确接收数据包后的动作。callBackFunction 用户指定的函数
void sendAck(SPP_RX_STRUCT* receivedPacket) //发送应答
void rxCallBack(void) //在Rx DAM 通道完成数据传输后由中断程序调用。检查接收包掉的目的地址,如果地址不是这个节点的,或CRC值是错误的,包装将被擦除。如果数据包被告知将发送一个应答。一个用户定义的回调函数可以运行如果定义了的话。
void ackTimeout(void) //如果没有收到接收器返回的应答,将重新发送数据包
void sppSetAddress(BYTE address)
void waitForAck(void)
BOOL ackReceived(BYTE sourceAddress) //收到一个应答时调用。如果应答是期望的节
点, 将取消数据包重发。
__interrupt void spp_rf_IRQ(void)
void sppReceive(SPP_RX_STRUCT* pReceiveData)
__interrupt static void rf_error_IRQ(void)