Consider equations having the following form: a*x1^2+b*x2^2+c*x3^2+d*x4^2=0 a, b, c, d are integers from the interval [-50,50] and any of them cannot 阅读全文
Given a permutation P of 1 to N, YY wants to know whether there exists such three elements P[i 1], P[i 2], P[i 3] that P[i 1]-P[i 2]=P[i 2]-P[i 3], 1< 阅读全文
#1601 : 最大得分 #1601 : 最大得分 时间限制:10000ms 单点时限:1000ms 内存限制:256MB 描述 小Hi和小Ho在玩一个游戏。给定一个数组A=[A1, A2, ... AN],小Hi可以指定M个不同的值S1,S2, S3 ... SM,这样他的总得分是 ΣSi × c 阅读全文