输入表达式 应输出表达式
a+(b+c) a+b+c
(a*b)+c/d a*b+c/d
a+b/(c-d) a+b/(c-d)
注意输入 a+b 时不能输出 b+a。
一个字符串,长度不超过 255,输入不要判错
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1 program ub; 2 3 Type 4 rec=record 5 st,ed:longint; 6 end; 7 8 Var 9 s:string; 10 11 Procedure fopen; 12 begin 13 assign(input,'ub.in'); 14 assign(output,'ub.out'); 15 reset(input); 16 rewrite(output); 17 end; 18 19 Procedure fclose; 20 begin 21 close(input); 22 close(output); 23 end; 24 25 Function havep(S:String):boolean; 26 var 27 deep,i:longint; 28 begin 29 havep:=false; 30 deep:=0; 31 for i:=1 to length(s) do 32 begin 33 if ( s[i] in ['+','-'] ) and (deep=0) then 34 exit(true); 35 if s[i]='(' then inc(deep); 36 if s[i]=')' then dec(deep); 37 end; 38 end; 39 40 Function work(S:String):string; 41 var 42 ct,deep,i:longint; 43 ans,y:string; 44 a:array[0..300] of rec; 45 can:boolean; 46 begin 47 ct:=0; 48 deep:=0; 49 for i:=1 to length(s) do 50 if (s[i]='(') then 51 begin 52 inc(deep); 53 if deep=1 then begin inc(ct); a[ct].st:=i; end; 54 end else 55 if s[i]=')' then 56 begin 57 dec(deep); 58 if deep=0 then a[ct].ed:=i; 59 end; 60 if ct=0 then exit(s); 61 a[ct+1].st:=length(s)+1; 62 ans:=copy(s,1,a[1].st-1); 63 for i:=1 to ct do 64 begin 65 y:=work(copy(s,a[i].st+1,a[i].ed-a[i].st-1)); 66 can:=true; 67 //fore 68 if (a[i].st>1) then 69 case s[ a[i].st-1 ] of 70 '-':if (length(y)>1) and havep(y) then can:=false; 71 '*':if havep(y) and (length(y)>1) then can:=false; 72 '/':if length(y)>1 then can:=false; 73 end; 74 //back 75 if a[i].ed<length(s) then 76 case s[ a[i].ed+1] of 77 '*':if havep(y) and (length(y)>1) then can:=false; 78 '/':if havep(y) and (length(y)>1) then can:=false; 79 end; 80 if can then ans:=ans+y else ans:=ans+'('+y+')'; 81 ans:=ans+copy(s,a[i].ed+1,a[i+1].st-1-a[i].ed); 82 end; 83 exit(ans); 84 end; 85 86 begin 87 fopen; 88 readln(s); 89 writeln(work(s)); 90 fclose; 91 end.