测试数据 #1: Accepted, time=374ms, mem=37870KB, score=10
测试数据 #2: Accepted, time=0ms, mem=37874KB, score=10
测试数据 #3: Accepted, time=46ms, mem=37870KB, score=10
测试数据 #4: Accepted, time=109ms, mem=37870KB, score=10
测试数据 #5: Accepted, time=109ms, mem=37874KB, score=10
测试数据 #6: Accepted, time=46ms, mem=37866KB, score=10
测试数据 #7: Accepted, time=62ms, mem=37870KB, score=10
测试数据 #8: Accepted, time=62ms, mem=37870KB, score=10
测试数据 #9: Accepted, time=202ms, mem=37870KB, score=10
测试数据 #10: Accepted, time=327ms, mem=37870KB, score=10
Time = 1337ms Mem = 37874KB Score= 100
program editor; Type rec=record l,r,fa,s:longint; w:char; end; Var n,m,i,h,now,len,top,u,t:longint; c:char; ss:array[0..1800000] of char; f:array[0..1800000] of rec; Procedure readchar(P:longint);inline; var c:char; begin while p>0 do begin read(c);dec(p); end; end; Procedure update(P:longint);inline; begin if p=0 then exit; f[p].s:=f[f[p].l].s+f[f[p].r].s+1; end; Procedure zig(P:longint);inline; var u:longint; begin u:=f[p].r; if u=0 then exit;//重要! f[p].r:=f[u].l; if f[p].r<>0 then f[f[p].r].fa:=p; f[u].fa:=f[p].fa; if f[p].fa<>0 then if f[f[p].fa].l=p then f[f[p].fa].l:=u else f[f[p].fa].r:=u else h:=u; f[u].l:=p; f[p].fa:=u; update(p);update(u); end; Procedure zag(P:longint);inline; var u:longint; begin u:=f[p].l; if u=0 then exit; f[p].l:=f[u].r; if f[p].l<>0 then f[f[p].l].fa:=p; f[u].fa:=f[p].fa; if f[p].fa<>0 then if f[f[p].fa].l=p then f[f[p].fa].l:=u else f[f[p].fa].r:=u else h:=u; f[u].r:=p; f[p].fa:=u; update(p); update(u); end; Procedure up(x,root:longint);inline; begin if f[root].l=x then zag(root) else zig(root); end; Procedure splay(P,tar:longint);inline; var x,y,z:longint; begin x:=p;y:=f[x].fa;z:=f[y].fa; while y<>tar do begin if z=tar then begin up(x,y);break; end; if ((f[z].l=y) xor (f[y].l=x))=false then begin up(y,z); up(x,y); end else begin up(x,y); up(y,z); end; y:=f[x].fa; z:=f[y].fa; end; end; Function Fnext:longint;inline; var x,y:longint; begin if f[now].r<>0 then begin fnext:=f[now].r; while f[fnext].l<>0 do fnext:=f[fnext].l; exit(fnext); end; x:=now; y:=f[now].fa; while f[y].r=x do begin y:=f[y].fa;x:=f[x].fa; end; exit(y); splay(now,0); end; Procedure next;inline; begin now:=fnext; end; Procedure prev;inline; var x,y:longint; begin if f[now].l<>0 then begin now:=f[now].l; while f[now].r<>0 do now:=f[now].r; exit; end; x:=now; y:=f[x].fa; while f[y].l=x do begin y:=f[y].fa;x:=f[x].fa; end; now:=y; splay(now,0); end; Function index(P,num:longint):longint; begin while true do begin if f[f[p].l].s+1=num then exit(p); if f[f[p].l].s+1<num then begin dec(num,f[f[p].l].s+1); p:=f[p].r; end else p:=f[p].l; end; end; Procedure move(P:longint); inline; begin now:=index(h,p+1); end; Procedure print(P:longint); begin if f[p].l>0 then print(f[p].l); {if (f[p].w>#31) and (f[p].w<#127) then} write(f[p].w); if f[p].r>0 then print(f[p].r); end; Procedure get(P:longint); inline; var x:longint; begin splay(now,0); x:=index(h,f[f[now].l].s+2+p); splay(x,now); print(f[x].l); end; Procedure Delete(P:longint); inline; var x:longint; begin splay(now,0); x:=index(h,f[f[now].l].s+2+p); splay(x,now); f[x].l:=0; while x<>0 do begin dec(f[x].s,p); x:=f[x].fa; end; end; Function add(pfa:longint):longint; inline; begin inc(top); f[top].fa:=pfa; exit(top); end; Procedure build(p,l,r:longint); var mid:longint; begin mid:=(l+r) div 2; f[p].w:=ss[mid]; f[p].s:=r-l+1; if l=r then exit; if mid>l then begin f[p].l:=add(p); build(f[p].l,l,mid-1); end; if mid<r then begin f[p].r:=add(p); build(f[p].r,mid+1,r); end; end; Procedure insert; var u:longint; begin splay(now,0); u:=fnext; f[u].l:=add(u); build(f[u].l,1,len); while u>0 do begin inc(f[u].s,len); u:=f[u].fa; end; end; begin with f[1] do begin s:=2; w:=#1; r:=2; end; with f[2] do begin s:=1; w:=#255; fa:=1; end; top:=2; now:=1; h:=1; readln(t); while t>0 do begin dec(t); read(c); case c of 'M': begin readchar(3); readln(u); move(u); end; 'I': begin readchar(5); readln(len); for i:=1 to len do begin read(ss[i]); while eoln do readln; end; insert; end; 'N': begin readchar(3); readln; next; end; 'P': begin readchar(3); readln; prev; end; 'D': begin readchar(5); readln(u); delete(u); end; 'G': begin readchar(3); readln(u); get(u); writeln; end; end; end; end.