Function Getlen(P:longint):longint; var i:longint; begin getlen:=0; for i:=1 to 31 do begin if p and 1=1 then getlen:=i; p:=p shr 1; end; end; Function GetBit(Num,bit:longint):boolean; begin if (num and (1 shl(bit-1)))=0 then exit(false) else exit(true); end; Procedure changeBit(var num:longint;bit:longint;opt:boolean); begin if opt then num:=num or (1 shl (bit-1)) else num:=num and not (1 shl (bit-1)); end; Function getblock(num:longint;start,len:longint):longint; var i,tmp:longint; begin tmp:=0; for i:=1 to len do tmp:=tmp or (1 shl (i-1)); Getblock:=(num and (tmp shl (start-1))) shr (start-1); end; Procedure changeBlock(var num:longint;start,opt:longint); var len,tmp,i:longint; begin len:=getlen(opt); tmp:=0; for i:=1 to len do begin tmp:=tmp or 1; tmp:=tmp shl 1; end; tmp:=not (tmp shl (start-1)); num:=num and tmp; num:=num or (opt shl (start-1)); end;