你被要求设计一个计算器完成以下三项任务:1、给定y,z,p,计算Y^Z Mod P 的值;2、给定y,z,p,计算满足xy≡ Z ( mod P )的最小非负整数;3、给定y,z,p,计算满足Y^x ≡ Z ( mod P)的最小非负整数。
- exgcd最后的gcd不需要取模
- 负数的处理 (P+n) mod n
- int64的使用(防止溢出)
(************************************************************** Problem: 2242 User: HTwood Language: Pascal Result: Accepted Time:636 ms Memory:2568 kb ****************************************************************) program math; Const maxn=100000; maxm=2; StrErr='Orz, I cannot find x!'; Type rec=record val,ord:longint; end; var p,q,n,m,op,gcd:int64; i:longint; t:array[0..maxn,0..maxm] of rec; Function safe(P:int64):int64;inline; begin exit(((p+n) mod n+n) mod n); end; Function times(p,q:int64):int64;//P^Q (mod N) begin if q=0 then exit(1); times:=times(p,q shr 1); times:=safe(times*times); if odd(q) then times:=safe(times*p); end; Procedure Exgcd(a,b:int64;var x,y:int64); begin if b=0 then begin x:=1;y:=0;gcd:=a;exit; end; Exgcd(b,a mod b,y,x); y:=safe(y-a div b*x); end; Procedure Solve1;inline;//pX+Yn=Q var x,y:int64; begin Exgcd(p,n,x,y); if q mod gcd<>0 then begin writeln(StrErr); exit; end; x:=safe(x); writeln(safe((q div gcd)*x)); end; Procedure Addhash(val,ord:int64); inline; var hash,i:longint; begin hash:=(val mod maxn+maxn) mod maxn; for i:=1 to maxm do begin if t[hash,i].ord>0 then continue; t[hash,i].ord:=ord; t[hash,i].val:=val; break; end; end; Function InHash(P:longint;var pos1,pos2:int64):boolean;inline; var hash,i:longint; begin hash:=(p mod maxn+maxn) mod maxn; for i:=1 to maxm do begin if t[hash,i].ord=0 then break; if t[hash,i].val=p then begin pos1:=hash; pos2:=i; exit(true); end; end; exit(false); end; Function inv(P:int64):int64;inline;//pX=1 (mod n) var x,y:int64; begin Exgcd(p,n,x,y); if gcd=1 then exit((x+n) mod n) else exit(-1); end; Procedure Solve2;inline;//P^x=q (mod n) var size,v,now,pos1,pos2:int64; i:longint; begin q:=q mod n; size:=trunc(sqrt(n))+1; fillchar(t,sizeof(t),0); v:=inv(times(p,size)); now:=1; for i:=1 to size do begin now:=(now*p) mod n; Addhash(now,i); end; For i:=0 to size-1 do begin if inhash(q,pos1,pos2) then begin writeln((size*i+t[pos1,pos2].ord) mod n); exit; end; q:=(q*v) mod n; end; Writeln(strErr); end; begin readln(m,op); for i:=1 to m do begin readln(p,q,n); case op of 1:writeln(times(p,q)); 2:solve1; 3:solve2; end; end; end.