nest egg留窝鸡蛋,养老金,储备金
first base一垒的位置, <俚>跨出第一步
not hold a candle to不能与 ... 相比; 比不上
a bone of contention n. 争论的原因
smash hit 非常受欢迎的书,十分流行的歌曲,轰动的演出
back to square one问题回到原态
rob Peter to pay Paul vi. 借债还钱(借东西还东西,剜肉补疮)
planning permission 建筑许可
fall from grace 失宠, 堕落(名誉、地位的贬低)
make a go of使成功, 相处得好
Back-of-the-envelope calculation封底计算
bet one's bottom dollar倾囊下注, 绝对有把握地打赌
ill-gotten adj. 以不正当手段所得的,来路不正的
on second thought 经过重新考虑,在仔细考虑以后
head for 取向于,朝...方向走去
born with a silver spoon in one's mouth生在富贵人家
money to burn富裕
out of the picture不相干的
the other side of the coin事情的另一方面
make a comeback东山再起,卷土重来
cost the earth花费一大笔钱
in the sun在阳光下,在太阳底下
feather one's nest经营安乐窝, 中饱私囊
feed the kitty集资
gnomes of Zurich苏黎世地精, 对瑞士银行家的蔑称
rake in大量敛集(钱财)
come a long way 有很大进步,有很大改进
hit pay dirt达到成功;发现财源;发现矿藏,找到富矿
on the breadline 城领取救济食物的行列中
ride high得意扬扬
itchy palm想要小费或佣金

laugh all the way to the bank一路笑到银行, (认为他人愚蠢或用他人认为不公平的方法)得意
dip into vt. 浸在...里 vt. 随便翻阅,浏览 vt. 花钱,动用(款项等)
live beyond one's means寅吃卯粮, 入不敷出
slip through溜过,轻快地穿过
look like a million dollars满面春风, 容光焕发
money burns a hole in one's pocket花钱如流水
money for jam n. 容易赚的钱
make a killing vi. 赢得大笔钱(获得最大成功)
get the better of someone打败
not for love or money无论如何也不, 不论出多大代价也不
live in clover vi. 生活优裕(养尊处优, 过安逸奢侈生活)
put one's money where one's mouth is 以实际行动支持某人的观点, 说话兑现
downhill adj. 向坡下(的),走下坡路的(地) adv. 下坡,向下
see the color of someone's money 确认某人手中有多少钱
throw good money after bad 想补偿损失反而损失更大, 填无底洞
fall on one's sword v. 承担责任, 接受失败, 被迫辞职
get one's money's worth 钱花得值得, 没吃亏
out of one's own pocket 自己出钱
pay over the odds [英][澳]买贵了
miss the boat vi. 错过机会
price out of the market 价格定得过高致使被挤出市场
rags to riches 白手起家, 从贫穷到巨富
feather in one's cap n. 值得骄傲的事物, 荣誉的标志
scrimp and save 节俭
down payment (分期付款中的)头期款
on the dot 准时地
sting someone for something v. 敲竹杠
be accused of 被控
suit every pocket 适合各种程度的消费
on one's uppers 非常穷困的
make or break vi. 显著成功或彻底失败
back to the wall 处境困难, 陷入绝境
beggars can't be choosers 要饭的哪能挑肥拣瘦
live high off the hog 阔绰地, 大手大脚地, 奢侈地
keep someone posted 不断为某人提供消息(或信息)
leave the door open不把门关死, 让(谈判)保留可能性
two-faced adj. 两面的, 两面派的
play one's cards right做事有心计, 办事高明
skin in the game风险共担
prepare the ground使某事能够容易发展, 为某事打下基础
something will never fly没有成功的机会
turn up the heat 施加更大的压力
forty winks 小睡
have one over the eight 多喝了一杯, 微醉
fifth wheel 备用轮, 多余的人, 不受欢迎的人
out of the gate从一开始
get nowhere adj. 一事无成(无进展)
leaps and bounds跳跃
of the first water品质最优的, (钻石)头等光泽的
grow on trees极易得到
five-finger discount商店顺手牵羊, 商店行窃