
pip install retry




from retry import retry

@retry(tries=5, delay=2)
def test():
    print 1
    a = 5/0




def retry(exceptions=Exception, tries=-1, delay=0, max_delay=None, backoff=1, jitter=0, logger=logging_logger):
    """Return a retry decorator.
    :param exceptions: an exception or a tuple of exceptions to catch. default: Exception.
    :param tries: the maximum number of attempts. default: -1 (infinite).
    :param delay: initial delay between attempts. default: 0.
    :param max_delay: the maximum value of delay. default: None (no limit).
    :param backoff: multiplier applied to delay between attempts. default: 1 (no backoff).
    :param jitter: extra seconds added to delay between attempts. default: 0.
                   fixed if a number, random if a range tuple (min, max)
    :param logger: logger.warning(fmt, error, delay) will be called on failed attempts.
                   default: retry.logging_logger. if None, logging is disabled.


posted @ 2018-01-24 19:23  Shiyu_Huang  阅读(8690)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报