摘要:Ifound in lucene 3.5 contrib folder two plugins: one is grouping, the other is facet. In my option, both of them were used to split my documents into ...
06 2013 档案
摘要:今天RP爆发,16核服务器load飙到30多,cpu使用情况全部99%以上。从jstack中分析发现全部线程都堵在map.transfer处,如下:"pool-10-thread-23" prio=10 tid=0x00007fb190003800 nid=0x6350 runnable [0x00007fb64554b000] java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE at java.util.LinkedHashMap.transfer(LinkedHashMap.java:253) at java.util.HashMap.resi...
摘要:问题的引入:Hello, I am using the reopen method in the IndexReader class. In the caseof the IndexReader being updated, I would like to create a new IndexSearcherand close the old IndexReader. When closing an instance of IndexReader, do Ihave to wait for currently executing searches (through an IndexSearch