for design pattern , i always has an impression that we would not find the advantages and disadvantages if we don't use them in our projects. i don't ... 阅读全文
the events of life circle in a datagrid first, there is a important object in datagrid : datagriditem, we can get them use datagrid.items which is inh... 阅读全文
application state:application state varibles are global variables for a given ASP.NET application.1.The memory impact of storing something in application state. The memory occupied by variables stored in application state is not released until the value is either removed or replaced2.The concurrency 阅读全文
问题一:public class A{ public A(){} public virtual functionA() { Console.WriteLine("I am A"); }}public class B:A { public B(){} public functionA(){ Console.WriteLine("I am B");}}public static... 阅读全文
.net exceptions are divided into two diifferent kinds. 1.system exceptions: inherited from System.SystemException, such as ArgumentOutofRangeException... 阅读全文
a new instance of the web page class is created each time the page is posted to the server. In traditional web programming , this would typically mean... 阅读全文
1. why use cache can increase performance by storing memory data that is access frequently and that requires signficant processing time to create. 2. ... 阅读全文