

1. 查找不在表里的数据

2. 查找第N高的分数

3. 分组排序

4. 连续出现N类问题

5. 打卡表查某人当月连续最长出勤天数




方案a:使用left join

select A.id from A left join B on A.id = B.id where B.id is null 

方案b:使用not exists 

select A.id from A where not exists (select 1 from B where A.id = B.id)

方案c:使用not in

select A.id from A where A.id not in(select id from B)

2. 有一个课程分数表,score,cource,id(学生id),查找某门课程第N高的分数或者学生, 如果没有需要返回null值

select ifnull ((select distinct score from A order by score desc limit 1 offset n-1), null) as theNTopScore

3. 分数排名(三种规则  1134 / 1234 / 1123)使用窗口函数

-- 仅根据分数排名
select score, rank() over(partition by course ORDER by score desc) as 'Rank' FROM table;
-- 根据课程分组,分数排名
select score, rank() over(ORDER by score desc) as 'Rank' FROM table;

4. 有N个相同成绩的分数

select score from table group by score having count(*) = N
-- having: 对group by产生的分组进行筛选

 5. 有一个打卡表t_user_sign, 有主键id(自增),有用户id,有打卡时间sign_time


CREATE TABLE t_user_sign (
id int(11) not null AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '主键',
user_id varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT '用户id',
sign_time date NOT NULL COMMENT '打卡时间',

INSERT INTO t_user_sign (user_id, sign_time) VALUES


-- 1.使用窗口函数ROW_NUMBER求出这个用户的打卡时间和按时间升序的序号row_num SELECT sign_time, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sign_time) as row_num from t_user_sign where user_id='1' and sign_time >= '2024-03-01' -- 2. 练习使用date_sub函数修改日期 SELECT sign_time, date_sub(sign_time, INTERVAL 2 DAY) as label_date from t_user_sign where user_id='1' and sign_time >= '2024-03-01' -- 3. 使用date_sub和序号,日期减去序号得到的值label_date,如果label_date相同,则代表连续打卡 SELECT a.sign_time,DATE_SUB(t1.sign_time, INTERVAL t1.row_num DAY ) as label_date FROM (SELECT sign_time, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sign_time) as row_num from t_user_sign where user_id='1' and sign_time >= '2024-03-01') t1 -- 4. 对label_date进行分组count,代表连续打卡的天数 SELECT t2.label_date, COUNT(t2.label_date) AS days FROM ( select DATE_SUB(t1.sign_time, INTERVAL t1.row_num DAY ) as label_date FROM (SELECT sign_time, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sign_time) as row_num from t_user_sign where user_id='1' and sign_time >= '2024-03-01') t1 ) t2 GROUP BY t2.label_date -- 5. 取出最大的一个天数 SELECT t3.days FROM (SELECT t2.label_date, COUNT(t2.label_date) AS days FROM (SELECT DATE_SUB(t1.sign_time, INTERVAL t1.row_num DAY ) as label_date FROM (SELECT sign_time, ROW_NUMBER() over(order by sign_time) as row_num from t_user_sign where user_id='1' and sign_time >= '2024-03-01') t1 ) t2 GROUP BY t2.label_date) t3 ORDER BY t3.days desc LIMIT 1



posted @ 2024-04-15 14:15  坏男银  阅读(25)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报