那如何实现优雅重启呢,其实,我们部署python web服务所用到的uwsgi和gunicorn已经实现了优雅重启了,下面就讲讲如何实现优雅重启
2、uwsgi 如何实现优雅重启
2.1 编写 web 服务
import time
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
return "hello eeee"
if __name__ == "__main__":
2.2 编写 uwsgi.ini 配置文件
#python 启动程序文件
#python 程序内用以启动的application 变量名
lazy-apps = true
#监听 test.txt 文件 当 test.txt 发生改变时优雅重启uwsgi。这个名字可以随便起
touch-chain-reload = /Users/xx/work/test/py_test/sample_test/flask_graceful_restart/test.txt
2.3 启动uwsgi 服务
uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini
2.4 测试优雅重启
2、更新 main.py 中返回的内容,改为: return "hello xxxxx"
2、在/Users/xx/work/test/py_test/sample_test/flask_graceful_restart 目录下,执行 touch test.txt。有这个文件时,更改这个文件的内容也可以优雅重启 uwsgi 服务
3、得到第一步的返回结果,返回结果为:"hello eeee"
5、再次请求 ,返回结果为:"hello xxxxx"
1、先查看 uwsgi 进程信息
501 7758 4633 0 12:13PM ttys005 0:00.04 uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini
501 7759 7758 0 12:13PM ttys005 0:00.27 uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini
501 7760 7758 0 12:13PM ttys005 0:00.27 uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini
501 7761 7758 0 12:13PM ttys005 0:00.27 uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini
501 7762 7758 0 12:13PM ttys005 0:00.26 uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini
501 7763 7758 0 12:13PM ttys005 0:00.00 uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini
501 7789 6013 0 12:13PM ttys006 0:00.00 grep --color=auto --exclude-dir=.bzr --exclude-dir=CVS --exclude-dir=.git --exclude-dir=.hg --exclude-dir=.svn --exclude-dir=.idea --exclude-dir=.tox uwsgi
2、生成 test.txt 时的现象:当 出现 chain reloading complete 时,代表了优雅完成。
Mon Apr 10 12:14:45 2023 - *** /Users/mashili/work/test/py_test/sample_test/flask_graceful_restart/test.txt has been touched... chain reload !!! ***
Mon Apr 10 12:14:45 2023 - chain next victim is worker 1
Gracefully killing worker 1 (pid: 7759)...
Mon Apr 10 12:15:46 2023 - worker 1 (pid: 7759) is taking too much time to die...NO MERCY !!!
worker 1 killed successfully (pid: 7759)
Respawned uWSGI worker 1 (new pid: 7847)
Mon Apr 10 12:15:47 2023 - chain is still waiting for worker 1...
WSGI app 0 (mountpoint='') ready in 0 seconds on interpreter 0x7fc33e00da00 pid: 7847 (default app)
Mon Apr 10 12:15:48 2023 - chain next victim is worker 2
Gracefully killing worker 2 (pid: 7760)...
Mon Apr 10 12:16:49 2023 - worker 2 (pid: 7760) is taking too much time to die...NO MERCY !!!
worker 2 killed successfully (pid: 7760)
Respawned uWSGI worker 2 (new pid: 7885)
Mon Apr 10 12:16:50 2023 - chain is still waiting for worker 2...
WSGI app 0 (mountpoint='') ready in 0 seconds on interpreter 0x7fc33e00da00 pid: 7885 (default app)
Mon Apr 10 12:16:51 2023 - chain next victim is worker 3
Gracefully killing worker 3 (pid: 7761)...
Mon Apr 10 12:17:52 2023 - worker 3 (pid: 7761) is taking too much time to die...NO MERCY !!!
worker 3 killed successfully (pid: 7761)
Respawned uWSGI worker 3 (new pid: 7905)
Mon Apr 10 12:17:53 2023 - chain is still waiting for worker 3...
WSGI app 0 (mountpoint='') ready in 0 seconds on interpreter 0x7fc33e00da00 pid: 7905 (default app)
Mon Apr 10 12:17:54 2023 - chain next victim is worker 4
Gracefully killing worker 4 (pid: 7762)...
Mon Apr 10 12:18:55 2023 - worker 4 (pid: 7762) is taking too much time to die...NO MERCY !!!
worker 4 killed successfully (pid: 7762)
Respawned uWSGI worker 4 (new pid: 7910)
Mon Apr 10 12:18:56 2023 - chain is still waiting for worker 4...
WSGI app 0 (mountpoint='') ready in 0 seconds on interpreter 0x7fc33e00da00 pid: 7910 (default app)
Mon Apr 10 12:18:57 2023 - chain reloading complete
3、优雅重启过程中,查看进程信息。ps -ef|grep uwsgi
501 7758 4633 0 12:13PM ttys005 0:00.08 uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini
501 7761 7758 0 12:13PM ttys005 0:00.27 uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini
501 7762 7758 0 12:13PM ttys005 0:00.26 uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini
501 7763 7758 0 12:13PM ttys005 0:00.00 uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini
501 7847 7758 0 12:15PM ttys005 0:00.26 uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini
501 7885 7758 0 12:16PM ttys005 0:00.26 uwsgi --ini uwsgi.ini
501 7889 6013 0 12:17PM ttys006 0:00.00 grep --color=auto --exclude-dir=.bzr --exclude-dir=CVS --exclude-dir=.git --exclude-dir=.hg --exclude-dir=.svn --exclude-dir=.idea --exclude-dir=.tox uwsgi
2.5 线上如何更新
2、ps -ef|grep uwsgi 查看现在的进程号。
2、查看 test.txt是否存在,存在就更新文件内容,不存在就生成 test.txt。
3、gunicorn 如何实现优雅重启
3.1 编写 web 服务
import time
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
# time.sleep(3)
return "hello fdaf fdafd "
if __name__ == "__main__":
3.2 编写 conf.py 配置gunicorn 文件
# 是否开启debug模式
debug = True
# 访问地址
bind = ""
# 工作进程数
workers = 2
# 工作线程数
threads = 2
# 超时时间
timeout = 600
# 输出日志级别
loglevel = 'info'
# 存放日志路径
pidfile = "log/gunicorn.pid"
# 存放日志路径
accesslog = "log/access.log"
# 存放日志路径
errorlog = "log/debug.log"
# gunicorn + apscheduler场景下,解决多worker运行定时任务重复执行的问题
# preload_app = True
3.3 启动 gunicorn 服务
gunicorn -c conf.py main:app
3.4 测试优雅重启
1、pstree -ap|grep gunicorn 找到主进程
pstree -ap|grep gunicorn
2、执行 kill -HUP masterpid
kill -HUP 1540847
3、再次 执行 pstree -ap|grep gunicorn,发现worker 进程id不一样后,即更新完成。或者查看日志
[2023-04-10 15:36:51 +0800] [11623] [INFO] Handling signal: hup
[2023-04-10 15:36:51 +0800] [11623] [INFO] Hang up: Master
[2023-04-10 15:36:51 +0800] [11681] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 11681
[2023-04-10 15:36:51 +0800] [11682] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 11682
[2023-04-10 15:36:51 +0800] [11644] [INFO] Worker exiting (pid: 11644)
[2023-04-10 15:36:51 +0800] [11645] [INFO] Worker exiting (pid: 11645)
3.5 线上如何更新
1、通过 pstree -ap|grep gunicorn 找到主进程ID
2、执行 kill -HUP masterpid 命令
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