program gjdall; uses math; Const maxlen=1500; numbers=['0'..'9']; Type gjd=record d:array[0..maxlen] of longint; len:longint; zf:boolean; end; Var a,b:gjd; Procedure print(p:gjd);forward; Procedure initgjd(var p:gjd;k:longint);//初始化gjd置为k var i:longint; s:string; begin str(abs(k),s); p.len:=length(s); fillchar(p.d,sizeof(p.d),0); if k>=0 then p.zf:=true else p.zf:=false; for i:=1 to length(s) do p.d[i]:=ord(s[length(s)-i+1])-ord('0'); end; Function initgjd(var p:gjd):gjd;//无参数默认为0 begin initgjd(p,0); exit(p); end; Function zero(P:gjd):boolean;//判断是否为0 begin if (p.len=1) and (p.d[1]=0) then exit(true); exit(false); end; Function big(p1,p2:gjd):boolean;//比较p1,p2绝对值大小 var i:longint; begin if p1.len>p2.len then exit(true); if p1.len<p2.len then exit(false); for i:=p1.len downto 1 do begin if p1.d[i]>p2.d[i] then exit(true); if p1.d[i]<p2.d[i] then exit(false); end; exit(false); end; Function equal(p1,p2:gjd):boolean;//判断绝对值是否相等 begin if not big(p1,p2) and not big(p2,p1) then exit(true) else exit(false); end; Function Create(P:longint):gjd;//得到1eP begin initgjd(create); create.len:=p; create.d[p]:=1; end; Function realminus(p1,p2:gjd):gjd;//绝对值减 var y,ans:gjd; jw,i:longint; flag:boolean; begin if equal(p1,p2) then exit(initgjd(realminus)); if big(p2,p1) then begin y:=p2; p2:=p1; p1:=y; flag:=true; end else flag:=false; jw:=0; initgjd(ans); ans.len:=p1.len; for i:=1 to ans.len do begin ans.d[i]:=p1.d[i]-p2.d[i]-jw; if ans.d[i]<0 then begin inc(ans.d[i],10); jw:=1; end else jw:=0; end; while (ans.len>0) and (ans.d[ans.len]=0) do dec(ans.len); if flag then ans.zf:=not ans.zf; exit(ans); end; Function realadd(p1,p2:gjd):gjd;//绝对值加 var ans:gjd; i,jw:longint; begin initgjd(ans); ans.len:=max(p1.len,p2.len); jw:=0; for i:=1 to ans.len do begin ans.d[i]:=p1.d[i]+p2.d[i]+jw; jw:=ans.d[i] div 10; ans.d[i]:=ans.d[i] mod 10; end; if jw>0 then begin inc(ans.len);ans.d[ans.len]:=jw;end; while (ans.len>0) and (ans.d[ans.len]=0) do dec(ans.len); exit(ans); end; Function RealCheng(p1,p2:gjd):gjd;//绝对值乘 var i,j:longint; ans:gjd; begin initgjd(ans); ans.len:=p1.len+p2.len; for i:=1 to p1.len do for j:=1 to p2.len do inc(ans.d[i+j-1],p1.d[i]*p2.d[j]); for i:=1 to ans.len do begin inc(ans.d[i+1],ans.d[i] div 10); ans.d[i]:=ans.d[i] mod 10; end; while (ans.len>0) and (ans.d[ans.len]=0) do dec(ans.len); exit(ans); end; Function Add(p1,p2:gjd):gjd;//整数加 begin if zero(p1) then exit(p2); if zero(p2) then exit(p1); if p1.zf and p2.zf then exit(realadd(p1,p2)); if p1.zf and not p2.zf then exit(realminus(p1,p2)); if not p1.zf and p2.zf then exit(realminus(p2,p1)); add:=realadd(p1,p2); add.zf:=not add.zf; end; Function minus(p1,p2:gjd):gjd;//整数减 begin if zero(p1) then begin minus:=p2;minus.zf:=not minus.zf;exit;end; if zero(p2) then exit(p1); if p1.zf and p2.zf then exit(realminus(p1,p2)); if p1.zf and not p2.zf then exit(realadd(p1,p2)); if not p1.zf and p2.zf then begin minus:=realadd(p1,p2); minus.zf:=not minus.zf; exit; end; exit(realminus(p2,p1)); end; Function cheng(p1,p2:gjd):gjd;//整数乘 begin if zero(p1) or zero(p2) then begin initgjd(cheng);exit;end; Cheng:=RealCheng(p1,p2); if p1.zf xor p2.zf then cheng.zf:=false else cheng.zf:=true; end; Function divide(p:gjd;k:longint):gjd;//高精度整除整数 var jw,i:longint; ans:gjd; flag:boolean; begin if zero(p) then exit(p); jw:=0; initgjd(ans); ans.len:=p.len; if k<0 then begin k:=-k;flag:=true; end else flag:=false; for i:=p.len downto 1 do begin jw:=jw*10; ans.d[i]:=(p.d[i]+jw) div k; jw:=(p.d[i]+jw)- ans.d[i]*k; end; while (ans.len>0) and (ans.d[ans.len]=0) do dec(ans.len); if flag then ans.zf:=not ans.zf; exit(ans); end; Function divide(p1,p2:gjd):gjd;//高精度整除高精度 var one,minusone,low,high,mid:gjd; i:longint; begin if zero(p1) then exit(p1); if zero(p2) then exit; initgjd(one,1); initgjd(minusone,-1); if equal(p1,p2) then if p1.zf xor p2.zf then exit(minusone) else exit(one); if big(p2,p1) then exit(initgjd(divide)); low:=create(max(p1.len-p2.len-2,1)); high:=create(max(p1.len-p2.len+2,1)); while big(high,low) do begin mid:=divide(add(low,high),2); if equal(realcheng(p2,mid),p1) then begin low:=mid;break;end; if big(p1,realcheng(p2,mid)) then low:=add(mid,one) else high:=minus(mid,one); end; while Big( realcheng(p2,low),p1) do low:=minus(low,one); if p1.zf xor p2.zf then low.zf:=false else low.zf:=true; exit(low); end; Function Sqr(P:gjd):gjd; begin exit(cheng(p,p)); end; Function Sqrt(p:gjd):gjd; var low,high,one,mid:gjd; begin if not p.zf then exit; if zero(p) then exit(p); initgjd(low,1); high:=p; initgjd(one,1); while big(high,low) do begin mid:=divide(add(low,high),2); {write('low=');print(low);writeln;write('high=');print(high);writeln; write('mid=');print(mid);writeln;} if equal(sqr(mid),p) then exit(mid); if big(p,sqr(mid)) then low:=Add(mid,one) else high:=minus(mid,one); end; //writeln('d'); while Big(sqr(low),p) do low:=minus(low,one); exit(low); end; Function times(p:gjd;k:longint):gjd;//快速幂 begin if k=1 then exit(p); if k=0 then exit(initgjd(times)); if k mod 2=0 then exit(sqr(times(p,k div 2))) else exit(Cheng(sqr(times(p,k div 2)),p)); end; Procedure readgjd(var p:gjd);//读入一行高精度 var tmp:gjd; i:longint; c:char; begin initgjd(tmp); tmp.len:=0; while not eoln do begin read(c); if c='-' then tmp.zf:=not tmp.zf; if c in numbers then begin inc(tmp.len); tmp.d[tmp.len]:=ord(c)-ord('0'); end; end; readln; p:=tmp; for i:=1 to p.len do p.d[i]:=tmp.d[p.len-i+1]; end; Procedure print(p:gjd);//输出一行高精度 var i:longint; begin if not p.zf then write('-'); for i:=p.len downto 1 do write(p.d[i]); end; begin readgjd(a); readgjd(b); print(Add(a,b));writeln; print(minus(a,b));writeln; print(cheng(a,b)); writeln; print(divide(a,b));writeln; print(sqr(a)); writeln; print(sqr(b)); writeln; print(sqrt(a)); writeln; print(sqrt(b)); end.