As the initial excitement of the honeymoon phase starts to wind down, settling into a more comfortable rhythm with your partner can be just as gratify 阅读全文
There is a conundrum at the heart of understanding how judgements work in relationships. On the one hand, we need to accurately assess whether someone 阅读全文
What would you do if you could predict the future a minute in advance? That might not seem like a long time, but for caretakers of people with autism, 阅读全文
In the long list of airline travel headaches, the boarding process has to be right up there with paying bag-check fees and finding just one freakin' S 阅读全文
Scientists Create Gut Gel 'Band-Aid' Made From the Body's Own Bacteria If you get a cut on your skin, you stick a band-aid on it. But what if you get 阅读全文
If you've ever tried apartment living, you probably know the feeling. It's 11:30 at night, and the guy who lives above you has decided that this is th 阅读全文
By 2050, the UN estimates that more than a third of the world’s population will be over 50, up from less than 16% in 1950. As a proportion of the work 阅读全文
The range of uses for the laser is striking, going far beyond the original ideas of the scientists who developed the first models(though they don't li 阅读全文
A new study has found that mentally stimulating activities like using a computer, playing games, crafting and participating in social activities are l 阅读全文