描述 Description
输入格式 InputFormat
输出格式 OutputFormat
样例输入 SampleInput
样例输出 SampleOutput
#01: Accepted (0ms, 1316KB)
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#02: Accepted (0ms, 1316KB)
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#23: Accepted (475ms, 1316KB)
#24: Accepted (678ms, 1316KB)
Accepted / 100 / 2143ms / 1316KB
program stack_new; uses math; Const maxlen=8400; bit=10; mbit=10000000000; size=8; Type gjd=record d:array[0..maxlen] of qword; len:longint; zf:boolean; end; TTable=array[0..100000] of longint; Var a:TTable; ct,n,i,j:longint; x,y,z,s,p:qword; ans:gjd; Procedure print(p:gjd);forward; Function len(P:qword):longint; var s:string; begin str(p,s); exit(length(s)); end; Function initgjd(var p:gjd;k:qword):gjd;//初始化gjd置为k begin p.len:=0; fillchar(p.d,(len(k) div mbit*2+2)*size,0); p.zf:=true; while k>0 do begin inc(p.len); p.d[p.len]:=k mod mbit; k:=k div mbit; end; exit(p); end; Function initgjd(var p:gjd):gjd;//无参数默认为0 begin p.len:=1; fillchar(p.d,sizeof(p.d),0); exit(p); end; Procedure print(p:gjd);//输出一行高精度 var i,j:longint; begin if not p.zf then write('-'); for i:=p.len downto 1 do begin if i<>p.len then for j:=1 to bit-len(p.d[i]) do write(0); write(p.d[i]); end; end; procedure fopen; begin assign(input,'stack.in'); assign(output,'stack.out'); reset(input); rewrite(output); end; procedure fclose; begin close(input); close(output); end; Procedure GetTable; var v:array[0..110000] of boolean; i,j:longint; begin fillchar(v,sizeof(v),true); v[1]:=false; v[2]:=true; ct:=0; for i:=2 to trunc(sqrt(n*2)) do if v[i] then begin inc(ct); a[ct]:=i; for j:=2 to n*2 div i do v[i*j]:=false; end; for i:=trunc(sqrt(n*2))+1 to n*2 do if v[i] then begin inc(ct);a[ct]:=i; end; end; begin readln(n); gettable; { for i:=1 to ct do if fn2[i]>0 then writeln(a[i],' ',fn2[i]); } initgjd(ans,1); for i:=1 to ct do begin x:=2*n;y:=n;z:=n+1;s:=1;p:=a[i]; while x>0 do begin x:=x div p;y:=y div p;z:=z div p; if x>y+z then s:=s*p; end; if s=1 then continue; // writeln(s); //writeln('i=',i,' a[i]=',a[i],' ^ ',fn2[i]); for j:=1 to ans.len do ans.d[j]:=ans.d[j]*s; for j:=1 to maxlen do begin ans.d[j+1]:=ans.d[j+1]+ans.d[j] div mbit; ans.d[j]:=ans.d[j] mod mbit; if (j>ans.len) and (ans.d[j+1]=0) then begin ans.len:=j;break;end; end; while (ans.d[ans.len]=0) and (ans.len>1) do dec(ans.len); // print(ans); //writeln; end; print(ans); end.