



new_text = text
# patterns that used to find or/and replace particular chars or words
# to find chars that are not a letter, a blank or a quotation
pat_letter = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z \']+')
# to find the 's following the pronouns. re.I is refers to ignore case
pat_is = re.compile("(it|he|she|that|this|there|here)(\'s)", re.I)
# to find the 's following the letters
pat_s = re.compile("(?<=[a-zA-Z])\'s")
# to find the ' following the words ending by s
pat_s2 = re.compile("(?<=s)\'s?")
# to find the abbreviation of not
pat_not = re.compile("(?<=[a-zA-Z])n\'t")
# to find the abbreviation of would
pat_would = re.compile("(?<=[a-zA-Z])\'d")
# to find the abbreviation of will
pat_will = re.compile("(?<=[a-zA-Z])\'ll")
# to find the abbreviation of am
pat_am = re.compile("(?<=[I|i])\'m")
# to find the abbreviation of are
pat_are = re.compile("(?<=[a-zA-Z])\'re")
# to find the abbreviation of have
pat_ve = re.compile("(?<=[a-zA-Z])\'ve")

can’t 应该还原成 can not
I’ve 应该还原成 i have

posted @ 2021-05-24 16:21  黄某人233  阅读(41)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报