




Ucren.BasicDrag = Ucren.Class( 
        /* constructor */ function( conf ){
            conf = Ucren.fixConfig( conf );
            this.type = Ucren.fixString( conf.type, "normal" );
            var isTouch = this.isTouch = "ontouchstart" in window;
            this.TOUCH_START = isTouch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown",
            this.TOUCH_MOVE = isTouch ? "touchmove" : "mousemove",
            this.TOUCH_END = isTouch ? "touchend" : "mouseup";
        /* methods */ {
            bind: function( el, handle ){
                el = Ucren.Element( el );
                handle = Ucren.Element( handle ) || el;
                var evt = {};
                evt[this.TOUCH_START] = function( e ){
                    e = Ucren.Event( e );
                    e.cancelBubble = true;
                    e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation();
                    return e.returnValue = false;
                }.bind( this );
                handle.addEvents( evt );
                this.target = el;
            getCoors: function( e ){
                var coors = [];
                if ( e.targetTouches && e.targetTouches.length ) {     // iPhone
                    var thisTouch = e.targetTouches[0];
                    coors[0] = thisTouch.clientX;
                    coors[1] = thisTouch.clientY;
                }else{                                 // all others
                    coors[0] = e.clientX;
                    coors[1] = e.clientY;
                return coors;
            startDrag: function(){
                var target, draging, e;
                target = this.target;
                draging = target.draging = {};
                this.isDraging = true;
                draging.x = parseInt( target.style( "left" ), 10 ) || 0;
                draging.y = parseInt( target.style( "top" ), 10 ) || 0;
                e = Ucren.Event();
                var coors = this.getCoors( e );
                draging.mouseX = coors[0];
                draging.mouseY = coors[1];
            endDrag: function(){
                this.isDraging = false;
            registerDocumentEvent: function(){
                var target, draging;
                target = this.target;
                draging = target.draging;
                draging.documentSelectStart =
                    Ucren.addEvent( document, "selectstart", function( e ){
                        e = e || event;
                        e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation();
                        e.cancelBubble = true;
                        return e.returnValue = false;
                draging.documentMouseMove =
                    Ucren.addEvent( document, this.TOUCH_MOVE, function( e ){
                        var ie, nie;
                        e = e || event;
                        ie = Ucren.isIe && e.button != 1;
                        nie = !Ucren.isIe && e.button != 0;
                        if( (ie || nie ) && !this.isTouch )
                        var coors = this.getCoors( e );
                        draging.newMouseX = coors[0];
                        draging.newMouseY = coors[1];
                        e.stopPropagation && e.stopPropagation();
                        return e.returnValue = false;
                    }.bind( this ));
                draging.documentMouseUp =
                    Ucren.addEvent( document, this.TOUCH_END, function(){
                    }.bind( this ));
                var lx, ly;
                clearInterval( draging.timer );
                draging.timer = setInterval( function(){
                    var x, y, dx, dy;
                    if( draging.newMouseX != lx && draging.newMouseY != ly ){
                        lx = draging.newMouseX;
                        ly = draging.newMouseY;
                        dx = draging.newMouseX - draging.mouseX;
                        dy = draging.newMouseY - draging.mouseY;
                        x = draging.x + dx;
                        y = draging.y + dy;
                        if( this.type == "calc" ){
                            this.returnValue( dx, dy, draging.newMouseX, draging.newMouseY );
                            target.left( x ).top( y );
                }.bind( this ), 10 );
            unRegisterDocumentEvent: function(){
                var draging = this.target.draging;
                Ucren.delEvent( document, this.TOUCH_MOVE, draging.documentMouseMove );
                Ucren.delEvent( document, this.TOUCH_END, draging.documentMouseUp );
                Ucren.delEvent( document, "selectstart", draging.documentSelectStart );
                clearInterval( draging.timer );
            returnValue: function( dx, dy, x, y ){
                //todo something
    // Ucren.Template
    Ucren.Template = Ucren.Class( 
        /* constructor */ function(){
            this.string = join.call( arguments, "" );
        /* methods */ {
            apply: function( conf ){
                return this.string.format( conf );
    // Ucren.BasicElement
    Ucren.BasicElement = Ucren.Class( 
        /* constructor */ function( el ){
            this.dom = el;
        this.countMapping = {};
        /* methods */ {
            isUcrenElement: true,
            attr: function( name, value ){
                if( typeof value == "string" ){
                    this.dom.setAttribute( name, value );
                    return this.dom.getAttribute( name );
                return this;
            style: function( /* unknown1, unknown2 */ ){
                var getStyle = Ucren.isIe ?
                    function( name ){
                        return this.dom.currentStyle[name];
                    } :
                    function( name ){
                        var style;
                        style = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle( this.dom, null );
                        return style.getPropertyValue( name );
                return function( unknown1, unknown2 ){
                    if( typeof unknown1 == "object" ){
                        Ucren.each( unknown1, function( value, key ){
                            this[key] = value;
                        }.bind( this.dom.style ));
                    }else if( typeof unknown1 == "string" && typeof unknown2 == "undefined" ){
                        return getStyle.call( this, unknown1 );
                    }else if( typeof unknown1 == "string" && typeof unknown2 != "undefined" ){
                        this.dom.style[unknown1] = unknown2;
                    return this;
            hasClass: function( name ){
                var className = " " + this.dom.className + " ";
                return className.indexOf( " " + name + " " ) > -1;
            setClass: function( name ){
                if( typeof( name ) == "string" )
                    this.dom.className = name.trim();
                return this;
            addClass: function( name ){
                var el, className;
                el = this.dom;
                className = " " + el.className + " ";
                if( className.indexOf( " " + name + " " ) == -1 ){
                    className += name;
                    className = className.trim();
                    className = className.replace( / +/g, " " );
                    el.className = className;
                return this;
            delClass: function( name ){
                var el, className;
                el = this.dom;
                className = " " + el.className + " ";
                if( className.indexOf( " " + name + " " ) > -1 ){
                    className = className.replace( " " + name + " ", " " );
                    className = className.trim();
                    className = className.replace( / +/g, " " );
                    el.className = className;
                return this;
            html: function( html ){
                var el = this.dom;
                if( typeof html == "string" ){
                    el.innerHTML = html;
                }else if( html instanceof Array ){
                    el.innerHTML = html.join( "" );
                    return el.innerHTML;
                return this;
            left: function( number ){
                var el = this.dom;
                if( typeof( number ) == "number" ){
                    el.style.left = number + "px";
                    this.fireEvent( "infect", [{ left: number }] );
                    return this.getPos().x;
                return this;
            top: function( number ){
                var el = this.dom;
                if( typeof( number ) == "number" ){
                    el.style.top = number + "px";
                    this.fireEvent( "infect", [{ top: number }] );
                    return this.getPos().y;
                return this;
            width: function( unknown ){
                var el = this.dom;
                if( typeof unknown == "number" ){
                    el.style.width = unknown + "px";
                    this.fireEvent( "infect", [{ width: unknown }] );
                }else if( typeof unknown == "string" ){
                    el.style.width = unknown;
                    this.fireEvent( "infect", [{ width: unknown }] );
                    return this.getSize().width;
                    return this;
            height: function( unknown ){
                    var el = this.dom;
                if( typeof unknown == "number" ){
                    el.style.height = unknown + "px";
                    this.fireEvent( "infect", [{ height: unknown }] );
                }else if( typeof unknown == "string" ){
                    el.style.height = unknown;
                    this.fireEvent( "infect", [{ height: unknown }] );
                    return this.getSize().height;
                    return this;
            count: function( name ){
                return this.countMapping[name] = ++ this.countMapping[name] || 1;
            display: function( bool ){
                var dom = this.dom;
                if( typeof( bool ) == "boolean" ){
                    dom.style.display = bool ? "block" : "none";
                    this.fireEvent( "infect", [{ display: bool }] );
                    return this.style( "display" ) != "none";
                return this;
            first: function(){
                var c = this.dom.firstChild;
                while( c && !c.tagName && c.nextSibling ){
                    c = c.nextSibling;
                return c;
            add: function( dom ){
                var el;
                el = Ucren.Element( dom );
                this.dom.appendChild( el.dom );
                return this;
            remove: function( dom ){
                var el;
                if( dom ){
                    el = Ucren.Element( dom );
                    el.html( "" );
                    this.dom.removeChild( el.dom );
                    el = Ucren.Element( this.dom.parentNode );
                    el.remove( this );
                return this;
            insert: function( dom ){
                var tdom;
                tdom = this.dom;
                if( tdom.firstChild ){
                    tdom.insertBefore( dom, tdom.firstChild );
                    this.add( dom );
                return this;
            addEvents: function( conf ){
                var blank, el, rtn;
                blank = {};
                rtn = {};
                el = this.dom;
                Ucren.each( conf, function( item, key ){
                    rtn[key] = Ucren.addEvent( el, key, item );
                return rtn;
            removeEvents: function( conf ){
                var blank, el;
                blank = {};
                el = this.dom;
                Ucren.each( conf, function( item, key ){
                    Ucren.delEvent( el, key, item );
                return this;
            getPos: function(){
                var el, parentNode, pos, box, offset;
                el = this.dom;
                pos = {};
                if( el.getBoundingClientRect ){
                    box = el.getBoundingClientRect();
                    offset = Ucren.isIe ? 2 : 0;
                    var doc = document;
                    var scrollTop = Math.max( doc.documentElement.scrollTop,
                        doc.body.scrollTop );
                    var scrollLeft = Math.max( doc.documentElement.scrollLeft,
                        doc.body.scrollLeft );
                    return {
                        x: box.left + scrollLeft - offset,
                        y: box.top + scrollTop - offset
                    pos = {
                        x: el.offsetLeft,
                        y: el.offsetTop
                    parentNode = el.offsetParent;
                    if( parentNode != el ){
                        while( parentNode ){
                            pos.x += parentNode.offsetLeft;
                            pos.y += parentNode.offsetTop;
                            parentNode = parentNode.offsetParent;
                    if( Ucren.isSafari && this.style( "position" ) == "absolute" ){ // safari doubles in some cases
                        pos.x -= document.body.offsetLeft;
                        pos.y -= document.body.offsetTop;
                if( el.parentNode ){
                    parentNode = el.parentNode;
                    parentNode = null;
                while( parentNode && parentNode.tagName.toUpperCase() != "BODY" &&
                    parentNode.tagName.toUpperCase() != "HTML" ){ // account for any scrolled ancestors
                    pos.x -= parentNode.scrollLeft;
                    pos.y -= parentNode.scrollTop;
                    if( parentNode.parentNode ){
                        parentNode = parentNode.parentNode;
                        parentNode = null;
                return pos;
            getSize: function(){
                var dom = this.dom;
                var display = this.style( "display" );
                if ( display && display !== "none" ) {
                    return { width: dom.offsetWidth, height: dom.offsetHeight };
                var style = dom.style;
                var originalStyles = {
                    visibility: style.visibility,
                    position:   style.position,
                    display:    style.display
                var newStyles = {
                    visibility: "hidden",
                    display:    "block"
                if ( originalStyles.position !== "fixed" )
                  newStyles.position = "absolute";
                this.style( newStyles );
                var dimensions = {
                    width:  dom.offsetWidth,
                    height: dom.offsetHeight
                this.style( originalStyles );
                return dimensions;
            observe: function( el, fn ){
                el = Ucren.Element( el );
                el.on( "infect", fn.bind( this ));
                return this;
            usePNGbackground: function( image ){
                var dom;
                dom = this.dom;
                if( /\.png$/i.test( image ) && Ucren.isIe6 ){
                    dom.style.filter =
                        "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader( src='" +
                        image + "',sizingMethod='scale' );";
                    ///     _background: none;
                    ///  _filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader( src='images/pic.png',sizingMethod='scale' );
                    dom.style.backgroundImage = "url( " + image + " )";
                return this;
            setAlpha: function(){
                var reOpacity = /alpha\s*\(\s*opacity\s*=\s*([^\)]+)\)/;
                return function( value ){
                    var element = this.dom, es = element.style;
                    if( !Ucren.isIe ){
                        es.opacity = value / 100;
                    /* }else if( es.filter === "string" ){ */
                        if ( element.currentStyle && !element.currentStyle.hasLayout )
                            es.zoom = 1;
                        if ( reOpacity.test( es.filter )) {
                            value = value >= 99.99 ? "" : ( "alpha( opacity=" + value + " )" );
                            es.filter = es.filter.replace( reOpacity, value );
                        } else {
                            es.filter += " alpha( opacity=" + value + " )";
                    return this;
            fadeIn: function( callback ){
                if( typeof this.fadingNumber == "undefined" )
                    this.fadingNumber = 0;
                this.setAlpha( this.fadingNumber );
                var fading = function(){
                    this.setAlpha( this.fadingNumber );
                    if( this.fadingNumber == 100 ){
                        clearInterval( this.fadingInterval );
                        callback && callback();
                        this.fadingNumber += 10;
                }.bind( this );
                this.display( true );
                clearInterval( this.fadingInterval );
                this.fadingInterval = setInterval( fading, Ucren.isIe ? 20 : 30 );
                return this;
            fadeOut: function( callback ){
                if( typeof this.fadingNumber == "undefined" )
                    this.fadingNumber = 100;
                this.setAlpha( this.fadingNumber );
                var fading = function(){
                    this.setAlpha( this.fadingNumber );
                    if( this.fadingNumber == 0 ){
                        clearInterval( this.fadingInterval );
                        this.display( false );
                        callback && callback();
                        this.fadingNumber -= 10;
                }.bind( this );
                clearInterval( this.fadingInterval );
                this.fadingInterval = setInterval( fading, Ucren.isIe ? 20 : 30 );
                return this;
            useMouseAction: function( className, actions ){
                 *  调用示例:  el.useMouseAction( "xbutton", "over,out,down,up" );
                 *  使用效果:  el 会在 "xbutton xbutton-over","xbutton xbutton-out","xbutton xbutton-down","xbutton xbutton-up"
                 *             等四个 className 中根据相应的鼠标事件来进行切换。
                 *  特别提示:  useMouseAction 可使用不同参数多次调用。
                if( !this.MouseAction )
                    this.MouseAction = new Ucren.MouseAction({ element: this });
                this.MouseAction.use( className, actions );
                return this;
    if( Ucren.isIe )
        document.execCommand( "BackgroundImageCache", false, true );
    for( var i in Ucren ){
        exports[i] = Ucren[i];

    return exports;
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/*! 一叶孤舟 | qq:28701884 | 欢迎指教 */

var play = play||{};

play.init = function (){
    play.my                =    1;                //玩家方
    play.map             =    com.arr2Clone (com.initMap);        //初始化棋盘
    play.nowManKey        =    false;            //现在要操作的棋子
    play.pace             =    [];                //记录每一步
    play.isPlay         =    true ;            //是否能走棋
    play.mans             =    com.mans;
    play.bylaw             =     com.bylaw;
    play.show             =     com.show;
    play.showPane         =     com.showPane;
    play.isOffensive    =    true;            //是否先手
    play.depth            =    play.depth || 3;                //搜索深度
    play.isFoul            =    false;    //是否犯规长将
    com.pane.isShow        =     false;            //隐藏方块
    for (var i=0; i<play.map.length; i++){
        for (var n=0; n<play.map[i].length; n++){
            var key = play.map[i][n];
            if (key){
                com.mans[key].isShow = true;
    //com.get("autoPlay").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
        //play.timer = setInterval("play.AIPlay()",1000);
    //    play.AIPlay()
    com.get("offensivePlay").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
        play.isPlay=true ;    
        com.get("chessRight").style.display = "none";
    com.get("defensivePlay").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
        play.isPlay=true ;    
        com.get("chessRight").style.display = "none";
    com.get("regretBn").addEventListener("click", function(e) {
    var initTime = new Date().getTime();
    for (var i=0; i<=100000; i++){
        var h=""
        var h=play.map.join();
        //for (var n in play.mans){
        //    if (play.mans[n].show) h+=play.mans[n].key+play.mans[n].x+play.mans[n].y
    var nowTime= new Date().getTime();

play.regret = function (){
    var map  = com.arr2Clone(com.initMap);
    for (var i=0; i<map.length; i++){
        for (var n=0; n<map[i].length; n++){
            var key = map[i][n];
            if (key){
                com.mans[key].isShow = true;
    var pace= play.pace;
    for (var i=0; i<pace.length; i++){
        var p= pace[i].split("")
        var x = parseInt(p[0], 10);
        var y = parseInt(p[1], 10);
        var newX = parseInt(p[2], 10);
        var newY = parseInt(p[3], 10);
        var key=map[y][x];
        var cMan=map[newY][newX];
        if (cMan) com.mans[map[newY][newX]].isShow = false;
        com.mans[key].x = newX;
        com.mans[key].y = newY;
        map[newY][newX] = key;
        delete map[y][x];
        if (i==pace.length-1){
            com.showPane(newX ,newY,x,y)    
        //} catch (e){
        //    com.show()
        //    z([key,p,pace,map])
        //    }
    play.map = map;

play.clickCanvas = function (e){
    if (!play.isPlay) return false;
    var key = play.getClickMan(e);
    var point = play.getClickPoint(e);
    var x = point.x;
    var y = point.y;
    if (key){
    }else {
    play.isFoul = play.checkFoul();//检测是不是长将

play.clickMan = function (key,x,y){
    var man = com.mans[key];
    if (play.nowManKey&&play.nowManKey != key && man.my != com.mans[play.nowManKey ].my){
        if (play.indexOfPs(com.mans[play.nowManKey].ps,[x,y])){
            man.isShow = false;
            var pace=com.mans[play.nowManKey].x+""+com.mans[play.nowManKey].y
            delete play.map[com.mans[play.nowManKey].y][com.mans[play.nowManKey].x];
            play.map[y][x] = play.nowManKey;
            com.showPane(com.mans[play.nowManKey].x ,com.mans[play.nowManKey].y,x,y)
            com.mans[play.nowManKey].x = x;
            com.mans[play.nowManKey].y = y;
            com.mans[play.nowManKey].alpha = 1
            play.nowManKey = false;
            com.pane.isShow = false;
            com.dot.dots = [];
            if (key == "j0") play.showWin (-1);
            if (key == "J0") play.showWin (1);
    // 选中棋子
        if (man.my===1){
            if (com.mans[play.nowManKey]) com.mans[play.nowManKey].alpha = 1 ;
            man.alpha = 0.6;
            com.pane.isShow = false;
            play.nowManKey = key;
            com.mans[key].ps = com.mans[key].bl(); //获得所有能着点
            com.dot.dots = com.mans[key].ps

play.clickPoint = function (x,y){
    var key=play.nowManKey;
    var man=com.mans[key];
    if (play.nowManKey){
        if (play.indexOfPs(com.mans[key].ps,[x,y])){
            var pace=man.x+""+man.y
            delete play.map[man.y][man.x];
            play.map[y][x] = key;
            com.showPane(man.x ,man.y,x,y)
            man.x = x;
            man.y = y;
            man.alpha = 1;
            play.nowManKey = false;
            com.dot.dots = [];

play.AIPlay = function (){
    play.my = -1 ;
    var pace=AI.init(play.pace.join(""))
    if (!pace) {
        play.showWin (1);
        return ;
    var key=play.map[pace[1]][pace[0]]
        play.nowManKey = key;
    var key=play.map[pace[3]][pace[2]];
    if (key){
    }else {

play.checkFoul = function(){
    var p=play.pace;
    var len=parseInt(p.length,10);
    if (len>11&&p[len-1] == p[len-5] &&p[len-5] == p[len-9]){
        return p[len-4].split("");
    return false;

play.AIclickMan = function (key,x,y){
    var man = com.mans[key];
    man.isShow = false;
    delete play.map[com.mans[play.nowManKey].y][com.mans[play.nowManKey].x];
    play.map[y][x] = play.nowManKey;
    play.showPane(com.mans[play.nowManKey].x ,com.mans[play.nowManKey].y,x,y)
    com.mans[play.nowManKey].x = x;
    com.mans[play.nowManKey].y = y;
    play.nowManKey = false;
    if (key == "j0") play.showWin (-1);
    if (key == "J0") play.showWin (1);

play.AIclickPoint = function (x,y){
    var key=play.nowManKey;
    var man=com.mans[key];
    if (play.nowManKey){
        delete play.map[com.mans[play.nowManKey].y][com.mans[play.nowManKey].x];
        play.map[y][x] = key;
        man.x = x;
        man.y = y;
        play.nowManKey = false;

play.indexOfPs = function (ps,xy){
    for (var i=0; i<ps.length; i++){
        if (ps[i][0]==xy[0]&&ps[i][1]==xy[1]) return true;
    return false;

play.getClickPoint = function (e){
    var domXY = com.getDomXY(com.canvas);
    var x=Math.round((e.pageX-domXY.x-com.pointStartX-20)/com.spaceX)
    var y=Math.round((e.pageY-domXY.y-com.pointStartY-20)/com.spaceY)
    return {"x":x,"y":y}

play.getClickMan = function (e){
    var clickXY=play.getClickPoint(e);
    var x=clickXY.x;
    var y=clickXY.y;
    if (x < 0 || x>8 || y < 0 || y > 9) return false;
    return (play.map[y][x] && play.map[y][x]!="0") ? play.map[y][x] : false;

play.showWin = function (my){
    play.isPlay = false;
    if (my===1){
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在线演示        源码下载

HTML5版Flappy Bird游戏

Flappy Bird这款变态游戏也被改造成HTML5版,这也是意料之中的事情。


// Initialize Phaser, and creates a 400x490px game
var game = new Phaser.Game(400, 490, Phaser.AUTO, 'game_div');
var game_state = {};

// Creates a new 'main' state that will contain the game
game_state.main = function() { };  
game_state.main.prototype = {

    // Function called first to load all the assets
    preload: function() { 
        // Change the background color of the game
        this.game.stage.backgroundColor = '#71c5cf';

        // Load the bird sprite
        this.game.load.image('bird', 'assets/bird.png');  

        // Load the pipe sprite
        this.game.load.image('pipe', 'assets/pipe.png');      

    // Fuction called after 'preload' to setup the game 
    create: function() { 
        // Display the bird on the screen
        this.bird = this.game.add.sprite(100, 245, 'bird');
        // Add gravity to the bird to make it fall
        this.bird.body.gravity.y = 1000; 

        // Call the 'jump' function when the spacekey is hit
        var space_key = this.game.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Keyboard.SPACEBAR);
        space_key.onDown.add(this.jump, this); 

        // Create a group of 20 pipes
        this.pipes = game.add.group();
        this.pipes.createMultiple(20, 'pipe');  

        // Timer that calls 'add_row_of_pipes' ever 1.5 seconds
        this.timer = this.game.time.events.loop(1500, this.add_row_of_pipes, this);           

        // Add a score label on the top left of the screen
        this.score = 0;
        var style = { font: "30px Arial", fill: "#ffffff" };
        this.label_score = this.game.add.text(20, 20, "0", style);  

    // This function is called 60 times per second
    update: function() {
        // If the bird is out of the world (too high or too low), call the 'restart_game' function
        if (this.bird.inWorld == false)

        // If the bird overlap any pipes, call 'restart_game'
        this.game.physics.overlap(this.bird, this.pipes, this.restart_game, null, this);      

    // Make the bird jump 
    jump: function() {
        // Add a vertical velocity to the bird
        this.bird.body.velocity.y = -350;

    // Restart the game
    restart_game: function() {
        // Remove the timer

        // Start the 'main' state, which restarts the game

    // Add a pipe on the screen
    add_one_pipe: function(x, y) {
        // Get the first dead pipe of our group
        var pipe = this.pipes.getFirstDead();

        // Set the new position of the pipe
        pipe.reset(x, y);

         // Add velocity to the pipe to make it move left
        pipe.body.velocity.x = -200; 
        // Kill the pipe when it's no longer visible 
        pipe.outOfBoundsKill = true;

    // Add a row of 6 pipes with a hole somewhere in the middle
    add_row_of_pipes: function() {
        var hole = Math.floor(Math.random()*5)+1;
        for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            if (i != hole && i != hole +1) 
                this.add_one_pipe(400, i*60+10);   
        this.score += 1;
        this.label_score.content = this.score;  

// Add and start the 'main' state to start the game
game.state.add('main', game_state.main);  
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var g_canvas;
      var g_context;
      var g_soundsLoaded;
      var g_isChr;
      var g_onscreenControls;
      var g_paused;
      var g_renderInterval;
      var g_clockInterval;

      var g_totalItems;
      var g_itemsLoaded;

      var g_background;
      var g_foreground;

      var g_ship;
      var g_gameState;
      var g_highScore;

      var g_powerups;
      var g_floatyText;
      var g_projectiles;
      var g_enemyProjectiles;
      var g_enemies;
      var g_afterEffects;
      var g_rainbow;

      var g_basicShotSound;
      var g_laserShotSound;
      var g_dinkSound;
      var g_smallExplodeSound;
      var g_bonusSound;
      var g_explodeSound;
      var g_artifact_chard_sound;
      var g_double_sound;
      var g_gem_sound;
      var g_gun_sound;
      var g_shot_sound;
      var g_speed_sound;

      var g_levelDirector;
      var g_shotsFired;
      var g_shotsRequired;
      var g_accuracy;
      var g_showAccuracy;
      var g_enemiesDestroyed;

      // main() is called once the game has loaded and the user has clicked
      // on the "new game" button on the splash screen. This is a clean slate
      // with no registered timers or event listeners.
      function main()
         var level_1_loop = document.getElementById("level_1_loop");
         var bossLoop = document.getElementById("boss_loop");

         //dbg("engine = " + navigator.userAgent, false);
         g_rainbow = new Array("yellow", "orange", "white", "red");

         document.addEventListener('keydown', keyDown, false);
         document.addEventListener('keyup', keyUp, false);

         if ( g_basicShotSound == null )

            g_basicShotSound = new Sound("basic_shot",5);
            g_laserShotSound = new Sound("laser",5);
            g_smallExplodeSound = new Sound("small_explode",5);
            g_bonusSound = new Sound("bonus_sound",4);
            g_explodeSound = new Sound("explode", 3);

            g_artifact_chard_sound = new Sound("artifact_chard_sound", 2);
            g_double_sound = new Sound("double_sound", 2);
            g_gem_sound = new Sound("gem_sound", 4);
            g_gun_sound = new Sound("gun_sound", 2);
            g_shot_sound = new Sound("shot_sound", 3);
            g_speed_sound = new Sound("speed_sound", 3);

         g_highScore = 0;
         g_gameState = "setup";
         g_levelDirector = new LevelDirector();

         // telling the level director to start will put the clock and
         // render loops on interval timers

      // map a sound name to a global audio object
      function lookupSound(name)
         if ( name == "double_sound" )
            return g_double_sound;
         else if ( name == "gem_sound" )
            return g_gem_sound;
         else if ( name == "gun_sound" )
            return g_gun_sound;
         else if ( name == "shot_sound" )
            return g_shot_sound;
         else if ( name == "speed_sound" )
            return g_speed_sound;

         dbg("Failed sound lookup: " + name, false);

         return null;

      // the level director will kick off an interval that calls
      // this function every 100ms 
      function clockLoop()
         if ( g_paused )

         g_levelDirector.myClock += 100;
         //dbg("Clock = " +  g_levelDirector.myClock, false);


      // the LevelDirector will kick off an interval that calls this function
      // which redraws the entire screen. that interval determines the game's
      // fps.
      function renderLoop()
         if ( g_paused )


         var remainingPowerups = new Array();
         for (var i = 0; i < g_powerups.length; ++i)
            if (g_powerups[i].render())
            else delete g_powerups[i];
         delete g_powerups;
         g_powerups = remainingPowerups;

         var remainingText = new Array();
         for (var i = 0; i < g_floatyText.length; ++i)
            if (g_floatyText[i].render())
            else delete g_floatyText[i];
         delete g_floatyText;
         g_floatyText = remainingText;

         var remainingEnemies = new Array();
         for (var i = 0; i < g_enemies.length; ++i)
            if (g_enemies[i].render())
            else delete g_enemies[i];
         delete g_enemies;
         g_enemies = remainingEnemies;

         var remainingProjectiles = new Array();
         for (var i = 0; i < g_projectiles.length; ++i)
            if (g_projectiles[i].render())
            else delete g_projectiles[i];
         delete g_projectiles;
         g_projectiles = remainingProjectiles;

         var remainingEnemyProjectiles = new Array();
         for (var i = 0; i < g_enemyProjectiles.length; ++i)
            if (g_enemyProjectiles[i].render())
            else delete g_enemyProjectiles[i];
         delete g_enemyProjectiles;
         g_enemyProjectiles = remainingEnemyProjectiles;

         var remainingAfterEffects = new Array();
         for (var i = 0; i < g_afterEffects.length; ++i)
            if (g_afterEffects[i].render())
            else delete g_afterEffects[i];
         delete g_afterEffects;
         g_afterEffects = remainingAfterEffects;



         if ( g_onscreenControls )
            var ox = 40;
            var oy = 300;
            var ow = 30;

            var tx = 8;
            var ty = 22;

            g_context.fillStyle = "yellow";
            g_context.strokeStyle = "yellow";

            g_context.fillText("L", ox-35+tx,oy+35+ty);
            g_context.fillText("R", ox+35+tx,oy+35+ty);
            g_context.fillText("D", ox+tx,oy+70+ty);


      //--------------------------- BEGIN MUSIC LOOPING FUNCTIONS-------------//

      // no browser currently correctly implements the looping feature
      // of the Autdio object yet, so we have to listen for the ended event
      // on our background music and play it again
      function start_level_1_loop(terminate)
         var level_1_loop = document.getElementById("level_1_loop");

         if ( terminate != undefined )
            if ( terminate.toString() == "boss" )
               level_1_loop.volume = 0;
               level_1_loop.removeEventListener("ended", l1_loopit, true);
            else if ( terminate.toString() == "gameover" )
               level_1_loop.removeEventListener("ended", l1_loopit, true);


      function l1_loopit()
         var level_1_loop = document.getElementById("level_1_loop");
         level_1_loop.volume = 1;
         level_1_loop.addEventListener("ended", l1_loopit, true);

      function startBossLoop(terminate)
         var bossLoop = document.getElementById("boss_loop");

         if ( terminate != undefined && terminate.toString() == "end_boss")
            bossLoop.volume = 0;
            bossLoop.removeEventListener("ended", bos_loopit, true);

      function bos_loopit()
         var bossLoop = document.getElementById("boss_loop");
         bossLoop.volume = 1;
         bossLoop.addEventListener("ended", bos_loopit, true);

      function startLevel2Loop(terminate)
         var penguinLoop = document.getElementById("level_2_loop");

         if ( terminate != undefined && terminate.toString() == "terminate")
            penguinLoop.volume = 0;
            penguinLoop.removeEventListener("ended", l2_loopit, true);

      function l2_loopit()
         var penguinLoop = document.getElementById("level_2_loop");
         penguinLoop.volume = 1;
         penguinLoop.addEventListener("ended", l2_loopit, true);

      // write message to debug area
      function dbg(str, append)
         var dbgObj = document.getElementById("dbg");
         dbgObj.innerHTML = append? (dbgObj.innerHTML + str): str;

      // appends all game sounds to the document. called after the loading
      // screen itself is loaded.  The GameSounds.php file does a base64_encode
      // on the actual .ogg files residing on the server.  This is so the sound
      // objects can be repeatedly re-initialized without a network hit. This
      // is part of a workaround for Chrome because that browser does not 
      // correctly re-play short audio sounds (which is just about every sound
      // effect in the game)
      function loadGameSounds()
          var fileref=document.createElement('script')
          fileref.setAttribute("src", "http://dougx.net/plunder/GameSounds.php")

          var agent = navigator.userAgent;
          if ( agent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 )
             // IE9 does not support OGG so we have to load a special
             // version of the file that has MP3 encoded sound
             fileref.setAttribute("src", "GameSoundsIE9.php")

      fileref.onload = function() { g_soundsLoaded = true; }

      function pause()
         if (g_paused == null )
            g_paused = false;

         g_paused = !g_paused;

         if ( g_paused )
            dbg("Game Paused", false);
            dbg("", false);
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在线演示        源码下载




在线演示        源码下载

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