The double-decker plane that can carry over 550 passengers dwarfs all other commercial jets.

In just three seconds, if you're going down the state road, you can cover the length of five football fields.

The primary concern of the bank is recruiting the right people.

It is considered a good thing for children to have pets to learn to take care of them, be responsible for them and relax with them.

But we have to say dating sites are not the only online places where people look for relationships.

Harvard University is unarguably one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

Most of the crimes that she writes about fall into two groups: violent crimes and crimes against property.暴力犯罪和侵财犯罪。

They were impressed at how each bird was able to respond to the movement of the one just in front.

People who text while driving are six-to-eight times more likely to have an accident than drivers who are focused on the road.

If one student borrows the book from the library, it is likely that the rest of the students won't have the chance to read it.

There is nothing I like more than a good mystery novel when I have got some spare time.

Bilingual people scored higher than monolingual people who spoke only one language.

I don't think you will need all these stuff on your first days in university.
Well, being interviewed by a group of interviewers is really stressful and the company wants to know if you can handle it.嗯,群面确实很有压力,而公司想知道你是否能承受这种压力。

I will try to present my ideas in a more clear and civilized manner in order to get my points across.
We are a relatively young species and our time has not yet arrived.

Money is important, but the responsibility that goes along with this job is what interests me the most.

My advice would be to see it as an opportunity to create a new life.

I was told that all international students are required to have a health insurance policy.

Obtaining a student credit card is becoming easier, and many companies are offering such cards to students in this growing market.

With the help of a computer, practically anyone can print exact copies of a variety of objects, and potentially violate the law.

Well, we wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize your mental health, honey.
Eating out is very important for me because I don't cook.

He will give you a fitness assessment and then come up with the work-out plan for your needs.

The observations are stored in computers that can do up to 4,000 million calculations per second.

The observations are stored in computers that can do up to 4,000 million calculations per second.

Recent studies show that TV might hinder the children's creative ability to restrain kids' imagination.

I'm sorry but now there is no table available in the non-smoking section.

The latest evidence shows that being bilingual does not necessarily make people smarter.最新证据表明,说两种语言不一定会让人变得更聪明。

You know they contain a lot of fat and salt, and are high in calories.

Water contains many different substances to keep us healthy and carries away waste materials.

Urbanization can lead to social and economic progress, but also pressure on cities to provide housing and services.

You and I and all the other people who buy the article pay for the advertising!

A new discovery could offer easier ways to identify infectious diseases in developing countries.一项新发现能为发展中国家识别传染性疾病提供更容易的方法。
They are the only presenters on television who do not use a script and they cannot see the map that they are describing.他们是电视上唯一脱稿的主持人,而且他们看不到自己正在描述的地图。

She would prefer to start writing about something more interesting and less unpleasant, such as local news or politics.

Otherwise, you may end up being charged more than you bargained for.

One in five women are now reaching middle age without having any child, new official figures showed recently.

As businessmen, farmers now had to worry about national economic depression and the influence of world supply and demand.

Dry leaves alone will take a long time to break down, but mixing in green plant materials, such as grass, will speed up the process.

I'll be glad to help you tomorrow afternoon after I get back from playing tennis.

Of course, it is essential that the firm can guarantee the security of personal information and credit card numbers.

Explain to children what they can and cannot do and the consequences of violating the limits.

Last but not least, you should express your disagreement when they ask for something that you can't afford without hesitation.

There are currently 45 million fake pound coins in circulation.

It is expected that more women than men will hold professions such as doctors, lawyers and professors.

Learning how to motivate people and to work together as a team will be the major goal of my leadership.
He told his students that he believed in them, but they must have the desire to be successful.

And to win, I have to convince the judge and to move him or her somehow.

He is usually portrayed holding a flash of lightning which he is always ready to use on anyone who annoys him.

Since the 1930s, music therapists have relied on music to comfort patients and help control pain. 从20世纪30年代起,音乐治疗师就依靠音乐来安抚病人、帮助控制痛感了。

Manufacturers are now beginning to see that there is a market for left-handed products.

All tickets for the show tonight are sold out.

She conducted a study to see what happens when a teenager is deprived of his or her phone.

The investor meeting planned this week has been postponed until next week.