大家AK杯 灰天飞雁NOIP模拟赛题解/数据/标程
program prob1; var ans:array[0..6,0..600] of longint; n,i,j:longint; a0,r0,px,py,vx,vy,left,t,newp:extended; flag:boolean; function dist(x1,y1,x2,y2:extended):extended;inline;begin exit( sqrt(sqr(x1-x2)+sqr(y1-y2))); end; function store(num:longint;x,y:extended):boolean;inline; begin //writeln('x=',x,' y=',y); //readln; if x=0 then if (y>=0) and (y<=r0) then begin inc(ans[1,0]); ans[1,ans[1,0]]:=num; exit(true); end else if (y>=5-r0) and (y<=5) then begin inc(ans[4,0]); ans[4,ans[4,0]]:=num; exit(true); end; if x=10 then if (y>=0) and (y<=r0) then begin inc(ans[3,0]); ans[3,ans[3,0]]:=num; exit(true); end else if (y>=5-r0) and (y<=5) then begin inc(ans[6,0]); ans[6,ans[6,0]]:=num; exit(true); end; if y=0 then if (x>=0) and (x<=r0) then begin inc(ans[1,0]); ans[1,ans[1,0]]:=num; exit(true); end else if (x>=5-r0) and (x<=5+r0) then begin inc(ans[2,0]); ans[2,ans[2,0]]:=num; exit(true); end else if (x>=10-r0) and (x<=10) then begin inc(ans[3,0]); ans[3,ans[3,0]]:=num; exit(true); end; if y=5 then if (x>=0) and (x<=r0) then begin inc(ans[4,0]); ans[4,ans[4,0]]:=num; exit(true); end else if (x>=5-r0) and (x<=5+r0) then begin inc(ans[5,0]); ans[5,ans[5,0]]:=num; exit(true); end else if (x>=10-r0) and (x<=10) then begin inc(ans[6,0]); ans[6,ans[6,0]]:=num; exit(true); end; exit(false); end; begin readln(n,r0,a0); fillchar(ans,sizeof(ans),0); for i:=1 to n do begin //writeln('i=',i, ' '); readln(px,py,vx,vy); left:=(vx*vx+vy*vy)/(2*a0); if (vx=vy) and (vx=0) then begin {writeln('inti');}store(i,px,py); continue; end; //process while left>=0 do begin if store(i,px,py) then break; flag:=false; if vx<0 then begin t:=px/(-vx); newp:=t*vy+py; if (newp>=0) and (newp<=5) then begin flag:=true; left:=left-dist(px,py,0,newp); px:=0; py:=newp; vx:=-vx; end; end else if vx>0 then begin t:=(10-px)/(vx); newp:=t*vy+py; if (newp>=0) and (newp<=5) then begin flag:=true; left:=left-dist(px,py,10,newp); px:=10; py:=newp; vx:=-vx; end; end; if (vy>0) and not flag then begin t:=(5-py)/vy; newp:=t*vx+px; if (newp>=0) and (newp<=10) then begin flag:=true; left:=left-dist(px,py,newp,5); px:=newp; py:=5; vy:=-vy; end; end else if vy<0 then begin t:=py/(-vy); newp:=t*vx+px; if (newp>=0) and (newp<=10) then begin flag:=true; left:=left-dist(px,py,newp,0); px:=newp; py:=0; vy:=-vy; end; end; end; end; for i:=1 to 6 do begin write(ans[i,0]); if ans[i,0]<>0 then write(' '); for j:=1 to ans[i,0] do if j<ans[i,0] then write(ans[i,j],' ') else write(ans[i,j]); writeln; end; end.
,F[t-2,i-1,k]+w[i-1,k] (k<>j) //从上面转后跳下来
注意到最后一种情况若朴素查找Max{f[t-2,i-1,k] k<>j}则会使转移代价成为O(m),从而整个程序的复杂度会达到O(tn m^2)从而TLE
我们可以记录每一个t,i下F[t,i,k]的最大值、最大值时的maxk 和 除最大值以外的F[t,i,k]max(k<>maxk)
这样我们就可以在O(1)时间内得到Max{f[t-2,i-1,k] k<>j}了
用滚动数组压缩空间,滚动数组mod 3较慢,不如直接mod 4=and 3快
program prob2; var t0,n,m,i,j,t:longint; ans:int64; a:array[0..300,0..300] of int64; f:array[-2..3,-2..300,-2..300] of int64; max1,max2,pos1,pos2:array[-2..3,-2..300] of int64; function prev(P:int64):int64;inline; begin if p=m then exit(1) else exit(p+1); end; function next(P:int64):int64;inline; begin if p=1 then exit(m) else exit(p-1); end; function max(a,b:int64):int64;inline; begin if a>b then exit(a);exit(b); end; begin readln(n,m,t0); for i:=1 to n do begin for j:=1 to m do read(a[i,j]); readln; end; fillchar(f,sizeof(f),$81); //max1[t0,i] max2 pos1 pos2 fillchar(max1,sizeof(max1),$81); fillchar(max2,sizeof(max2),$81); f[0,1,1]:=0; for t:=1 to t0 do for i:=1 to n do begin max1[t and 3,i]:=-maxlongint;max2[t and 3,i]:=-maxlongint; for j:=1 to m do begin f[t and 3,i,j]:=f[(t-1) and 3,i,j]; f[t and 3,i,j]:=max(f[(t-1) and 3,i,j],f[(t-1) and 3,i,prev(j)]); f[t and 3,i,j]:=max(f[t and 3,i,j],f[(t-1) and 3,i,next(j)]); f[t and 3,i,j]:=max(f[t and 3,i,j],f[(t-1) and 3,i-1,j]); if j<>pos1[(t-2) and 3,i-1] then f[t and 3,i,j]:=max(f[t and 3,i,j],max1[(t-2) and 3,i-1]+a[i-1,pos1[(t-2) and 3,i-1]]) else f[t and 3,i,j]:=max(f[t and 3,i,j],max2[(t-2) and 3,i-1]+a[i-1,pos2[(t-2) and 3,i-1]]); f[t and 3,i,j]:=f[t and 3,i,j]+a[i,j]; if f[t and 3,i,j]>max1[t and 3,i] then begin max1[t and 3,i]:=f[t and 3,i,j];pos1[t and 3,i]:=j; end else if f[t and 3,i,j]>max2[t and 3,i] then begin max2[t and 3,i]:=f[t and 3,i,j];pos2[t and 3,i]:=j; end; end; end; ans:=-maxlongint; for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to m do ans:=max(ans,f[t0 and 3,i,j]); writeln(ans); end.
正解是对抗搜索。甲是Max游戏者 乙是Min游戏者
program prob3; Const TLEFT=1; TRIGHT=2; TUP=3; TDOWN=4; PLAYERA=false; PLAYERB=true; dx:array[1..5] of longint=(-1,1,0,0,0); dy:array[1..5] of longint=(0,0,1,-1,0); illegal=$1235;//不合法状态,用一个够大的数标记 Type TBullet=record//子弹定义 x,y,dir:integer;//x y 子弹坐标 dir运动方向,详见前 ava:boolean;//是否要继续处理子弹的运动,如果已经跑到外面了就赋ava=false end; TSelfState=record top,sx,sy,ax,ay,bx,by:longint;//一个游戏者的状态 包含了小怪的位置和自机位置和子弹栈 bullet:array[0..55] of TBullet; end; TState=record pa,pb:TSelfState;//状态 包含了甲乙游戏者的两个网格 score,t:integer; end; Var now:TState; t0:longint; q:array[0..20,false..true] of longint; Function max(a,b:longint):longint;inline;begin if a>b then exit(a);exit(b); end; Function min(a,b:longint):longint;inline;begin if a<b then exit(a);exit(b); end; Function missed(var ss:TselfState):boolean;inline;//判断一个网格内是否已经中弹 var i:longint; begin with ss do begin if (sx=ax) and (sy=ay) then exit(true);//撞到小怪了 if (sx=bx) and (sy=by) then exit(true); for i:=1 to top do if bullet[i].ava and (sx=bullet[i].x) and (sy=bullet[i].y) then exit(true);//撞到子弹了 exit(false); end; end; procedure createbullet(var ss:TselfState;px,py,pdir:longint);inline;//在一个游戏者的网格中创建子弹 begin if not((px>=1) and (px<=5) and (py>=1) and (py<=6)) then exit;//子弹在外面不用创建了 inc(ss.top); with ss.bullet[ss.top] do begin dir:=pdir; x:=px; y:=py; ava:=true; end; end; procedure movebullet(var ss:TselfState);inline;//子弹的移动 var i:longint; begin for i:=1 to ss.top do with ss.bullet[i] do if ava then begin x:=x+dx[dir]; y:=y+dy[dir]; if not((x>=1) and (x<=5) and (y>=1) and (y<=6)) then ava:=false;//子弹到外面就不用处理了 end; end; procedure createmoz(var ss:TselfState;pt:longint);inline;//创建小怪的子弹 begin if odd(pt) then //奇数秒 a小怪产生子弹 begin createbullet(ss,ss.ax+1,ss.ay,TRIGHT); createbullet(ss,ss.ax-1,ss.ay,TLEFT); createbullet(ss,ss.ax,ss.ay-1,TDOWN); end else begin //偶数秒 b小怪产生子弹 createbullet(ss,ss.bx+1,ss.by,TRIGHT); createbullet(ss,ss.bx-1,ss.by,TLEFT); createbullet(ss,ss.bx,ss.by-1,TDOWN); end; end; function expand(player:boolean;apro:longint):boolean;inline;//apro 操作方式 1左 2右 3上 4下 5ATK 返回表示该操作是否合法 若合法即改写状态 begin if player=PLAYERA then with now.pa do begin if (sx=5) and (apro=2) then exit(false); if (sx=1) and (apro=1) then exit(false); if (sy=1) and (apro=4) then exit(false); if (sy=6) and (apro=3) then exit(false); //在边界还需要向外移动肯定不合法 if missed(now.pa) then dec(now.score); //中弹判定 if apro<5 then begin sx:=sx+dx[apro];sy:=sy+dy[apro]; end else//需要移动的情况 begin //产生子弹的情况 createbullet(now.pb,sx-1,sy+2,TDOWN); createbullet(now.pb,sx,sy+2,TDOWN); createbullet(now.pb,sx+1,sy+2,TDOWN); end; movebullet(now.pa);//子弹移动 createmoz(now.pa,now.t); //产生小怪子弹 //inc(now.t); a游戏者操作后回合数不会+1~ exit(true); end; if player=PLAYERB then with now.pb do begin if (sx=5) and (apro=2) then exit(false); if (sx=1) and (apro=1) then exit(false); if (sy=1) and (apro=4) then exit(false); if (sy=6) and (apro=3) then exit(false); if missed(now.pb) then inc(now.score); if apro<5 then begin sx:=sx+dx[apro];sy:=sy+dy[apro]; end else begin createbullet(now.pa,sx-1,sy+2,TDOWN); createbullet(now.pa,sx,sy+2,TDOWN); createbullet(now.pa,sx+1,sy+2,TDOWN); end; movebullet(now.pb); createmoz(now.pb,now.t); inc(now.t); //b操作完后回合数+1 exit(true); end; end; function search(dpt:longint;player:boolean):longint; var i,o:longint; oldnow:Tstate; begin q[dpt,player]:=illegal; search:=illegal; if dpt=t0+1 then exit(now.score); oldnow:=now; for i:=1 to 5 do begin now:=oldnow; if not expand(player,i) then continue; if player=playera then o:=search(dpt,not player) else o:=search(dpt+1,not player); if o<>illegal then if search=illegal then search:=o else if player=playera then //轮到a行动,他会找分差最大的方案 search:=max(search,o) else search:=min(search,o);//b行动,分差最小的方案 q[dpt,player]:=search; if player=playera then //alpha-beta剪枝 begin if (search>q[dpt-1,not player]) and (q[dpt-1,not player]<>illegal) then exit; end else if (search<q[dpt,not player]) and (q[dpt,not player]<>illegal) then exit; end; end; begin readln(t0); filldword(q,sizeof(q) div 4,illegal); with now.pa do begin top:=0; readln(sx,sy,ax,ay,bx,by); end; with now.pb do begin top:=0; readln(sx,sy,ax,ay,bx,by); end; now.score:=0; now.t:=1; writeln(search(1,playera)); end.