1for example, a film can slow down the formation of crystals so that students can study the process.

2there must be device non-linearity in order that such a phenomenon could be possible.

3the saddles are either further fixed so that the cables may slide over them, or mounted on rollers so that they move with any movements of the cables.

4in addition, the cameraman must have a knowledge of composition so that the arrangement of the people and

objects in each shot will produce the desired effect.

5the first two must be equal for all who are being compared, if any comparison in terms of intelligence is to be made.





的移动而移动。 no

4另外,摄影师必须具备构图的知识,以备安排好每个镜头中的人和物来达到预期的效果。 no

5:如果要从智力方面进行任何比较的话,那么对所有被比较者来说,前两个因素必须是一样的。 no