It’s upset for  me。。。

1 ATemel Studio61 and  MKII program failure.

    Notes: The Flash file : A 90 is wrong.

There was a problem with the hex file, as you implied. I have now uploaded a new version to your ftp, under the folder From_GDN. It is called “Test software”. You could try programming it using Atmel Studio 6.1 as before.

If that does not work, I have included a README.txt in the uploaded zip-file outlining an alternative approach that could be tried, using Atmel Studio 7.0 .

2 The light  behavior.

      this is the intended behavior. The initial red blink just means the xxx unit has not yet successfully communicated with the xx , and it will try again. As long as it starts blinking green within a few seconds after connecting the xx to the xxx and then keeps blinking green at least 3 times in a row, the test is successful. If it keeps blinking red for 10 seconds or more, the test has failed and you should try programming the RU again.

3 Chat with customer   

When trying to program from within Atmel Studio, as Terje suggested, what was the error message then? Could you provide a screenshot with the error message when programming from the “Memories” tab in Atmel Studio? Are you sure you did a chip erase before trying to program (Step 1.c as outlined by Terje)?


above all.  During the Collaborate with foreign customers ,It is important to have a good English foundation,If you can communicate directly with the client, You can avoid the misinformation of email communication,besides , Engineering assistants   is unfamiliar with designer and Engineer. we must give more information during product test trouble.