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(3 + 4) × 5 - 6 就是中缀表达式
- × + 3 4 5 6 前缀表达式
3 4 + 5 × 6 - 后缀表达式



从右至左扫描表达式,遇到数字时,将数字压入堆栈,遇到运算符时,弹出栈顶的两个数,用运算符对它们做相应的计算(栈顶元素 op 次顶元素),并将结果入栈;重复上述过程直到表达式最左端,最后运算得出的值即为表达式的结果。
例如前缀表达式“- × + 3 4 5 6”:
(1) 从右至左扫描,将6、5、4、3压入堆栈;
(2) 遇到+运算符,因此弹出3和4(3为栈顶元素,4为次顶元素,注意与后缀表达式做比较),计算出3+4的值,得7,再将7入栈;
(3) 接下来是×运算符,因此弹出7和5,计算出7×5=35,将35入栈;
(4) 最后是-运算符,计算出35-6的值,即29,由此得出最终结果。

(1) 初始化两个栈:运算符栈S1和储存中间结果的栈S2;
(2) 从右至左扫描中缀表达式;
(3) 遇到操作数时,将其压入S2;
(4) 遇到运算符时,比较其与S1栈顶运算符的优先级:
(4-1) 如果S1为空,或栈顶运算符为右括号“)”,则直接将此运算符入栈;
(4-2) 否则,若优先级比栈顶运算符的较高或相等,也将运算符压入S1;
(4-3) 否则,将S1栈顶的运算符弹出并压入到S2中,再次转到(4-1)与S1中新的栈顶运算符相比较;
(5) 遇到括号时:
(5-1) 如果是右括号“)”,则直接压入S1;
(5-2) 如果是左括号“(”,则依次弹出S1栈顶的运算符,并压入S2,直到遇到右括号为止,此时将这一对括号丢弃;
(6) 重复步骤(2)至(5),直到表达式的最左边;
(7) 将S1中剩余的运算符依次弹出并压入S2;
(8) 依次弹出S2中的元素并输出,结果即为中缀表达式对应的前缀表达式。

扫描到的元素 S2(栈底->栈顶) S1 (栈底->栈顶) 说明
5 5 数字,直接入栈
- 5 - S1为空,运算符直接入栈
) 5 - ) 右括号直接入栈
4 5 4 - ) 数字直接入栈
× 5 4 - ) × S1栈顶是右括号,直接入栈
) 5 4 - ) × ) 右括号直接入栈
3 5 4 3 - ) × ) 数字
+ 5 4 3 - ) × ) + S1栈顶是右括号,直接入栈
2 5 4 3 2 - ) × ) + 数字
( 5 4 3 2 + - ) × 左括号,弹出运算符直至遇到右括号
( 5 4 3 2 + × - 同上
+ 5 4 3 2 + × - + 优先级与-相同,入栈
1 5 4 3 2 + × 1 - + 数字
到达最左端 5 4 3 2 + × 1 + - S1中剩余的运算符

因此结果为“- + 1 × + 2 3 4 5”。


从左至右扫描表达式,遇到数字时,将数字压入堆栈,遇到运算符时,弹出栈顶的两个数,用运算符对它们做相应的计算(次顶元素 op 栈顶元素),并将结果入栈;重复上述过程直到表达式最右端,最后运算得出的值即为表达式的结果。
例如后缀表达式“3 4 + 5 × 6 -”:
(1) 从左至右扫描,将3和4压入堆栈;
(2) 遇到+运算符,因此弹出4和3(4为栈顶元素,3为次顶元素,注意与前缀表达式做比较),计算出3+4的值,得7,再将7入栈;
(3) 将5入栈;
(4) 接下来是×运算符,因此弹出5和7,计算出7×5=35,将35入栈;
(5) 将6入栈;
(6) 最后是-运算符,计算出35-6的值,即29,由此得出最终结果。

(1) 初始化两个栈:运算符栈S1和储存中间结果的栈S2;
(2) 从左至右扫描中缀表达式;
(3) 遇到操作数时,将其压入S2;
(4) 遇到运算符时,比较其与S1栈顶运算符的优先级:
(4-1) 如果S1为空,或栈顶运算符为左括号“(”,则直接将此运算符入栈;
(4-2) 否则,若优先级比栈顶运算符的高,也将运算符压入S1(注意转换为前缀表达式时是优先级较高或相同,而这里则不包括相同的情况);
(4-3) 否则,将S1栈顶的运算符弹出并压入到S2中,再次转到(4-1)与S1中新的栈顶运算符相比较;
(5) 遇到括号时:
(5-1) 如果是左括号“(”,则直接压入S1;
(5-2) 如果是右括号“)”,则依次弹出S1栈顶的运算符,并压入S2,直到遇到左括号为止,此时将这一对括号丢弃;
(6) 重复步骤(2)至(5),直到表达式的最右边;
(7) 将S1中剩余的运算符依次弹出并压入S2;
(8) 依次弹出S2中的元素并输出,结果的逆序即为中缀表达式对应的后缀表达式(转换为前缀表达式时不用逆序)。


扫描到的元素 S2(栈底->栈顶) S1 (栈底->栈顶) 说明
1 1 数字,直接入栈
+ 1 + S1为空,运算符直接入栈
( 1 + ( 左括号,直接入栈
( 1 + ( ( 同上
2 1 2 + ( ( 数字
+ 1 2 + ( ( + S1栈顶为左括号,运算符直接入栈
3 1 2 3 + ( ( + 数字
) 1 2 3 + + ( 右括号,弹出运算符直至遇到左括号
× 1 2 3 + + ( × S1栈顶为左括号,运算符直接入栈
4 1 2 3 + 4 + ( × 数字
) 1 2 3 + 4 × + 右括号,弹出运算符直至遇到左括号
- 1 2 3 + 4 × + - -与+优先级相同,因此弹出+,再压入-
5 1 2 3 + 4 × + 5 - 数字
到达最右端 1 2 3 + 4 × + 5 - S1中剩余的运算符

因此结果为“1 2 3 + 4 × + 5 -”(注意需要逆序输出)。


(1) 程序很长且注释比较少,但如果将上面的理论内容弄懂之后再将程序编译并运行起来,还是比较容易理解的。有耐心的话可以研究一下。(2) 此程序是笔者为了说明上述概念而编写,仅做了简单的测试,不保证其中没有Bug,因此不要将其用于除研究之外的其他场合。

  1 package qmk.simple_test;
  2 import java.util.Scanner;
  3 import java.util.Stack;
  4 /**
  5  * Example of converting an infix-expression to
  6  * Polish Notation (PN) or Reverse Polish Notation (RPN).
  7  * Written in 2011-8-25
  8  * @author QiaoMingkui
  9  */
 10 public class Calculator {
 11       public static final String USAGE = "== usage ==\n"
 12             + "input the expressions, and then the program "
 13             + "will calculate them and show the result.\n"
 14             + "input 'bye' to exit.\n";
 15       /**
 16        * @param args
 17        */
 18       public static void main(String[] args) {
 19             System.out.println(USAGE);
 20             Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;
 21             String input = "";
 22             final String CLOSE_MARK = "bye";
 23             System.out.println("input an expression:");
 24             input = scanner.nextLine();
 25             while (input.length() != 0
 26                   && !CLOSE_MARK.equals((input))) {
 27                   System.out.print("Polish Notation (PN):");
 28                   try {
 29                         toPolishNotation(input);
 30                   } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
 31                         System.out.println("\ninput error, not a number.");
 32                   } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
 33                         System.out.println("\ninput error:" + e.getMessage());
 34                   } catch (Exception e) {
 35                         System.out.println("\ninput error, invalid expression.");
 36                   }
 37                   System.out.print("Reverse Polish Notation (RPN):");
 38                   try {
 39                         toReversePolishNotation(input);
 40                   } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
 41                         System.out.println("\ninput error, not a number.");
 42                   } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
 43                         System.out.println("\ninput error:" + e.getMessage());
 44                   } catch (Exception e) {
 45                         System.out.println("\ninput error, invalid expression.");
 46                   }
 47                   System.out.println("input a new expression:");
 48                   input = scanner.nextLine();
 49             }
 50             System.out.println("program exits");
 51       }
 52       /**
 53        * parse the expression , and calculate it.
 54        * @param input
 55        * @throws IllegalArgumentException
 56        * @throws NumberFormatException
 57        */
 58       private static void toPolishNotation(String input)
 59                   throws IllegalArgumentException, NumberFormatException {
 60             int len = input.length();
 61             char c, tempChar;
 62             Stack<Character> s1 = new Stack<Character>();
 63             Stack<Double> s2 = new Stack<Double>();
 64             Stack<Object> expression = new Stack<Object>();
 65             double number;
 66             int lastIndex = -1;
 67             for (int i=len-1; i>=0; --i) {
 68                   c = input.charAt(i);
 69                   if (Character.isDigit(c)) {
 70                         lastIndex = readDoubleReverse(input, i);
 71                         number = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(lastIndex, i+1));
 72                         s2.push(number);
 73                         i = lastIndex;
 74                         if ((int) number == number)
 75                               expression.push((int) number);
 76                         else
 77                               expression.push(number);
 78                   } else if (isOperator(c)) {
 79                         while (!s1.isEmpty()
 80                                     && s1.peek() != ')'
 81                                     && priorityCompare(c, s1.peek()) < 0) {
 82                               expression.push(s1.peek());
 83                               s2.push(calc(s2.pop(), s2.pop(), s1.pop()));
 84                         }
 85                         s1.push(c);
 86                   } else if (c == ')') {
 87                         s1.push(c);
 88                   } else if (c == '(') {
 89                         while ((tempChar=s1.pop()) != ')') {
 90                               expression.push(tempChar);
 91                               s2.push(calc(s2.pop(), s2.pop(), tempChar));
 92                               if (s1.isEmpty()) {
 93                                     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
 94                                           "bracket dosen't match, missing right bracket ')'.");
 95                               }
 96                         }
 97                   } else if (c == ' ') {
 98                         // ignore
 99                   } else {
100                         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
101                                     "wrong character '" + c + "'");
102                   }
103             }
104             while (!s1.isEmpty()) {
105                   tempChar = s1.pop();
106                   expression.push(tempChar);
107                   s2.push(calc(s2.pop(), s2.pop(), tempChar));
108             }
109             while (!expression.isEmpty()) {
110                   System.out.print(expression.pop() + " ");
111             }
112             double result = s2.pop();
113             if (!s2.isEmpty())
114                   throw new IllegalArgumentException("input is a wrong expression.");
115             System.out.println();
116             if ((int) result == result)
117                   System.out.println("the result is " + (int) result);
118             else
119                   System.out.println("the result is " + result);
120       }
121       /**
122        * parse the expression, and calculate it.
123        * @param input
124        * @throws IllegalArgumentException
125        * @throws NumberFormatException
126        */
127       private static void toReversePolishNotation(String input)
128                   throws IllegalArgumentException, NumberFormatException {
129             int len = input.length();
130             char c, tempChar;
131             Stack<Character> s1 = new Stack<Character>();
132             Stack<Double> s2 = new Stack<Double>();
133             double number;
134             int lastIndex = -1;
135             for (int i=0; i<len; ++i) {
136                   c = input.charAt(i);
137                   if (Character.isDigit(c) || c == '.') {
138                         lastIndex = readDouble(input, i);
139                         number = Double.parseDouble(input.substring(i, lastIndex));
140                         s2.push(number);
141                         i = lastIndex - 1;
142                         if ((int) number == number)
143                               System.out.print((int) number + " ");
144                         else
145                               System.out.print(number + " ");
146                   } else if (isOperator(c)) {
147                         while (!s1.isEmpty()
148                                     && s1.peek() != '('
149                                     && priorityCompare(c, s1.peek()) <= 0) {
150                               System.out.print(s1.peek() + " ");
151                               double num1 = s2.pop();
152                               double num2 = s2.pop();
153                               s2.push(calc(num2, num1, s1.pop()));
154                         }
155                         s1.push(c);
156                   } else if (c == '(') {
157                         s1.push(c);
158                   } else if (c == ')') {
159                         while ((tempChar=s1.pop()) != '(') {
160                               System.out.print(tempChar + " ");
161                               double num1 = s2.pop();
162                               double num2 = s2.pop();
163                               s2.push(calc(num2, num1, tempChar));
164                               if (s1.isEmpty()) {
165                                     throw new IllegalArgumentException(
166                                           "bracket dosen't match, missing left bracket '('.");
167                               }
168                         }
169                   } else if (c == ' ') {
170                         // ignore
171                   } else {
172                         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
173                                     "wrong character '" + c + "'");
174                   }
175             }
176             while (!s1.isEmpty()) {
177                   tempChar = s1.pop();
178                   System.out.print(tempChar + " ");
179                   double num1 = s2.pop();
180                   double num2 = s2.pop();
181                   s2.push(calc(num2, num1, tempChar));
182             }
183             double result = s2.pop();
184             if (!s2.isEmpty())
185                   throw new IllegalArgumentException("input is a wrong expression.");
186             System.out.println();
187             if ((int) result == result)
188                   System.out.println("the result is " + (int) result);
189             else
190                   System.out.println("the result is " + result);
191       }
192       /**
193        * calculate the two number with the operation.
194        * @param num1
195        * @param num2
196        * @param op
197        * @return
198        * @throws IllegalArgumentException
199        */
200       private static double calc(double num1, double num2, char op)
201                   throws IllegalArgumentException {
202             switch (op) {
203             case '+':
204                   return num1 + num2;
205             case '-':
206                   return num1 - num2;
207             case '*':
208                   return num1 * num2;
209             case '/':
210                   if (num2 == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("divisor can't be 0.");
211                   return num1 / num2;
212             default:
213                   return 0; // will never catch up here
214             }
215       }
216       /**
217        * compare the two operations' priority.
218        * @param c
219        * @param peek
220        * @return
221        */
222       private static int priorityCompare(char op1, char op2) {
223             switch (op1) {
224             case '+': case '-':
225                   return (op2 == '*' || op2 == '/' ? -1 : 0);
226             case '*': case '/':
227                   return (op2 == '+' || op2 == '-' ? 1 : 0);
228             }
229             return 1;
230       }
231       /**
232        * read the next number (reverse)
233        * @param input
234        * @param start
235        * @return
236        * @throws IllegalArgumentException
237        */
238       private static int readDoubleReverse(String input, int start)
239                   throws IllegalArgumentException {
240             int dotIndex = -1;
241             char c;
242             for (int i=start; i>=0; --i) {
243                   c = input.charAt(i);
244                   if (c == '.') {
245                         if (dotIndex != -1)
246                               throw new IllegalArgumentException(
247                                     "there have more than 1 dots in the number.");
248                         else
249                               dotIndex = i;
250                   } else if (!Character.isDigit(c)) {
251                         return i + 1;
252                   } else if (i == 0) {
253                         return 0;
254                   }
255             }
256             throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a number.");
257       }
259       /**
260        * read the next number
261        * @param input
262        * @param start
263        * @return
264        * @throws IllegalArgumentException
265        */
266       private static int readDouble(String input, int start)
267       throws IllegalArgumentException {
268             int len = input.length();
269             int dotIndex = -1;
270             char c;
271             for (int i=start; i<len; ++i) {
272                   c = input.charAt(i);
273                   if (c == '.') {
274                         if (dotIndex != -1)
275                               throw new IllegalArgumentException(
276                               "there have more than 1 dots in the number.");
277                         else if (i == len - 1)
278                               throw new IllegalArgumentException(
279                               "not a number, dot can't be the last part of a number.");
280                         else
281                               dotIndex = i;
282                   } else if (!Character.isDigit(c)) {
283                         if (dotIndex == -1 || i - dotIndex > 1)
284                               return i;
285                         else
286                               throw new IllegalArgumentException(
287                               "not a number, dot can't be the last part of a number.");
288                   } else if (i == len - 1) {
289                         return len;
290                   }
291             }
293             throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a number.");
294       }
295       /**
296        * return true if the character is an operator.
297        * @param c
298        * @return
299        */
300       private static boolean isOperator(char c) {
301             return (c=='+' || c=='-' || c=='*' || c=='/');
302       }
303 }



== usage ==
input the expressions, and then the program will calculate them and show the result.
input 'bye' to exit.


input an expression:
Polish Notation (PN):+ 3.8 5.3
the result is 9.1
Reverse Polish Notation (RPN):3.8 5.3 +
the result is 9.1
input a new expression:
Polish Notation (PN):/ * 5 + 9.1 3.2 + - 1 5 4.88
the result is 69.88636363636364
Reverse Polish Notation (RPN):5 9.1 3.2 + * 1 5 - 4.88 + /
the result is 69.88636363636364
input a new expression:
Polish Notation (PN):- + 1 * + 2 3 4 5
the result is 16
Reverse Polish Notation (RPN):1 2 3 + 4 * + 5 -
the result is 16
input a new expression:
program exits



posted @ 2017-11-07 12:25  薄荷加冰2060  阅读(574)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报