keep half an eye on something分神留意
splash out随意花钱 大肆挥霍
half a mind有想做某事
go Dutch v. 各自付帐,打平伙
chance in a million n. 百万分之一的机遇
half the battle n. 成功了一半(有助于成功的条件)
in dribs and drabs adj. 一小部分,一点点
of a kind同类的, 徒有其名的
take the bull by the horns采取果敢行动应付艰险局面, 明知山有虎, 偏向虎山行
never in a million years绝不会
go on strike罢工,举行罢工
throw in the towel认输,放弃
nineteen to the dozen喋喋不休地
number cruncher n. 作财务统计的人, 捣弄数字的人
safety in numbers 人多保险, 人多势众
one in the eye for someone n. 令人失望(或尴尬、丢脸等)的事
move up in the world发迹, 在社会上得到更高的地位
one fell swoop 一刹那, 同时 in/at ~
have one foot in the grave行将就木, 风烛残年, 一只脚已踏进坟墓
one step ahead早一步, 先行一步
sticking point n. 顶住点, 关键, 症结
saddle with使承担
have a one-track mind一根筋, 偏执的思路
one's number is up某人气数已尽
one's own undoing自走绝路, 自我毁灭
at the eleventh hour adv.在最后时刻(在还来得及的时刻)
have got it made拥有想要的一切
like clockwork规律而准确地,顺利地
two can play at that game(表示要进行报复)这一套你会我也会
make ends meet vi. 量入为出(使...收支相抵,靠微薄收入为主)
it takes two to tango 一个巴掌拍不响
Murphy's Law n. 墨菲定律
six of one and half a dozen of the other半斤八两
one good turn deserves another 一报还一报,善有善报
first come first served 先到者先接受服务原则
two-time v. 不忠, 背着某人与其他人交往
front runner n. 赛跑中跑在第一的人,一路领先的人
bring the house down 赢得观(听)众的欢呼声(或掌声)
lesser of two evils 两害相权取其轻
give or take(估计时)允许有 ... 的小误差
cut someone's losses避免损失,止损
live from hand to mouth vi. 生活无保障(现挣现吃,仅足糊口)
that makes two of us 我也一样
deep pockets雄厚的财力; 财力雄厚的人
bungee jumping蹦极,高空弹跳
blow up in someone's face事情完全弄砸了
not worth the candle得不偿失
close but no cigar差点就赢了
seventh heaven n. 七重天(天之最高处), 极乐世界
on cloud nine狂喜, 极乐
one-upmanship n. 胜人一筹的本领 =one-upsmanship
go to the dogs vi. 堕落(毁灭,衰败)
everything is coming up roses 一切进展顺利
look out for number one谋求自身的利益
cook someone's goose(使某人的计划等)受挫, 使垮台
with flying colors adv. 出色的(成功的)
dead duck n. 注定失败的人或事