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基元线程同步构造之 在一个内核构造可用时调用一个方法



public static RegisteredWaitHandle RegisterWaitForSingleObject(
   WaitHandle waitObject,
   WaitOrTimerCallback callback,
   Object state,
   Int32 millsecondsTimeoutInterval,
   Boolean executeOnlyOnce


  waitObject:标识了你希望线程池等待的内核对象,由于这个参数的类型是抽象基类WaitHandle,所以可以指定从这个基类派生的任何类。具体的说,可以传递          对一个Semaphore、Mutex、AutoResetEvent或者ManualResetEvent对象的引用。


          public delegate void WaitOrTimerCallback(Object state,Boolean timedOut)


  millsecondsTimeoutInterval:指定了线程池在等待内核对象收到信号时的超时时间。一般传递 Timeout.Infinite(-1),将超时时间设为“无限长”。通俗点就是每                间隔多少时间执行一次 callback方法。





public Boolean Unregister(WaitHandle waitObject);

  参数说明: waitObject参数指出,针对已登记等待句柄的、队列中的所有工作项都执行好之后,你想如何收到通知。





 1 // This example shows how a Mutex is used to synchronize access
 2 // to a protected resource. Unlike Monitor, Mutex can be used with
 3 // WaitHandle.WaitAll and WaitAny, and can be passed across
 4 // AppDomain boundaries.
 6 using System;
 7 using System.Threading;
 9 internal static class RegisteredWaitHandleDemo
10 {
11     public static void Main()
12     {
13         // Construct an AutoResetEvent (initially false)
14         AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false);
16         // Tell the thread pool to wait on the AutoResetEvent告诉线程池在AutoResetEvent上等待
17         RegisteredWaitHandle rwh = ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(
18            are,             // Wait on this AutoResetEvent 在这个AutoResetEvent上等待
19            EventOperation,  // When available, call the EventOperation method 如果可用,就调用EventOperation方法
20            null,            // Pass null to EventOperation 向EventOperation传递null
21            5000,            // Wait 5 seconds for the event to become true 等5秒事件变成true,就执行 EventOperation回调方法,
                   // 也就是每间隔5秒执行一次EventOperation
22 false); // Call EventOperation everytime the event is true 每次事件为true时,都调用 EventOperation 23 24 // Start our loop 25 Char operation = (Char)0; 26 while (operation != 'Q') 27 { 28 Console.WriteLine("S=Signal, Q=Quit?"); 29 operation = Char.ToUpper(Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar); 30 if (operation == 'S') are.Set(); // User want to set the event 31 } 32 33 // Tell the thread pool to stop waiting on the event,此处传递的是NULL,就不会向任何对象发送信号 34 rwh.Unregister(null); 35 } 36 37 // This method is called whenever the event is true or 38 // when 5 seconds have elapsed since the last callback/timeout 39 private static void EventOperation(Object state, Boolean timedOut) 40 { 41 Console.WriteLine(timedOut ? "Timeout" : "Event became true"); 42 } 43 }

以下的示例代码中 增加了取消登记时候发送信号的功能:


 1 // This example shows how a Mutex is used to synchronize access
 2 // to a protected resource. Unlike Monitor, Mutex can be used with
 3 // WaitHandle.WaitAll and WaitAny, and can be passed across
 4 // AppDomain boundaries.
 6 using System;
 7 using System.Threading;
 9 internal static class RegisteredWaitHandleDemo
10 {
11     public static void Main()
12     {
13         // Construct an AutoResetEvent (initially false)
14         AutoResetEvent are = new AutoResetEvent(false);
16         AutoResetEvent arereult = new AutoResetEvent(false);
18         System.Threading.Thread thr = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(TestUnregistered));
19         thr.Start(arereult);
21         // Tell the thread pool to wait on the AutoResetEvent
22         RegisteredWaitHandle rwh = ThreadPool.RegisterWaitForSingleObject(
23            are,             // Wait on this AutoResetEvent
24            EventOperation,  // When available, call the EventOperation method
25            null,            // Pass null to EventOperation
26            5000,            // Wait 5 seconds for the event to become true
27            false);          // Call EventOperation everytime the event is true
29         // Start our loop
30         Char operation = (Char)0;
31         while (operation != 'Q')
32         {
33             Console.WriteLine("S=Signal, Q=Quit?");
34             operation = Char.ToUpper(Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar);
35             if (operation == 'S') are.Set(); // User want to set the event
36         }
38         // Tell the thread pool to stop waiting on the event 取消注册后,向arereult发送信号,TestUnregistered就会解除阻塞
39         rwh.Unregister(arereult);
41         Console.ReadLine();
42     }
44     // This method is called whenever the event is true or
45     // when 5 seconds have elapsed since the last callback/timeout
46     private static void EventOperation(Object state, Boolean timedOut)
47     {
48         Console.WriteLine(timedOut ? "Timeout" : "Event became true");
49     }
51     private static void TestUnregistered(object waithandle)
52     {
53         ((AutoResetEvent)waithandle).WaitOne();
55         Console.WriteLine(" Test is TestUnregistered ");
56     }
58 }



 以上的理解来源于 CLR 书中的理解。。。。。欢迎各位大侠们拍砖指正错误之处。。。。。。。。。。

posted on 2014-03-04 14:59  华安  阅读(237)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
